Warning: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:1726760:\"Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes\nquery: UPDATE cache_content SET data = 'a:4:{s:11:\\"field types\\";a:14:{s:13:\\"nodereference\\";a:4:{s:5:\\"label\\";s:14:\\"Node reference\\";s:11:\\"description\\";s:51:\\"Store the ID of a related node as an integer value.\\";s:6:\\"module\\";s:13:\\"nodereference\\";s:10:\\"formatters\\";a:4:{s:7:\\"default\\";a:4:{s:5:\\"label\\";s:12:\\"Title (link)\ in /var/www/html/includes/database.mysqli.inc on line 128 | Pondicherry University

Launching mobile news app - Dept. of Electronic Media & Mass Communication

The Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication has developed a mobile lab journal news app that can be downloaded and viewed in smart phones. The app has been named as Inquirer and instructions to download the same can be seen in the attachment (poster). We seek your support to help us sustain this endeavour. We intend to promote civic journalism and in that spirit would appreciate if you could send us your comments and observations on the stories published in the news app.

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.M.Shuaib Mohamed Haneef, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Electronic Media & Mass Communication

Appointment of Dean - Students' Welfare

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Registrar (i/c)

Issue of Academic Planner 2013-14 to the Departments/Sections/Centres

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.R.Venkatesakumar, Coordinator (P.R)

Reminder -II Physical Stock / Assets Verification

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 

International Conference on Debt & Debt Derivatives Markets from 23rd to 25th Jan 2014 – Dept. of Commerce


Brochure             Online Registration                  Revised Schedule & Dates


Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.P.Natarajan, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Commerce

23rd Annual Convocation - Appreciation & Gratitude from the Vice-Chancellor

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Prof. Chandra Krishnamurthy, Vice-Chancellor

Issue of Gift Coupon - PU Staff Co-operative Credit Society

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Shri.U.Ramanathan, President, PU Staff Co-operative Credit Society

Assumption of Charges of Registrar i/c

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Deputy Registrar (Admn)

Recruitment for various Teaching Posts - Goa University

Download Attachment: 
application/pdf icon
Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Deputy Registrar (Admn)

Ph.D. Synopsis Presentation of Ms.Jamunarani on 11.10.2013 - School of Tamil

Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Dr.M.S.Arivudainambi, Professor, School of Tamil