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Pre-Primary School

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Pondicherry University is one of the fastest growing Central Universities in India both in terms of quality and quantity. In this 25th Silver Jubilee year, University has ventured to offer quality Pre-Primary Education through its newly established Pre-Primary School on the campus which is monitored by the School of Education of the University. This Pre- Primary School is meant for the wards of University employees. However, the vacant seats will be filled by children other than those of University employees as well.

"Vers la Lumière "
"Towards the light"

In the ancient times, ignorance was associated with darkness and knowledge was associated with light. Today, maintaining that ancient ethos and sprit, our school invokes the light to illumine the dark corners of our children’s minds.

Mission of the school is to provide a strong foundation for children to blossom into creative, productive and worthy citizens of our nation.

Objectives :
The main objectives of our Pre-Primary Education are to:

  • develop good physique, adequate muscular co-ordination and basic motor skills
  • develop good health and build basic skills
  • develop desirable social attitudes and manners
  • develop emotional maturity
  • inculcate  aesthetic appreciation in the child
  • motivate intellectual curiosity
  • promote ability to express child’s simple thoughts and feelings in fluent, accurate and clear speech
  • prepare adequately the child to enter the primary school through a large number of activities involving free use of language  included in the pre-primary programme

Salient Features of the School

  • Widespread Learning
  • Innovative Methods of Teaching
  • Exclusive writing font
  • Self-learning materials
  • Self-learning process
  • Learning at child’s own pace
  • Learning built on child’s knowledge
  • Learning without burden through play way
  • Easy transition to the best Primary Education
  • Multiple Intelligence Skills
  • Individual Attention
  • Specially designed progress card
  • Monitoring of the child’s progression in all dimensions of personality
  • Fieldtrips
  • Well-qualified, experienced, dedicated & caring staff
  • Air-conditioned classrooms
  • Classrooms with Computer & LCD Projector, DVD Players, Home Theatres, etc.
  • Regular parent-teacher meetings

Age for Admission
3+ as on 31st  July 2010 for Junior Nursery (LKG  )             -              20 seats
4+ as on 31st  July 2010 for Senior Nursery (UKG)              -              20 seats

Office Timings :
From  10.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Fees Structure :
Admission Fee  :               Rs.500/-
Fee per month  :               Rs.500/- (For 10 months – Rs.5,000/-)
Books and Notebooks:        Rs.1,000/- per annum
Uniform 2 sets : Rs.800/- (Material only estimated)

Application Form :

Application forms with prospectus can be obtained
(i) in person from the Day Care Centre, Pondicherry University on payment of Application fee of Rs.50/- (for SC/ST Rs.10/-) by Demand Draft (or)
(ii) by post sending a requisition to the Pre-Primary Teacher, Day Care Complex, Pondicherry University, R.V. Nagar, Kalapet – 605 014 only along with a Demand Draft for Rs.75/- (for SC/ST Rs.35/-) drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Pondicherry University payable at Puducherry. The Application form will be sent by ordinary post. The application once sold,cannot be taken back and the amount will not be refunded or adjusted.             
Submit completed forms along with a copy of Birth Certificate during office hours on or before 21st May 2010.



School Uniform :
- Every student must wear a clean uniform on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. 
- Each student will have a uniform as follows (Material to be brought from the school):

LKG        :             Boys      -              Pink checked shirt, Blue shorts
                              Girls       -              Pink checked shirt, Blue pinaform
                                                        Prescribed sandals for both boys and girls
UKG :                    Boys      -              Yellow checked shirt, Green shorts
                               Girls       -              Yellow checked shirt, Green pinaform
                                                       Prescribed sandals for both boys and girls

- Student must wear a colour dress on every Wednesday.


School Working Hours :

Morning session   :                09.45 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Lunch interval       :               12.30 p.m. to 01.30 p.m.
Afternoon session :               01.30 p.m. to 04.00 p.m.
Students are expected to be present 10 minutes before the commencement of each session.

Daycare Facilities are available after school hours up to 5.30 p.m. on additional payment of Rs.300/- per month.

Events of the School:

  • Children’s Day
  • Teacher’s Day
  • Republic Day
  • Independence Day
  • Annual Day
  • Competitions- Literary, Cultural and sports

Regularity & Attendance:

  • The children should have a minimum of 80% attendance of total working days of the year
  • Every absence should be supported by leave application duly signed by the parents
  • Children who are ill should not be sent to School.  In case of sick-leave for more than a week, medical certificate should be produced along with leave letter

Important note to Parents :

  • Parents / Guardians can visit their children after obtaining written permission from the In-charge. Only parents are allowed to take the children out from the school
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity, punctuality, discipline in their wards and by taking daily interest in the children’s progress 
  • Parents are requested to meet the teachers on second Friday of every month between 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. to discuss the progress of their wards
  • Parents are advised to send their children to school without any valuable jewels on their wards
  • Within 10 days from the date of admission, the parent should equip the child with the prescribed uniform and learning materials
  • Parents are requested to attend all meetings of Parent-Teacher Association without fail


Prof. (Mrs.) Chandra Krishnamurthy, Vice-Chancellor of the University is the Chairman and Chief Mentor of this Institution. The academic progression is monitored by Dr. M.S. Lalithamma, Dean, School of Education. The administrative processes are supervised by Dr. J. Sampath,  Registrar (i/c)  and  Shri. S.Suresh Kumar, IA & AS, Finance Officer, Academic Co-ordination is done by Prof. K. Chandrashekara Rao and Dr. S. Padmapriya, faculty members of the University.

 Teaching Staff          :  Smt. M. Muruga Juria M.A., DECCE.
                                      Smt. P. Sagayamary B.Sc., DECCE.

 Contact Person         : Smt. M. Muruga Juria, Programme In-charge.

 Phone                        :  (0413) 2654318