Admission to M.P.Ed Physical Education


The Select list, Waitlist-I & wait list-II for the Course -377 M.P.ED Physical Education is given in the Annexure-I. Similarly the select list for Course - 398 Five Years Intg. M.P.ED Physical Educationis also given in the Annexure-I.
            There is no waitlist for 5 years Integrated M.P.Ed course as all the candidates are selected.

Please note that no separate select card/call letter/admission
information will be sent to Select and Wait list candidates.

            The Selected list candidates for the course -377 M.P.Ed Physical Education may report for admission to the Head of the Department, Department of Physical Education & Sports on 30.07.2014.
Details of unfilled vacancies, if any, will be notified in the University web portal on the next day evening after the prescribed date of admission of the selected candidates.

            The Wait list-I candidates may report for admission to the Head of the Department, Department of Physical Education & Sports on 06.08.2014.

The Wait list-II candidates may report for admission to the Head of the Department, Department of Physical Education & Sports on 13.08.2014.

The selected list candidates for the course -398- 5 years Integrated M.P.Ed Physical Education may report for admission to the Head of the Department, Dept. of Physical Education & Sports on 05.08.2014.

Certificates/documents to be submitted
a) X Std or equivalent Certificate/mark statement along with age proof
b) H.Sc. or its equivalent Certificate/mark statement
c) Degree/Provisional Certificate of the qualifying Degree along with mark statements.
d) OBC with Non- Creamy Layer Certificate recently issued by competent
Authority, in case of OBC candidate
e) SC/ST/PH/Pondicherry Residence Certificate/Karaikal Residence Certificate
from competent authority as applicable
f) Migration/Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate from the institution last
g) Recently taken two stamp size colour photograph (for Group Medical Insurance Policy)
h) Soft copy of colour passport size photograph in a CD (for Library and ID Card)

Candidates whose final exam results have not yet been declared, may also report for admission with all the available certificates & mark statements. They may be considered for admission, on provisional basis, subject to production of final mark list & provisional certificates on or before 1st September 2014 failing which their admission will stand cancelled.

Payment of Fees:
            Candidates in the Select list who meet all eligibility criteria are advised to bring demand draft from any nationalized bank drawn in favour of “Finance Officer, Pondicherry University” payable at Puducherry for the total fee amount for the selected course as given in Annexure -II. However, cash payment also can be made in the Indian Bank, Pondicherry University branch situated on the main campus.

Hostel Accommodation:
Candidates who are seeking hostel accommodation need to contact the Chief Warden, University Hostels after obtaining the admission in the concerned department and pay the necessary Hostel fees separately, if required.


Issuing Date: 
Issuing Authority: 
Assistant Registrar (Aca-Admissions)