Contact us

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All enquiries and correspondence pertaining to the academic matters must be addressed to

The Director
Directorate of Distance Education,
Pondicherry University,
R.V. Nagar, Kalapet,
Puducherry - 605 014.
Phone : 0413-2654439,0413-2654440 Fax : 0413-2655258

All enquiries and correspondence pertaining to the academic matters (Mahe Region Only) must be addressed to

Section Officer
Directorate of Distance Education - Information Centre,
Pondicherry University- Mahe Centre
Mahe - 673 310
Phone : 0490-2332622
Mobile :
Email :

All enquiries and correspondence pertaining to the examinations must be addressed to

The Controller of Examinations

Pondicherry University,
R.V. Nagar, Kalapet,
Puducherry - 605 014.
Phone : 0413-2654513,0413-2654436