Student News

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Soft Core Courses - Dept. of Anthropology

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. A.Chellaperumal, HOD, Dept. of Anthropology

Soft Core Courses - Centre for Women's Studies

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. Usha V.T, Centre Head, Centre for Women's Studies

Time Slot for Soft Core Course (Indian Administration) - Dept. of Politics & Int. Studies

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. N.K.Kumaresan Raja, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Politics & Int. Studies

Soft Core Course - Centre for Study of Social Exclusion & Incl. Policy

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Prof. T.S.Naidu, Director, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion & Incl. Policy

Exam Notification Circular - Dept. of Computer Science, Karaikal Campus

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. S. Bhuvaneswari, Reader & Head, Dept. of Computer Science, Karaikal Campus

Time Table - End Semester Examinations Nov. 2013 - Dept. of Hindi

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
HOD, Dept. of Hindi

Application for One Semester Programme in Jean Moulin University, Lyon 3 France

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Prof. C.S.Radhakrishnan, Co-ordinator, MOU between PU & Lyon 3 University, France

Time Table - End Semester Examinations Nov - Dec 2013 - Dept. of Economics

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. M.Ramachandran, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Economics

Time Table - Odd Semester Examination Nov’13 - Dept. of English

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. S. Murali, Prof. & Head, Dept. of English

Time Table - M.A. End Semester Examination Nov. 2013 - Dept. of Anthropology

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.A.Chellaperumal, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Anthropology