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New Pension Scheme Annual Statement for the year 2010-2011

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Deputy Registrar (F&A)

Lecture on "Information Hiding in Covert Communications"

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.Dhavachelvan.P, H.O.D, Dept. of Computer Science

Invited Lecture on Genome Engineering by Dr.S.Chandrasegaran - 15th July 2011

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. P.P.Mathur, Centre Head

Invited Lecture on Role of CD82 in Prostate tumor metastasis by Dr.Suganthi Sridhar - 19th July 2011

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. P.P.Mathur, Centre Head

API score in Category-III

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Deputy Registrar (Admn)

Bust of "Srinivasa Ramanujan" on 15.07.2011

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.A.M.S.Ramasamy, Dean

Pre Ph.D. presentation of Ms. Rasmi Patnaik on 21st July & 3.30 PM

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Research Supervisor & Convener, Depart. of Ecol.& Env. Sciences

Ph.D.Public Viva-Voce Examination of Mrs.Soosila Bhai.L., on 02-08-2011 at 10.30.a.m

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Prof.V.Vizialakshmi, Head and Research Supervisor