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Title Category Download Link
Annual Property Returns Statement (2010) Establishment View
Application for permission to Construct/Addition of a Building (2010) Establishment View
Form for Giving Prior Intimation or Seeking Previous Sanction in Respect of Immovable Property (2010) Establishment View
Application For Festival Advance (2010) Establishment View
Application for Leave Travel Concession Advance (2012) Establishment View
Application for Festival Advance (2011) Establishment View
Application for Leave & Joining Report (E.L./M.L.,C.L./C.H./R.H.- Faculty/Officers/Non-teaching) Establishment View
Application Proforma to Travel Abroad (2012) Establishment View
Surety Bond for Festival Advance (2012) Establishment View
Pension / Nomination Forms Establishment View
Application Form for an Advance for the Purchase of motor Car / Motor Cycle / Scooter / Personal Computer Establishment View
Form of Mortgage Bond for Motor Vehicle/ Personal Computer - Initial Advance Establishment View
APAR Form 2019-20 Establishment View