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World Tourism Day Celebration 2019

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Issuing Authority: 
Dr.Sampad Kumar Swain, Professor & Head, Dept. of Tourism Studies

International Coastal Cleanup Day

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Issuing Authority: 
Dr.C.Satheesh Kumar, Programme Co-ordinator, National Service Scheme

Numismatics Society of India – 102nd Annual Conference at Kolkata

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Issuing Authority: 
Assistant Registrar (P&D)

Jal Shakti Campus – Pondicherry University Swachhta Pakhwada – 2019

Registration Form

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Issuing Authority: 
Dr.K.Srinivasamoorthy, Co-ordinator, Dept. of Earth Sciences

Alumni Meet 2019 - Dept. of Computer Science

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Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr. T. Chithralekha, Professor & Head (i/c), Dept. of Computer Science

Four Week Faculty Induction Programme Tertiary Teacher-the Ardent Researcher - PMMMNMTT Scheme-MHRD/GoI


Application Form

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Issuing Authority: 
Prof. Mumtaz Begum, Dean & Head, School of Education

Induction Programme & Distinguished Lecture

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Dean, School of Life Sciences

Two Weeks International Course On Digital Humanities Research Methods

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Issuing Authority: 
Dr.Ujjwal Jana, Associate Professor, Dept. of English

Le Ciel’19 Nit Puducherry’s

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Prof.A. Shahin Sultana, Dean, Student’s Welfare

Invited Talk on A Critical Reading of Walter Benjamain’s the work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

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Issuing Authority: 
Dr. H. Kalpana, Professor and Head, Dept. of English