March 2020

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Title News Type Post date
Damaging of Hostel Properties by the Inmates Circular 05-03-2020
National Level Conference – V-Prayukti Circular 05-03-2020
3rd National Conference on Drug Discovery & Development Circular 05-03-2020
Student Achievement - Congratulations Message Circular 05-03-2020
Sensitization Program for Aspiring Innovators/Entrepreneurs as Prelude to Startup Conclave 2020 Circular 05-03-2020
Ph.D. Public Viva – Voce Examintion of Mr.Vislavath Surender on 17th March 2020 Circular 05-03-2020
Women’s Day Celebration – Sports Events - Dept. of Physical Education & Sports Circular 05-03-2020
National Seminar on “Modeling & Simulation for Plasma Processing of Materials Events 05-03-2020
Pre-Ph.D. Synopsis Presentation of Sathish Kumar S on 18th March 2020 Circular 05-03-2020
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar Notification of Pavana M on 12th March 2020 Circular 05-03-2020
Public Viva – Voce Examination of Mr.S.Rajaguru on 13th March 2020 Circular 05-03-2020
Training on SciFindern Database Circular 05-03-2020
Two Day Capacity Building Workshop for Tertiary Level Teachers on the Theme Higher Education Teacher- The Best Practitioner Events 05-03-2020
PUKC Sports Club & Unispofest – 2019-20 Circular 04-03-2020
Preparation of University Prospectus for the Academic Year 2020-21- School/ Departments / Centre Circular 04-03-2020
Intramural Ball Badminton Tournament - 2020 Circular 04-03-2020
Recruitment of Research Fellow - Dept. of Physics Careers 04-03-2020
Two Days National level Training Programme on Disaster Management Events 04-03-2020
Notification for Ph.D. Public Viva – Voce Examination of Ms.Aruna Natarajan on 13th March 2020 Circular 04-03-2020
Three Day Workshop on Digital Humanities Events 04-03-2020
Five Day National Workshop Cum Faculty Development Programme Events 04-03-2020
Revised - Acting Workshop on Commedia Dell’ Arte Events 04-03-2020
Ph.D. Public Viva - Voce Examination of Mr. Ratheesh.S on 13th March 2020 Circular 04-03-2020
Display of Student’s Attendance Details Circular 04-03-2020
Submission of Accounts for Advances & Standing Advances Drawn During the Year 2019-20 Circular 03-03-2020