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Ph.D. Public Viva – Voce Examintion of Mr.Vislavath Surender on 17th March 2020

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Issuing Authority: 
Dr. P.K.Subramaniam, Professor & Head, Dept. of Physical Education and Sports

Women’s Day Celebration – Sports Events - Dept. of Physical Education & Sports

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. D. Sultana, Director (i/c) Dept. of Physical Education & Sports

National Seminar on “Modeling & Simulation for Plasma Processing of Materials



Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.Suraj Kumar Sinha, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics

Pre-Ph.D. Synopsis Presentation of Sathish Kumar S on 18th March 2020

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.G.Vinod Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Physical Education & Sports

Pre-Ph.D. Seminar Notification of Pavana M on 12th March 2020

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Prof. V.V.Ravi Kanth Kumar, Professor & Head, Dept. of Physics

Public Viva – Voce Examination of Mr.S.Rajaguru on 13th March 2020

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. P.K.Subramaniam, Professor & Head, Dept. of Physical Education and Sports

Training on SciFindern Database

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Issuing Authority: 
University Librarian

Two Day Capacity Building Workshop for Tertiary Level Teachers on the Theme Higher Education Teacher- The Best Practitioner

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Prof. Mumtaz Begum, Dean & Head, School of Education

PUKC Sports Club & Unispofest – 2019-20

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.S.A.Senthil Kumar, Professor & Centre Head, Karaikal Campus

Preparation of University Prospectus for the Academic Year 2020-21- School/ Departments / Centre

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Issuing Authority: 
Assistant Registrar, Academic - Admissions