April 2011

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Title News Type Post date
Tender for Modification of existing steps to convert as ramp at the entrance of Management Studies building & Construction of four wheeler parking shed for the Type-IV quarters (D5 to D12) Tenders 30-04-2011
Recruitment of Junior Research Fellowship - Dept.of Chemistry Careers 29-04-2011
Recruitment of Research Assistant - School of Education Careers 29-04-2011
Tender for Internal and External Electrification work - reg Tenders 29-04-2011
Tender for purchase of Digital Camera with accessaries - Centre for Electronic Media Tenders 29-04-2011
Tender for purchases of Digital Copier with Printer - Dept. of Mathematics Tenders 29-04-2011
Tender for annual maintenance of Staff Quarters Tenders 29-04-2011
Invitation for Annual Day Celebrations by PUPPS on 4th May 2011 Events 29-04-2011
Invitation for Synopsis Presentation of Ms.U.Thiripurasundari on 3rd May 2011 - Dept. of Commerce Events 29-04-2011
Presentation on “Fulbright Program Opportunities” on 3 May 2011 Events 29-04-2011
Pre-Ph.D. Submission Seminar of Mrs.V.Amouda on 2nd May 2011 - Dept. of Computer Science Circular 29-04-2011
Ph.D. Synopsis Pubic Presentation of Mrs.K.Saruladha on 2nd May 2011 - Dept. of Computer Science Circular 29-04-2011
National Science Day Celebration - 2011, Puduvai Vaani. Events 29-04-2011
Quotation called for Printing of Coffee Table Book (under two bid systems) Tenders 29-04-2011
Ph.D. Synopsis Presentation of Mr.P.Srinivasan on 3rd May 2011 - Dept. of Economics Circular 28-04-2011
The 25th April 2011 is declared as Holiday for the University Circular 28-04-2011
Willingness to post a few support staff to Pondicherry University PG Centre, Karaikal Circular 28-04-2011
Ph.D. Synopsis Submission Seminar of Mr. A.Dhanabal on 2nd May 2011, Department of Physical Education & Sports. Circular 28-04-2011
Self Appraisal Formats & Peer Assessment of Faculty by Faculty on or before 02-05-2011 Circular 28-04-2011
Ph.D. Synopsis Submission Seminar of Mr. A.Dhanabal on 2nd May 2011, Department of Physical Education & Sports Circular 28-04-2011
Ph.D. Synopsis Submission of Mr. V.SooriaMurthy on 29th April 2011, Department of Physical Education & Sports Circular 28-04-2011
Engagement of Still Photographer for 21st Convocation Circular 21-04-2011
Inauguration of Dr. Moulana Abul Kalam Azad Hostels - Transport Arrangements. Events 21-04-2011
Public Viva Voce Examination of Mr. K. S.Suresh on 29th April 2011, Department of English Circular 20-04-2011
Symposium on Folklore: Exploring Dalit Culture on 21.04.11, Department of English Events 20-04-2011
