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Hostels & Dining

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Presently, there are 17 hostels in the campus, 11 for men, 5 for women students/research scholars and 1 for foreign students. The hostel administration is headed by the Chief Warden and his team of wardens and its office is located in the Maulana Azad Hostel. 

  • Currently, the total  occupancy capacity  in all the hostels is  1500 residents
  • SC/ST students and all women  students are exempted from payment of room rent
  • Differently-abled students are provided free accommodation and food
  • Two more hostels exclusively for research scholars - one for men and another for women shall be  added shortly
  • Seperate hostels for Men and Women are available at PG Centre,Karaikal
  • Limited hostel facilities are available at Port Blair Centre of the University

Students from distant places will be given preference on first come first served basis.

Hostel admission, fees and discipline admission to the hostels will be subject to the recommendations of the concerned Head of the Department, the approval of the Chief Warden, and subject to availability of rooms.

Hostel Fees:

        The caution deposit of Rs.3000/- (for Indian nationals) and Rs.6000/- (for foreign nationals) is to be paid while joining the hostel. This will be refunded after vacating the hostel by means of account transfer/account payee cheque subject to surrender of original challan, after deducting dues if any. Open cheque will not be issued under any circumstances. Therefore students must necessarily open bank account.

        The rent is to be paid every year during the beginning of the Academic year in June/July as follows:

1, PG and M.Phil student (Room Rent for 10 months) : Rs.900/- p.a

2. Ph.D (Room Rent for 10 months) : Rs.1800/-p.a

3. General Amenities Fund : Rs.500/-p.a

4. Establishment Charges : Rs.300/- p.a

5. Application Fees (at the time of admission only) : Rs.25/-

No room rent is charged from girl students and SC/ ST boy students (copy of community certificate duly attested by a Gazetted Officer to be produced). However they have to pay all other fees like application for admission, general amenities fund, establishment charges, Caution Deposit, mess fees, etc. Hostel accommodation for M.Phil. students and Ph.D. students are 15 months and 4 years respectively from the date of admission / occupation of hostel rooms. They cannot stay in the hostel beyond this period even if they have not submitted their theses or not completed the viva.

Duration of Stay

M.Phil    -  15 months of stay from the date of admission to the hostel.
Ph.D      -  4 years from the date of admission to the hostel.

Note: Except Research Scholars, all students must vacate the hostel during summer vacation. Disciplinary action will be taken against those hostellers who do not pay their dues on time. Students must obtain No Dues certificate for Mess & Room Rent from hostel office before writing semester exams producing challans for payment of Hostel dues. Those who are availing Bank Loan must keep their original challans for caution deposit for claiming refund while vacating hostel, and photo copies for other challans with Bank seal.

Students who are admitted to the hostels are provided food in the mess. All the messes, except the research scholars, have been outsourced. The hostel messes are run by experienced and qualified caterers. The messes offer meals at moderate rates.

Mess Fees
Mess fees The mess fee is to be paid in two instalments in a year - June and January as follows: The present rates for boys are Rs.8100/- (June) and Rs. 5400/- (January) and for Girls Rs. 7200/- and Rs. 4800/- respectively. These rates are likely to be increased. Exact rates will be intimated at the time of admission.

The University provides a Mess Subsidy Grant of Rs. 400/- per month to the inmates of the hostels based on the annual income of the parents which should not exceed Rs.4.5 lakhs p.a. (the limit prescribed for creamylayer) subject to approval by the Vice- Chancellor (copy of Annual Income certificate Issued by Revenue Officials duly attested by a Gazetted Officer to be produced).

All communication from the inmates to the University authorities shall be routed through the proper channel, i.e. through the wardens of the respective hostels and Chief warden. Any subversive activity, misdemeanor, obnoxious behavior, flouting of Hostel Rules & Regulation, misconduct, disobedience, ragging, failure to clear dues, etc. shall be severely punished, and even result in dismissal from the hostel by the University, whose interpretation of the rules shall be final.

