Director (i/c), HRDC - Desk

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The Human Resource Development Centre of Pondicherry University has as its primary structure, the creation of an institution that addresses the academic needs of the teaching community. It aims to bring Resource Persons who have expertise in their chosen areas to impart knowledge and create an environment for the enhancement of to the pedagogical and domain skills of the teachers. It conducts Orientation Courses, Refresher Courses and Short Term Courses with the aim of enhancing the knowledge in disciplines which have been chosen for such courses. Our main aim is to widen the intellectual horizon of our participants by exposing them to leaders in the field. Our Orientation courses aim at providing a holistic framework for the enhancement of teaching and academic skills by concentrating an 4 components (a) Technology (b) Practice of Teaching and Philosophy of Education (c) Personality Development and (d) Culture, History and heritage of India. The UGC has identified these four components as important and HRDC-PU aims at fulfilling their mandate.

We wish all our participants well and we hope that their stay in Pondicherry in memorable and useful.

Prof.Venkata Raghotham
Officer on Special  Duty, HRDC