Day Care Centre

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A child care facility namely Day Care Centre functions on the campus of the University for the benefit of the children of our University employees (faculty and staff) and also the children of married research scholars. Children are taken care by trained and dedicated caretakers with the assistance of two helpers. School going children are also permitted to avail of the facilities of Day Care Centre during the period of summer vacation.

Children are allowed to play, learn good habits, carry out disciplined good activity, sing nursery rhymes, play with toys, indoor bicycles, watch cartoon films on TV, learn basic alphabets, etc. Facilities to feed the children with home made food and filtered water are available. Sleeping facility for all children such as  mini Cots, cradles and separate sick beds are available. All rooms are  with hygienic atmosphere. The surroundings are covered with concrete to avoid entry of snakes, scorpion, ants, insects etc.

Eligibilty: Only from the age of 3 months onwards up to  the age of 3 years children of University employees and married research scholars  are eligible to join the free Day Care Centre .

Contact :

Dr. A. Shahin Sultana

Intercom : 2654954

Mobile    : 8903306712

Email      :,