General Facilities

The University Health Centre offers medical facilities round the clock to the students residing in the hostels. For the mobility of the students from Hostels to Departments, Library, Computer Center, etc., bus facility is provided within the campus for every half-an-hour during working days. In addition to University buses and vans, battery operated vehicles and bicycles are also plying in the campus free of cost throughout the day covering all hostels to enable the students to visit departments, library, lab etc. Wifi connectivity is also provided to all hostels to enable the students to have 24 hours internet access.

University Hostel Rules & Regulations

Name Intercom Residence Mobile
Chief Warden (Men) Dr.S.Sudalai Muthu 2654886 -- 9443212314
Chief Warden (Women) Dr. D. Sultana 2654467 2254263 9994078707
Deputy Registrar Shri. P. Subramanian 2654886 2242393 9442545603
Hostel Office (Men)   2654634 --  
Hostel Office (Women)   2654292 --  


Hostel Name Warden Name Intercom Tel.No Mobile No.
1 C.V.Raman Hostel Dr. C. Satheesh Kumar 972 2654972 9444722061
2 Subramania Bharathiar Hostel Dr.M.Suresh Kumar 583 2654583 9486267366
3 Bharathidasan Hostel Dr.Subhadip Bhadra - -- 9994653394
4 Tagore Hostel Dr.R.Vijayakumar 616 2654616 9943539330
5 Kamban Hostel Mr. Anil Pradeep Giri 778 2654778 7200526855
6 Ilangoadigal Hostel Dr.P.B.Shankar Narayanan 960 2654960 9789107917
7 Valmiki Hostel Dr. P.S. Velmurugan 695 2654695 9944115566
8 Kannadasan Hostel Dr.Pradeep Kumar Parida 387 2654387 9442035046
9 Kabirdas Hostel Dr. A. Ramesh Naidu 632 2654632



Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan

Dr. Rajesh Gururaj Kundargi 767 2654767 9443727908
11 Academic Staff College Hostel Dr. Ajeet Jaiswal 766 2654766 9791201427
12 Kalidas Hostel Dr. Santhosh Mathew 754 2654754 9487982282
13 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Hostel Mr.Mangkhollen Singhson 809 2654809 9442106179
14 Foreigh Student’s Hostel Shri. M. Rejoyson Thangal 691 2654691 9042791943
15 Hostels (Section Officer) Mr.G.Haridassane 634 -- 9487062947
16 Yamuna Hostel Dr.Manisha Kumari -- -- 8056462485
17 Cauvery Hostel DR. REKHA.R.V 810 2654810 9443133141
18 Saraswathy Hostel Dr.Syeda Noor Fathima 704 2654704 9655486156
19 Ganga Hostel Dr. Sabiah 710 2654710 9626815299
20 Kalpana  Chawla Hostel Dr. Sudesh pundir 668 2654668 9443212530
21 Madame Curie Hostel Dr.valerie dkhar 765 2655765 8940739628
22 Mother Teresa Mega Mess -- -- -- --
23 Karaikal Centre (Boys - I) Dr.S.Amilan -- -- --
24 Karaikal Centre (Boys - II) Dr.S.A.Senthil Kumar -- -- --
25 Karaikal Centre (Women) Dr.Sheena -- -- --
26 Port Blair (Ladies) Dr.Gadi Padmavati -- -- --



SI.NO. Name of  Hostel No.of Rooms Occupancy
 Hostels for Men
1. Pavendar Bharathidasan Hostel 62 62
2. Subramania Bharathi Hostel 62 62
3. Kamban Hostel 63 126
4. Tagore Hostel 63 126
5. Kalidas Hostel 45 90
6. Ilango Adigal Hostel 48 96
7. Valmiki Hostel 74 148
8. Kannadasan Hostel 74 148
9. Kabirdass Hostel 74  219
10. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Hostel 74  209
11. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Hostel 74 190
12. Foreign Students' Hostel 16 32
Hostels for Women
13. Cauveri Hostel 77 154
14. Ganga Hostel 48 96
15. Saraswathi Hostel 36 36
16. Yamuna Hostel 47 94
17. Kalpana Chawla Hostel 74 226