Dr. R. Arun Prasath

Assistant Professor
Date Of Joining: 
DegreeSpecializationUniversity / InstitutionYear of Completion
1Ph.D.Polymer/MaterialsAnna University2002
Area of Specialization/Interest: 

Energy materials and sustainbale development: Solar and catalytic hybrid materials

Complete CV here

Contact Details
Telephone No: 
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Dr. Managave Shreyas Ramesh

Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization/Interest: 

Palaeoclimatology, tree-ring research, isotope geology

Publications (in last 3 years): 

Papers published in peer-reviewed journals

  • Managave S.R., Sheshshayee M.S., Borgaonkar H.P. and Ramesh R. (2010). Past break-monsoon conditions detectable by high resolution intra-annual d18O analysis of teak rings. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L05702, doi:10.1029/2009GL041172.
  • Managave S.R., Sheshshayee M.S., Borgaonkar H.P. and Ramesh R. (2010). Intra-annual oxygen isotope variations in central Indian teak cellulose: possibility of improved resolution for past monsoon reconstruction. Current Science, 98, 930-937.
  • Sano M., Sheshshayee M.S., Managave S.R., Ramesh R., Sukumar R. and Sweda T. (2010). Climatic potential of d18O of Abies spectabilis form the Nepal Himalaya. Dendrochronologia, 28, 2, 93-98.
  • Tiwari, M., Managave, S.R., Yadava, M.G. and Ramesh, R. (2009) Spatial and temporal coherence of paleomonsoon records from marine and land proxies in the Indian region during the past 30ka, Special Platinum Jubilee Publication of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore,(ed. N. Mukunda) pp 517-535.
  • Duraiswami R. A., Bondre N. R. and Managave S. R. (2008). Morphology of rubbly pahoehoe (simple) flows from the Deccan Volcanic Province: Implications for style of emplacement. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 177, 4, 822-836.
  • Managave S.R., Sheshshayee M. S., Bhattacharyya A. and Ramesh R. (2010). Intra-annual variations of cellulose d18O of teak from Kerala, India: implications to reconstruction of past summer and winter monsoon rains.  Climate Dynamics, in the press (doi:. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-010-0917-9Editorial manuscript number: CLIDY-D-09-00384.2)
  • Managave S.R., Sheshshayee M.S. Ramesh R., Borgaonkar H.P., Shah S.K. and Bhattacharyya A. (2010). Response of cellulose d18O of teak trees in differing monsoon environments to monsoon rainfall. Dendrochronologia, in the press, Manuscript number: DENDRO-D-09-00030R1)
  • Managave S.R., and Ramesh R. (2010). Isotope dendroclimatology: a review with a special emphasis on tropics, Chapter 44 Hanbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry (ed: M. Baskaran, Springer) in the press.
  • Ramesh, R., Tiwari, M., Chakraborty, S., Managave, S.R., Yadava, M. G. and Sinha, D.K. (2010) Retrieval of south Asian monsoon variation during the Holocene from natural climate archives, Current Science, 99, 1770-1786.

Abstracts/Papers published conference/proceedings

  • Managave S.R., Sheshshayee M.S. and Ramesh R. (2009). High resolution monsoon reconstruction using oxygen isotopes in teak trees. 11th ISMAS Triennial International Conference on Mass Spectrometry (11th ISMAS-TRICON-2009), Hyderabad, India
  • Managave S. R., Sheshshayee M. S., Borgaonkar H. P., Shah S. K., Bhattacharyya A. and R. Ramesh (2009). Sub-annual oxygen isotope variations in Indian teak cellulose: implications to monsoon reconstruction. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009.
Honours / Awards (if any): 
  • Best paper presentation award in symposium, Planetary Science Research in India (2004), Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India
  • Best Research Scholar award at 11th ISMAS Triennial International Conference on Mass Spectrometry (11th ISMAS-TRICON-2009), Hyderabad, India


Projects Undertaken: 

April 2011 to present: ‘Stable isotope based dendroclimatological investigations of trees from Indian region’ funded by Indian Space Research Organisation, Geosphere Biosphere Program (ISRO-GBP)

