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June 2017

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Title News Type Post date
Power Shutdown on 5th July 2017 Circular 30-06-2017
Walk -in -Interview- ICSSR- Major Research Project for Research Assistant Careers 30-06-2017
Ph.D Synopsis Notification of Mr.A.D.Abin Rejeesh on 05th July 2017 Circular 30-06-2017
Ph.D Public Viva-Voce Examination of Mr.M.Raghul on 13th July 2017 Circular 30-06-2017
Ph.D Public Viva-Voce Examination of G.Pushpavalli on 10th July 2017 Circular 30-06-2017
Admission Notification for M.Sc. 5 Year Integrated Programme Admission 30-06-2017
Ph.D. Public Viva-Voce Notice of Mr.N. Someshwar on 12th July 2017 Circular 30-06-2017
Preparation of 31st Annual Report 2016-17 -particulars-Invited-Reminder-I Circular 30-06-2017
Notification for Pre- Ph.D Synopsis Presentation of Ms.Jonti Deuri on 12th July 2017 Circular 30-06-2017
Notice of Ph.D Viva Voce Examination of Ms.Euginia Diana Mukhim on 10th July 2017 Circular 30-06-2017
NOTIFICATION ALERT Circular 30-06-2017
Intimation of date for 25th Convocation -Online Registration for attending the convocation Circular 30-06-2017
Notice Inviting Tender for Supply of Electrical Materials Tenders 30-06-2017
Implementation of SAMS Training for Office Staff on 4th July 2017 & 5th July 2017 Circular 30-06-2017
Inviting nominations for the post of Assistant Director (Computer) in the SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad- by deputation (including short term contract) for one year Circular 29-06-2017
Farewell function arranged on Friday 30th June,2017 (i) Shri K.Sathiyavelu, Senior Assistant, Examination Wing (ii) Shri B.Elumalai, Sr.Lab.Attendant, Dept .of Physical Education & Sports (iii) Shri G.Ramasamy, Horticulture Attendant, Examination Wing Circular 29-06-2017
Notification for Ph.D.Public Viva-Voce Examination of Ms.G.Sameera on 14th July 2017 Circular 29-06-2017
Admission Without Payment of fees in respect of SC/ST Students Undertaking Circular 29-06-2017
Ph.D Public Viva Examination of Mr.K.S. Aneeshkumar on 19th July 2017 Circular 29-06-2017
Ph.D Synopsis Presentation of Mr.K.Subramanyam on 11th July 2017 Circular 29-06-2017
Ph.D Public Viva-Voce Examination Notification of Mrs.Fouziya Sulthana On 14th July 2017 Circular 29-06-2017
Ph.D Public Viva-Voce Notification of Mrs.S.Guna Sundari on 07th July 2017 Circular 29-06-2017
Extension of Appointment Notice - Advertisement for the post of Finance Officer, Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Teaching Positions in the Sikkim University, Gangtok,Sikkim Circular 29-06-2017
Submission of Proposals related to Laboratory Animal based research work for IAEC Circular 29-06-2017
Advertisement for the post of one - Research Associate (RA)/ Senior Research Fellow(SRF)/Junior Research Fellow (JRF) -Research Project Careers 29-06-2017
