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December 2012

Title News Type Post date
Tenders Invited for the purchase of laboratory equipments - Dept. of Ecology & Environmental Science Tenders 21-12-2012
Peace March and Signature Campaign on 21st Dec 2012 - Dept. of Social Work Circular 20-12-2012
Tenders Invited for Supply of Exam Stationery items - Examination Wing Tenders 20-12-2012
Extension of Last date - Career Advancement Scheme, UGC Circular 20-12-2012
Grievance Redressal - UGC Circular 19-12-2012
Soft Core Courses for Odd Semester (2012-13) - Centre for Women's Studies Student News 19-12-2012
Opening Ceremony of 5th Year - Puduvai Vaani Circular 19-12-2012
Call for Proposals for Approval of Studies Involving Human Subjects from the Institute Ethics Committee (Human Studies) Circular 19-12-2012
Tenders for Disposal of obsolete/ waste Study Material & old/damaged negatives - Directorate of Distance Education Tenders 19-12-2012
Tenders for Printing of MBA-II Semester Study Materials - Directorate of Distance Education Tenders 19-12-2012
Winter Vacation Schools/Departments/Centers of the University Circular 19-12-2012
PASAA Admission - Selected List Circular 19-12-2012
Vacancy in Type-IV Quarters - Engineering Wing Circular 18-12-2012
Ph.D. Synopsis Presentation of Mr.S.Nagaraj on 21.12.2012 - Dept. of Physical Edn. & Sports Circular 18-12-2012
2nd International Documentary & Short Film Festival - Dept. of Electronic Media & Mass Communication Events 18-12-2012
UMISARC - Computer Lab Inauguration by Prof. J.A.K.Tareen, Vice-Chancellor on 19.12.2012 Events 17-12-2012
Inauguration of Food Processing Pilot Plant by Vice-Chancellor on 19.12.2012 - Dept. of Food Science & Technology Events 17-12-2012
Mess Fees - Notice to the Hostellers Circular 17-12-2012
Tenders for Lab Equipments - Dept. of Astrophysics Tenders 17-12-2012
Recruitment of RA/SRF/JRF - Dept. of Chemistry Careers 17-12-2012
Study India Program - PU Courses Circular 14-12-2012
Student Research Convention - Association of Indian Universities Circular 14-12-2012
Rajiv Gandhi HUDCO Fellowship Programme Circular 14-12-2012
Ph.D. Synopsis Presentation of Ms.K.Nithya on 24.12.2012 - Dept. of Management Studies Circular 14-12-2012
Invitation - National Workshop on Network Tools & Open Source - Dept. of Computer Science & Computer Centre Events 14-12-2012