About Computer Centre

The Computer Centre was established in the year 1992 under a sanction by the UGC. As a central facility, it caters to the teaching/ learning, research needs of various Schools, Departments, Centres, UGC-HRDC, Directorates, Community College and also the needs of administrative sections of the University.

As an academic centre it is primarily catering to the teaching/learning and research needs of the various departments of the University in the areas of ICT and especially that of Computer Science department. The Centre is engaged in

  • Teaching/learning  programmes of the department of Computer Science 
  • Establishment and management of the IT infrastructure of the University
  • Offering IT Enabled Services (ITES) to the University Community
  • In-house software requirements and Training in the areas of ICT

The Centre works on all days of the year including holidays.

Working Hours:   

Working Days  -  9:00 AM to 5.30 PM

Holidays          -  10.00 AM to 5.00 PM