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In the course of green revolution, India has stirred from food scare to food secure country. However, over the years, food security and safety is re-emerging as a predicament due to lack of focus on food processing and preservation technology sector. In the recent years, there has been amplified focus on this sector and Food technology has been identified by the Government of India as sun rise industry due to its gargantuan impact and significance in the Indian development sector. The importance of food technology lies in the verity that it has the potential to provide food to our population through scientific conservations, eliminating losses and making available more balanced and nutritious food. Further, to cater to the needs of trained manpower with necessary professional skills in food industry and to educate quality work force in the field of food science and nutrition, the department of Food Science and Technology (Formerly Food Science and Nutrition) under the School of Life Sciences was established in the year 2007 offering post graduate course in Food Science and Nutrition. From the current academic year (2009-2010), post graduate course in Food science and Technology is being offered. Food technology being interdisciplinary in nature will be utilizing the expertise and facilities available in the Department of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and statistics.
The selection of students for the M.Sc. Food Science and Nutrition is based on entrance examination conducted at various centres in the country. The test consists of multiple choice questions in physiology, microbiology, food science, nutrition, biochemistry, dietetics and allied areas.
M.Sc. Food Science and Nutrition
M. Sc Food Science and Technology
At present the department has a floor area of 1000 sq. m. The four laboratories have already been setup in the Department for Microbiology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition practicals which are well equipped with debonair instruments and accessories. Further the department of Food Science and Technology has necessary physical facilities including four air conditioned class rooms, seminar hall , computer center, pilot plant and cold room, product development lab, food analysis lab, instrument room etc.
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