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November 2019

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Title News Type Post date
Walk-in Interview for the Post of Guest Faculty - Dept. of Applied Psychology Careers 29-11-2019
Pre-Ph.D. Synopsis Presentation of Kala K U on 17th December 2019 Circular 29-11-2019
27th Convocation – Online Registration Circular 29-11-2019
Ph.D. Synopsis Public Presentation Notification of Mr.Bhargav Ram Rayapati on 18th December 2019 Circular 29-11-2019
Executive Summary & Evaluation Report of Dr. Joseph Selvin, Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Microbiology Circular 29-11-2019
Award of University PG Scholarship -Sanction Order Circular 29-11-2019
MHRD-NIRF, India Rankings 2020 Circular 29-11-2019
Official Language Month-2019 - Competitions for Wards of University Employees Circular 28-11-2019
Two Week Capacity Building Programme (CBP) for Young Social Science Faculty Circular 28-11-2019
Revised - Tender for Supply and Installation of a Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator System Tenders 28-11-2019
Ten Days Research Methodology Program for M.Phil. / Ph.D./ PDF Scholars in Social Sciences Research - Selected & Waiting list Events 28-11-2019
Advertisement for JRF/PA - Department of Chemistry Careers 28-11-2019
Biz Bima 2019 Events 28-11-2019
Biometric Attendance System for the Employees of Pondicherry University Circular 28-11-2019
Revised - Invitation for Expression of Interest for Conducting Official Language Month Competitions-2019 Circular 28-11-2019
Walk-in Interview for the Recruitment of a JRF/SRF - Dept. of Chemistry Careers 28-11-2019
Schedule for Allocation & Registration of Course for Even Semester in SAMS Circular 28-11-2019
Pre-Ph.D. Synopsis Presentation of Mr.Bhoomaiha.J on 16th December 2019 Circular 28-11-2019
Appointment of Liaison Officer & Grievance Redressal Officer to Look after Matters Relating to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) Circular 28-11-2019
AYUSH Award Scheme of Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine Circular 28-11-2019
Invitation for Expression of Interest for conducting Official Language Month Competitions-2019 Circular 27-11-2019
Compensatory Working Day on 14th December 2019 Circular 27-11-2019
Dept. of Posts, India – Request for Improving Machine Ability of the Mail Pieces Posted by our Organization Circular 27-11-2019
Request to Renew the Gate & Vehicle Entry Pass – Revised Circular 27-11-2019
Executive summary & Evaluation Report of Dr. S.K.V. Jayakumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Circular 27-11-2019
