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| Pondicherry University
Assistant Professor
Degree Specialization University / Institution Year of Completion
1 PDF Fabrication and modification of Graphene and other 2D materials INHA University, South Korea 2016
2 PDF Fabrication and modification of Graphene University of Ulsan South Korea 2013
3 Ph.D. Physics (Nano semiconductors) University of Delhi 2012
4 M.Sc. Physics Bharathiar University 2006
5 B.Sc. Physics Bharathiar University 2004
Total Experience:
4 years
Area of Specialization/Interest:
2D-Materials: Graphene, MoS2, Black Phosphors.
2D-Materials, Metal, and Metal oxide hetero-structures.
Surface and Interface study of 2D materials.
Chemical Sensor and Bio-sensors
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/vrmuthu
Publications (in last 3 years):
K. Vijayarangamuthu, M.S. Song, E.J. Han, K.J. Jeon, and J.W. Seo., “Enhancement of photocatalytic disinfection of surface modified rutile TiO2 nanocatalyst”, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering , vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 2392-2395, 2016.
S. Ahn, K. Vijayarangamuthu, and Ki-Joon Jeon., “Morphology Control of Zinc Oxide Nanostructure on Single Layer Graphene”, J Nanosci Nanotechnol , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 4417-4421, 2016.
K. Vijayarangamuthu, EunJi Han, and Ki-Joon Jeon., “Low frequency ultrasonication of P25 TiO2 and its superior photocatalytic properties”, J Nanosci Nanotechnol , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 4399-4404, 2016.
Vijayarangamuthu Kalimuthu, Seungbae Ahn, Hyungtak Seo, Sang Hee Yoon, Cheol-Min Park, and Ki Joon Jeon, “Temporospatial control of graphene wettability”, Advanced Materials , vol. 28, pp. 661-667, 2016.
K. Vijayarangamuthu and S. Rath, "UV photoluminescence from nanocrystalline tin oxide synthesized by a one-step hydrothermal method, Materials Letters , vol. 157, pp. 11-14, 2015.
M. Kovendhan, D. P. Joseph, P. Manimuthu, A. Sendilkumar, S. Karthick, S. Sambasivam, K. Vijayarangamuthu, H. J. Kim, B. C. Choi and K. Asokan, "Prototype electrochromic device and dye sensitized solar cell using spray deposited undoped and ‘Li’doped V 2 O 5 thin film electrodes”, Current Applied Physics , vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 622-631, 2015.
K. Vijayarangamuthu and S. Rath, "Nanostructured Tin Oxide as a Surface‐enhanced Raman Scattering Substrate for the Detection of Nitroaromatic Compounds”, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology , vol. 12, pp. 790-794, 2015.
K. Vijayarangamuthu and S. Rath, "Nanoparticle size, oxidation state, and sensing response of tin oxide nanopowders using Raman spectroscopy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds , vol. 610, pp. 706-712, 2014.
K. Vijayarangamuthu and S. Rath, "Modification of the structural and optical properties of tin oxide nanoparticles by Co doping and thermal annealing”, Applied Physics A , vol. 114, no. 4, pp. 1181-1188, 2014.
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Participated(Last 3 Years):
“Heterojunction of Black Phosphorous on Single Layer Graphene”, Vijayarangamuthu Kalimuthu, Seungbae Ahn, Cheol-Min Park, and Ki-Joon Jeon, MRS Spring Meeting-2016 , Phoenix, Arizona, March 28 - April 01, 2016.
“Modification of Rutile TiO2 via Microwave Irradiation with H2O2”, Vijayarangamuthu Kalimuthu, Eunji Han, and Ki-Joon Jeon, MRS Spring Meeting-2016 , Phoenix, Arizona, March 28 - April 01, 2016.
“Graphene and Nanostructured Materials: Material Synthesis and Applications”, 2015 Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Conference , ICC, Jeju, South Korea, 6th November 2015. (Talk)
“Fabrication of single layer graphene oxide with controlled oxygen adatom coverage” Vijayarangamuthu Kalimuthu, Seungbae Ahn, and Ki-Joon Jeon, Nano Korea - 2015 , COEX, Seoul, South Korea, July 1~3, 2015. (Talk)
“Controlled distribution of oxygen adatoms on single layer graphene” Vijayarangamuthu Kalimuthu, Seungbae Ahn, and Ki-Joon Jeon, MRS Spring Meeting-2015 , San Francisco, CA, April 6~10, 2015.
Presented a paper in “Workshop on Physics of Radiation Effect and its Simulation for Non-Metallic Condensed Matter” conducted by International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) held at Trieste, Italy.
Honours / Awards (if any):
Awarded DST-Inspire Faculty position (Feb-2016).
Article published as Cover page in Advanced Materials, vol. 28, pp. 594, 2016.
Post-Doc Fellowship, Inha University, South Korea.
Brain Korea-21, Post-Doc Research Fellow, University of Ulsan.
Selected by International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) to participated and present a paper in “Workshop on Physics of Radiation Effect and its Simulation for Non-Metallic Condensed Matter” held at ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) awarded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India.
Project Fellow (JRF) on a project titled as “Nanocrystalline porous silicon for optical bio-sensing” funded by University Grant Commission (UGC), India.
Projects Undertaken:
Graphene and its Related Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications”. DST- Inspire Faculty Project, Year: 2016-2021, Amount: 35 Lakhs, Role: Principal Investigator.
Contact Details
Mobile No:
kaviramu@gmail.com, vijayarangamuthu.dst@pondiuni.edu.in
Issuing Authority:
Er.N.Sankaramourthy, Executive Engineer, Engineering Wing
Issuing Authority:
Dr.K.Vijayarangamuthu, DST - INSPIRE Faculty, Centre for Nanoscience & Technology
Issuing Authority:
Assistant Registrar (Estt)
Issuing Authority:
Joint Registrar (Admin) & Single Administrative Point of Contact, NKN Project
Issuing Authority:
Dr.Y.Srinivasulu, Head, Dept. of International Business
Issuing Authority:
Dr.Bushan D. Sudhakar, Associate Professor, Dept. of International Business
Issuing Authority:
Dr.K.Venugopal Reddy, Head, Dept. of History
Issuing Authority:
Dr.Panch Ramalingam, Reader, UGC - HRDC
Issuing Authority:
Dr.A.Subramanyam Raju, Head, UMISARC, Centre for South Asian Studies