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Current Style: Standard
Pondicherry University invites sealed tenders from registered CPWD or Electricity Department of Puducherry Govt. approved Contractor for Internal Electrification to Bio Technology New Laboratory in the University Campus. The tender forms and schedules can be obtained during any working day between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. up to 29.02.2012 from Electrical Wing, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Puducherry – 14 on payment of Rs.500/- plus 4% VAT for the below mentioned work through demand draft in favour of “The Finance Officer, Pondicherry University, Puducherry” payable at any one of the nationalized bank at Puducherry. Full details are available in our website( Tender forms can also be downloaded from the website. The tenders, who apply with downloaded form, should attach above said demand draft separately while submitting the tender.
The tenders will be opened on the same day by the authorized officers in the presence of the tenders, if available at the time of opening of Tender.
S.No. | Name of Works | Estimate Cost | EMD In Rs. | Time Limit | Last Date For Receipt of Tenders | Date of Opening |
1. |
Internal Electrification to Bio-Technology New Laboratory in the University Campus. |
2,30,745/- | 4,600/- | 1 month | 01.03.2012Up to 3.00 p.m. | 01.03.2012At 3.30 p.m |