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Centre for European Studies

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About Department

The Centre for European Studies was established in 2012 by the University Grants Commission under its Area Studies Programme. The Centre intends to launch Ph.D and P.G. Diploma Programmes in European Studies from the forthcoming academic year. It is also to offer some soft core courses on different aspects of European Studies for the post graduate and 5-year integrated students. It is also intended to establish a Documentation Centre.



Research Activities

Major area of teaching and research of the Centre will be European Union in general, with special reference to major countries like France, Germany and the United Kingdom.  Within that framework, the following themes will be concentrated:

  1. European Foreign and Security Policy
  2. Interregional and Regional Cooperation – Europe and Asia (with special reference to India and China)
  3. European Economy and Business
  4. Environment and Development
  5. Conflict Transformation Studies
Objective of the Centre
  1. To promote holistic understanding of Europe with its cultural, social and economic moorings and strategic specificities.
  2. To create a hub of activities on European Studies
  3. To pursue theory and policy oriented studies and research.
Vision of the Centre
  1. To blossom into a Centre of Excellence for European Studies in India
  2. To provide platform for interdisciplinary teaching and research
  3. To develop network with Centres for European Studies in India and in Europe
  4. To enhance the visibility of the EU in India

Contact Us

Dr. G. Chandrika, Professor & Head, Centre for European Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry. 0413-2654335
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