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Dr. Amruth G. Kumar
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Dr. Amruth G. Kumar
Assistant Professor
Degree Specialization University / Institution Year of Completion
1 Post-Doctoral Education UGC Started in 2009
2 Ph.D. Education MG University 2007
3 M.Ed. Education University of Calicut 2001
4 B.Ed. Social Science MG University 1999
5 M.A. Economics MG University 1998
Area of Specialization/Interest:
Instructional strategies, ICT in education, Economics of Education, Teacher education and Higher Education
Publications (in last 3 years):
Amruth G Kumar. “Influence of organizational climate perception on Professional Aspirations of Teacher Educators”. PRAGATHY – Interdisciplinary Research Journal , Vol 1, Issue 1,July-Sept 2008, p 35-40. ISSN. 0975-377X.
Amruth G Kumar&Devika.R. “Effectiveness of Multimedia Learning Package in Teaching Social Science at primary level”. Experiments in Education ,Vol 36,Issue 6, June 2008, p139-143
Amruth G Kumar. “Influence of Organisational climate perception on teaching competence of primary school teachers”.Experiments in Education, Vol 36, Issue 10, Oct 2008, p5-12
Amruth G Kumar. “Role of women in population control and Poverty eradication”. Aksharasree . Vol 8,Issue 2, June 2008, p 3-5
Amruth G Kumar. “Information literacy”. Aksharasree. Vol 8,Issue 7, December 2008, p 3-5
Amruth G Kumar &Devika R. “Educational Research in Kerala”. AIAER journal. Vol. ,Issue , June 2009, P56-58. ISSN. 0970-9827.
Amruth G Kumar. “DrLalageBown: The privileged lived for unprivileged”. ProdhSiksha – Indian Adult Education Association ( IAEA). Vol.2, Issue. 12, Feb 2010, p
Amruth G Kumar. “Relationship between Information Literacy and Institutional climte Perception of Post graduate students”. EduTrack. Vol.10, Issue.1. ISSN. 0972-9844.
Kumar, Amruth G. “A Study on Group Differences in the Relationship between Organisational Climate Perception and Teaching Competence of Primary School Teachers”. Pub Date: 2010-01-10. ERIC Publication (ED510279)
Amruth G Kumar. “Issues and Challenges of Female labour Migration”. PRAGATHY – Interdisciplinary Research Journal , Vol 4, Issue 112,Apr- June 2010, p 35-40. ISSN.0975-377X
Amruth G Kumar & Rajesh K. “Institutional Climate Perception of Post Graduate Students in relation to their Information Literacy”. I Managers Journal of Educational Technology. Vol.6, Issue.4 Jan March 2010. ISSN 0973-0559
Amruth G Kumar. “Institutional climate Variables for Assessing Morale of Teacher Educators”. VETRI Education. Vol.6, Issue.2, Apr-June 2011. ISSN 0973-8614.
Amruth G. Kumar, Saravanan, O.S &Boopathi, R. (2011). “Child Rights Awareness among Primary School Teachers”.Endeavours in Education. Vol. 2, Issue.1, Jan-2011. ISSN 09764275.
In Edited books
A Chapter (Integrating Information Skills in Technical Education) in an edited book by Prof. Hariharan, and published by Macmillan publishers India Ltd. Year 2009.
A Chapter (Predicting Teacher Morale Using Institutional Climate perception variables of Teacher Educators) in a book Edited by Prof. Bawa and Prof. AnandPadhan, and Published by Lovely Professional University. Year 2010.
A Chapter (Micro Finance as a Potential source for supporting Education) in a book edited by Prof. Daniel Lazer, and Published by Pondicherry University. Year 2010.
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Conducted(Last 3 Years):
International seminar on ‘Women Education for Empowerment’ (Organised by Immaculate College of Teacher Education, Pondicherry on 5th to 6th 2010)
International colloquium on “European convention on Human Rights: Lessons from Experience” (Organized by University of Paris 13 and Pondicherry University on 1st 3rd 2010)
International Conference organized by Madanjeeth Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation at Pondicherry University on November 22 to 24, 2010
Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on ‘Knowledge in the New Millennium’( organized by Association of Iranian Students in India at Mysore on 15th and 16th of January 2011)
International Conference on ‘Micro Finance’ (organized by Commerce department of Pondicherry University on 27th to 29th January 2011)
One day orientation programme for academic councellors of IGNOU at IGNOU regional center, Cochin on 20-9-2008
Workshop on preparation of syllabi in women education for Degree and PG courses (Organised by NSS Training College Ottapalam on 24th to 26th June 2009)
Workshop on Framing guidelines for Community Colleges (Organised by State Resourse Centre and IGNOU at Trivandrum)
Enviornmental education (Organised by WWF and NSS training college ottapalam on 23-3-2009)
National level seminar Organised by Jesus Training College, Mala. 2009
National level seminar organized by Department Of Economics, Pondicherry University. 2009
National level seminar on ‘Class room Applications of Critical pedegogy’ organized by Mahajubilee Training College, Mullorkara on 25th July 2009
National level seminar on Financing Higher Education : Policy issues(organized by Department of Economics, Pondicherry University on 3rd Dec 2009)
National level seminar on ‘Consciousness and Self Identity’ (organized by Department Of Philosophy, Pondicherry University on 21-23 Jan 2010)
National seminar on ‘Education for Socially and Economically Deprived” (Organised by organized by School of Education, Pondicherry University on 12 to 13 March 2010)
National Seminar on ‘Critical pedagogy: A New way for Curriculum Transaction’ (Organised By Teacher Education Centre of University of Calicut on 20- 5- 2010)
UGC Sponsored National seminar on ‘ Open door Policy in Higher Education’ (organized by NSS Training College, Ottapalam on 16th to 18th June 2010)
National level seminar Globalisation and social justice: Invoking Gandhian Ideals (organized by Department of Gandhian Thought, Pondicherry University on 25th to 27th Nov 2009)
National level workshop on Development of Lesson plans based on Critical pedagogy and issue based curriculum (organized by Department of Education, Calicut University on 5th and 6th August 2010)
Regional Seminar (Organised by Gandhigram Rural University on 15th and 16th December 2010)
Chaired a session in a National seminar on ‘Quality, Expansion and Inclusion in Indian Higher Education’ (organized by Department of Education, University of Calicut on 3rd February 2011)
Honours / Awards (if any):
Details of award / Prize
Contribution for which awarded
Research award from UGC, India
Certificate of Merit for Teaching from Pondicherry University
Contact Details
Telephone No:
0413 2654617
Links: [1] http://backup.pondiuni.edu.in/unitary-schools/school-education