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Let COVID 19 not stop you from learning - ICT initiatives of MHRD and UGC

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Dr. Radhika Khanna, Head (i/c), EMRC

Tele-counselling during COVID-19

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Dr. Surendra Kumar Sia, Professor & Head, Department of Applied Psychology

Corona Virus (COVID-19) Relief Work for Single Women of Puducherry

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Dr. R. Nalini Professor & Head , Department of Social Work

Postponement of theory and practical examinations of all affiliated colleges

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Issuing Authority: 
Controller of Examinations (i/c) Pondicherry University

Free Trial Access to Magzster Gold Collection

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Issuing Authority: 
Dr. R. Samyuktha, University Librarian

Covid 19 inf- graphics announced by Department of Science and Technology

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Issuing Authority: 
Dean (Research) Pondicherry University

UGC Advisory on COVID -19 - STAY SAFE


UGC Advisory on COVID-19  - STAY SAFE

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Issuing Authority: 
Registrar (i/c) Pondicherry University

Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID - 19) – Instructions Issued

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Issuing Authority: 
Registrar (i/c), Pondicherry University

Donation of one day salary by Pondicherry University to fight against COVID-19 pandemic situation

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Issuing Authority: 
Registrar (i/c), Pondicherry University

Kind Information of Pondicherry University Library Users

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Issuing Authority: 
University Librarian