Procedure for Availing Facility

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The instruments are available to all the students, research scholars and faculty members of the university and affiliated institutions and also other educational institutions, research labs and industry also on chargeable basis as mentioned in the table below. The users are to submit the requisition forms with the samples. Outstation users may contact the centre by e-mail ( and / ( to reserve time slot for their use and visit with the samples on the date of appointment.

List of Requisition forms for various instruments are as follows:

  1. Circular Dichroism Spectrometer (CDS)
  2. Broad band Dielectric Spectrometer (BDS)
  3. Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA)
  4. Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC)
  5. Fluorescence Assisted Cell Sorter (FACS)
  6. Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer (FTIR)
  7. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR)
  8. Gamma chamber
  9. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  10. High Performance Thin layer Chromatography (HPTLC)
  11. High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HR-TEM)
  12. Ion Chromatography System (ICS)
  13. Raman Spectroscopy Analysis
  14. Planetary Micro Mill (Pulverisette)
  15. Particle Size Analyzer
  16. Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS)
  17. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
  18. Semi-macro Elemental analyzers (CHNS)
  19. Spectrofluorometer
  20. Surface Area Analyzer
  21. Thermal Analysis
  22. UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer
  23. Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
  24. Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (WD-XRF)


The Charges levied for the usage of analytical facilities are as follows.

Analytical Equipment
Affiliated Colleges & Other Educational / National Research Institutions.
In Rs.
Industrial Commercial Organizations
In Rs.
1 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer
  per sample – abs / transmission / Diff. Reflectance
100 300
2 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
a. VSM per sample, ambient measurement
b. Low T or high T measurement for each point
3. Scanning Electron Microscope - Hitachi- S-3400N    
  a. SEM per hour
b. Gold coating per sample
c. EDX – analysis per hour
4. Spectroflouorimeter - Flouorolog – FL3 -11
a.Emission Studies
b.Life time studies
5. 400 MHz NMR Specrtometer * 600 1800
6. Wavelength Dispersive-XRF
(If more than six elements are to be identified in the same system an additional charge of `..40/-will be charged for each subsequent element.)
300 900
(Rs.500/- per sample using the standard heating rate of 10K/min. For slower heating rates, charges will be according to the number of hours taken for measurement at the rate of Rs.500/- per hour or part thereof)
500 1500
8. Broad band dielectric Spectrometer *
(For basic measurements extending over a period of One hour only – additional cost will be levied at the rate of Rs.600/= per hour part thereof)
600 1800
9. High performance Liquid Chromatograph *
( For basic measurements extending over period of oe hour only – additional cost will be levied at the rate of Rs.500/= per hour or part thereof)
500 1500

* Slots booked for outside users subject to the availability of solvent / electrodes / probes etc..

For any further details contact:

Dr. Bala Manimaran,
Professor of Chemistry and Centre Head,
Central Instrumentation Facility,

Pondicherry University,

R.V. Nagar, Kalapet

Puducherry - 604014

Phone:0413-2654433 (O) & 2654433, 2654414