Call for Papers: The International Journal of South Asian Studies

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International Journal of South Asian Studies

ISSN 0974 - 2514
Department of Politics & International Studies
Pondicherry University, India - 605 014
Call for Papers
The International Journal of South Asian Studies is inviting original empirical research and theoretical studies on religion, ethnicity, bi-lateral and multi-lateral relations, trade and economic relations, gender and development studies, civil society movements and studies on democracy, problems of marginalized sections, cross border terrorism and violation of human rights, ecology and environment, issues in governance at the local, national and regional levels for its July-December 2011, Vol.4, No.2 issue.
Style Sheet
An Abstract of the article in about 150 words must accompany the papers. The length of research papers shall be between 5000 and 7000 words. However, short notes, perspectives and lengthy papers will be published if the contents could justify.
1.      The paper may be composed in MS-Words format, Times New Roman font with heading in Font Size 14 and the remaining text in the font size 12 with 1.5 spacing. 
2.      Notes should be numbered consecutively, superscripted in the text and attached to the end of the article. References should be cited within the text in parenthesis. e.g. (Sen 2003:150).  
3.      Spelling should follow the British pattern: e.g. ‘colour’, NOT ‘color’.
4.      Quotations should be placed in double quotation marks. Long quotes of above 4 (four) lines should be indented in single space.
5.      Use italics for title of the books, newspaper, journals and magazines in text, end notes and bibliography.
6.      In the text, number below 100 should be mentioned in words (e.g. twenty eight). Use “per cent”, but in tables the symbol % should be typed.
7.      Notes should be placed at the end of the text and their location in the text marked by superscript Arabic Numerals. References should be cited within the text in parenthesis.
8.      Bibliography should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the text and must be complete in all respect. Examples:
1)      Hoffmann, Steven (1990): India and the China Crisis, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
2)      Bhalla and Hazell (2003): “Rural Employment and Poverty: Strategies to Eliminate Rural Poverty within a Generation”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.33, No.33, August 16, pp.3473-84.
All articles are, as a rule, referred to experts in the subjects concerned. Those recommended by the referees alone will be published in the Journal after appropriate editing. No article shall be sent for publication in the Journal if it is currently being reviewed by any other Journal or press or if it has already been published or will be published elsewhere.
Original papers that fall within the scope of the Journal shall be submitted to the Editor Dr. Mohanan B Pillai, Professor & Head, Department of Politics & International Studies, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry-605014 by surface mail and E-mail on or before September 30, 2011.
E-mail ID for paper submission: or or
Last Date: 
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Issuing Authority: 
HOD, Dept. of Politics & International Studies