Faculty / Staff

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The following are the faculty and staff of Central Instrumentation Facility

   Name of the Staff    Designation    Educational  Qualification    Specialization/Trade
Dr.Bala Manimaran Head (i/c) & Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D. Organometalics, Nanoscale Materials and Supramolecular Chemistry
Er.S.Ramasamy Technical Officer - I M.Tech., PGDDI Electronics Design, Microcontroller based Instrumentation
Er. P.Thillaimani Technical Officer – I M.E., DCPCI General electronics, Analytical instrumentation
V.Carounagarane Senior Technician ITI - NCVT Machinist
R.Elumalai Technician - II Dip.IETE Electronics
S. Elisa Fathima Senior Lab. Assistant M. Sc. Physics
M.Mohanraj Technician - I ITI - NCVT Electronics
R. Kopalakrishnan Senior Lab. Technician B. Sc. MCA Physics
S. Prabhakaran Lab Attendent M. Sc. Botany

Junior Assistant and Office attendant provide administrative support.