Contact Details
Present Address: 
DR. SHREYAS MANAGAVE Assistant Professor Department of Earth Sciences Pondicherry University R. Venkataraman Nagar Kalapet, Pondicherry- 605014
Telephone No: 
+91-413-2654423 (Office)

Dr. V. Uma

Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 
8 years
Area of Specialization/Interest: 


Distributed Computing Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Data Mining


Complete CV here


Contact Details
Present Address: 
Department of Computer Science School of Engineering & Technology, Pondicherry University, R.V.Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry – 605 014
Telephone No: 
Mobile No: 
uma.csc@pondiuni.edu.in, umabskr@gmail.com

S.K.V. Jayakumar

Associate Professor
Total Experience: 
17+ Years
Area of Specialization/Interest: 

e-Learning, e-Governance, Cloud Computing, Data Design and Modelling

Complete CV here


Contact Details

Dr. P. Shanthi Bala

Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 
Teaching - 10 years Research - 6 years
Area of Specialization/Interest: 

Distributed Computing Systems, Knowledge Engineering , Networks, Ontology

Complete CV here

Contact Details
Telephone No: 
Mobile No: 

Dr. K.S. Kuppusamy

Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 
8.5 Years
Area of Specialization/Interest: 
Web Search Engineering, Accessible Computing, Mobile Computing.
Any Others: 
Contact Details
Present Address: 
Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry.
Telephone No: 
Mobile No: 
kskuppusamy.csc@pondiuni.edu.in, kskuppu@gmail.com

M. Sathya

Assistant Professor
Total Experience: 
15 Years
Area of Specialization/Interest: 
  • Bio-Inspired Algorithms

  • Web Service Computing

  • Sensor Networks

  • Agent Technology

Publications (in last 3 years): 
Title of the Article Author Co-Author(s) Name of the Programme Organiser Date ISBN/ ISSN if any
A Negotiation model for Context-aware Web Service Selection Sathya M Dhavachelvan P, Swarnamugi M, Sureshkumar G International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication (ICACC’10) Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kerala, India 3-4 May 2010  
 A Negotiation model for Web Service Selection Swarnamugi M. Sathya M., Dhavachelvan. P International Conference on Recent Trends in Soft Computing and Information Technology (RTSCIT’10) Corporate Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal, India. 9-10 January 2010  
Automatic Image Annotation using Colour Entropy and Region Contours G.Sureshkumar R. Baskaran, M.Sathya, M.Deivamani. IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC’09) IEEE 6–7 March 2009  
Implementation of Web Service based E-Learning System and Performance Measurement M. Sathya G. Sureshkumar, R. Baskaran International Conference on Digital Factory (ICDF-2008) CIT, Coimbatore. 11-13 August 2008  
Personalized Medical Image Indexing with Textual Descriptions using SVM based Unsupervised Classification Framework Sathya M Venkatesan V.P., Sureshkumar G 8th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services (HEALTHCOM 2006) IEEE 17-19 August 2006  
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Conducted(Last 3 Years): 
Title of the Article Author Co-Author(s) Name of the Programme Organiser Date Level: International/ National/ Regional/ Local
E-Learning Customization using Web-Services M.Sathya G. Sureshkumar,  R. Baskaran, P.Dhavachelvan 2nd International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS-2010) Japee Institute of Technology, HP, India. June 3-5 2010 International
Toward Information Extraction Web Service for Distributed Digital Libraries M.Sathya V.Prasanna Venkatesan National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing Applications SVCE, Sriperumbudur, India May 3rd    2006 National
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Participated(Last 3 Years): 
Year Organised Level of Participation Title of Programme (International/National/Institution)
2008 ICDF-2008, Coimbatore, India Presented a paper International Conference on Digital Factory (ICDF-2008)
2008 Department of Computer Science/PU Participated 4th Indo-Australian Conference on Information Assurance
2008 Department of Computer Science/PU Participated National Workshop on Data mining and Warehousing
2009 Department of Computer Science/PU Participated Grid Computing: Technology and Future Research
Contact Details
Mobile No: 
msathya.csc@pondiuni.edu.in, satsubithra@gmail.com