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Old Question Paper for various PG Programme

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Master of Commerce - M.Com

2015 2016
Corporate Accounting Corporate Accounting
Management Concepts and Organisational Behaviour  Management Concepts and Organisational Behaviour 
Marketing Management Marketing Management
Financial Management Financial Management
Entrepreneurship Management Entrepreneurship Management
Business Environment and Law Business Environment and Law
Managerial Decisions Accounting Managerial Decisions Accounting
Merchant Banking and Financial Services Merchant Banking and Financial Services
Investment and Portfolio Management Investment and Portfolio Management
Statistical Analysis Statistical Analysis
E - Commerce E - Commerce
International Trade and Finance International Trade and Finance

Master of Arts in English-MA (English)

2015 2016
British Poetry British Poetry
British Drama British Drama
British Fiction British Fiction
Literacy -Criticism and Theory Literacy -Criticism and Theory
American Literature American Literature
Indian Writing in English Indian Writing in English
New Literature in English New Literature in English
Principles and methods of teaching of English Principles and methods of teaching of English
Basics of Journalism Basics of Journalism
Translation:  Theory and Practice Translation:  Theory and Practice
Linguistics and stylistics Linguistics and stylistics
Shakespeare Shakespeare

Master of Arts in Sociology-MA (Sociology)

2015 2016
Sociological Concepts Sociological Concepts
Sociological Thoughts Sociological Thoughts
Social Research Methods and Statistics Social Research Methods and Statistics
Sociology of India Sociology of India
Rural Sociology Rural Sociology
Social Movements in India Social Movements in India
Sociology of Mass Communication Sociology of Mass Communication
Urban Sociology Urban Sociology
Industrial Sociology Industrial Sociology
Sociology of Education Sociology of Education
Sociology of Health Sociology of Health

Master of Arts in Hindi -MA (Hindi)

2015 2016
Hindi Sahithya Ka ithihas Hindi Sahithya Ka ithihas
Prachin Evam Madhya Kaleen Kavya Prachin Evam Madhya Kaleen Kavya
Aadhunik Kavita Aadhunik Kavita
Katha Sahitya Katha Sahitya
Kalhetar Sahitya Kalhetar Sahitya
Bharathiya Sahithya Bharathiya Sahithya