Central Instrumentation Facility

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Excellence in teaching and research by Science Schools need state-of-the-art sophisticated equipments, various workshops and support facilities. These equipments and facilities help the faculty, research scholars and students to carry out globally competitive R & D in basic and applied sciences. Since individual researchers may not be able to generate huge research funds for the research instruments, a few years back Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) was started in Pondicherry University with a mission to enrich the resources on a shared basis for promoting R and D with the following objectives.

  1. To strengthen technological infrastructure to carry out advanced research in various science disciplines under one roof and make their services available to academic schools and departments.
  2. To provide guidance for  acquisition of data and train personnel in operation and maintenance of Sophisticated Instruments.
  3. To organize short-term courses/workshops on the use and application of various spectroscopic and analytical techniques for students, teachers and technical personnel from our University, affiliated institutions, universities and industry in the region.

History and Organization:

Established as University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) in the year 1992 with the support of UGC. In the year 1997, it was absorbed as one of the centres by the University. In the year 2006, USIC was renamed as Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) and attached to the School of Physical, Chemical and Applied Sciences. It is governed by the Management Advisory Committee consisting of Vice-Chancellor as Chairman, Deans of all Science Schools, Heads of  all Science Departments, external Experts as members and its Co-ordinator as the Member Secretary.

The facilities of the CIF come under the following groups:
Mechanical Shop
Electronic shop
Analytical Instruments section.