SIVAKUMAR R. Professor

Profile Picture

  • Department of Physics
  • School of Physical, Chemical & Applied Sciences

Academic Activity

Academic Activity Picture1

Academic Activity Picture2

Educational Qualification (UG,PG & Higher Order)

S.No Degree Subject/Title of thesis University/Board Year of Passing
1 PhD Physics IIT Madras 2000
2 MScEd Physics Regional College of Education, University of Mysor 1994
3 BSc Applied Sciences University of Madras 1991

Area of Specializaion

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics

Awards / Prizes Conferred

S.No Name / Title of the Award Type Name of the Agency conferred the Award Year of the Award Amount for Cash Award

Teaching Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution
1 Associate Professor Physics Pondicherry University
2 Reader Physics Pondicherry University
3 Lecturer Physics Pondicherry Engineering College

Research Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution Area of Research

Industry Experience

S.No Designation Company/Corporate Nature of Work

Contribution towards Innovation

S.No Name of the Work/Contribution Specialization Remarks

Patent Details

S.No Title Status Patent Number Year of Award Type Commercialized Status

Papers Published in UGC Approved Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor

Papers Published in Non UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Full magnetohydrodynamic flow past a circular cylinder considering the penetration of magnetic field Samit Ghosh, Subharthi Sarkar, R. Sivakumar, TVS Sekhar Physics of Fluids 30 (8) 087102 2018 2.279
2 Development of a high order discretization scheme for solving fully nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic equations A. D. Abin Rejeesh,S. Udhayakumar,T. V. S. Sekhar and Rajagopalan Sivakumar Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 8 (1) 42-65 2018 1.063
3 Prediction of Better Flow Control Parameters in MHD Flows Using a High Accuracy Finite Difference Scheme A. D Abin Rejeesh, S. Udhayakumar, T. V. S. Sekhar, R. Sivakumar American Journal of Computational Mathematics 7 (3) 243-275 2017 0.84
4 Mixed Convection and Heat Transfer Studies in Non-Uniformly Heated Buoyancy Driven Cavity Flow A. D Abin Rejeesh, Selvarasu Udhayakumar, T. V. S Sekhar, Rajagopalan Sivakumar Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics 7 (2) 231-262 2017 1.15
5 Numerical investigation of magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection over an isothermal circular cylinder in presence of an aligned magnetic field Selvarasu Udhayakumar, Alexander Daisy Abin Rejeesh, Tatavarthy Venkata Satya Sekhar, Rajagopalan Sivakumar International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 95, 379-392 2016 3.891
6 Study of Heat Transfer Control with Magnetic Field Using Higher Order Finite Difference Scheme R Sivakumar, S Vimala, S Damodaran, TVS Sekhar Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 8 (3) 449-463 2016 0.763
7 The role of magnetic Reynolds number in MHD forced convection heat transfer S Vimala, S Damodaran, R Sivakumar, TVS Sekhar Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (13) 6737-6753 2016 2.617
8 Study of directional control of heat transfer and flow control in the magnetohydrodynamic flow in cylindrical geometry S Udhayakumar, A. D Abin Reejesh, T V S Sekhar, R Sivakumar International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 61, 482-498 2016 2.103
9 Numerical Experiments on the Study of Mixed Convection Flow in Cylindrical Geometry S Udhayakumar, TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 68 (8) 870-886 2015 2.409
10 Influence of Induced Magnetic Field on Thermal MHD Flow R Sivakumar, S Vimala, TVS Sekhar Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 68 (7) 797-811 2015 2.409
11 Numerical simulations of highly non-linear coupled full MHD equations in spherical geometry TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, TVR Ravi Kumar, S Vimala International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 47 (6) 599-615 2012 2.163
12 A combined fourth-order compact scheme with an accelerated multigrid method for the energy equation in spherical polar coordinates TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, S Vimala, YVSS Sanyasiraju Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 39, 32-45 2012 1.261
13 The non-monotonic behavior of forced convective heat transfer under the influence of an external magnetic field TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, K Subbarayudu, YVSSS Sanyasiraju Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 59 (6) 459-486 2011 2.409
14 Effect of magnetic Reynolds number on the two‐dimensional hydromagnetic flow around a cylinder TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, TVR Ravi Kumar International journal for numerical methods in fluids 59 (12) 1351-1368 2009 1.673
15 High Reynolds number incompressible MHD flow under low Rm approximation TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, TVR Ravi Kumar, K Subbarayudu International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 43 (4) 231-240 2008 2.163
16 Effect of aligned magnetic field on the steady viscous flow past a circular cylinder TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, H Kumar Applied mathematical modelling 31 (1) 130-139 2007 2.617
17 Flow around a circular cylinder in an external magnetic field at high Reynolds numbers TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, TVR Ravi Kumar International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 16 (6) 740-759 2006 2.45
18 Magnetohydrodynamic flow around a sphere TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, TVR Ravi Kumar Fluid dynamics research 37 (5) 357-373 2005 0.94
19 Incompressible conducting flow in an applied magnetic field at large interaction parameters TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, TVR Ravi Kumar Applied Mathematics Research eXpress (5) 229-248 2005 0.5
20 Numerical Study of Steady Flow Past a Sphere in an Aligned Magnetic Field TVS Sekhar, R Sivakumar, Harish Kumar Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 4 (2) 215-227 2004 0.658
21 Hydrogen storage properties of ZrMnFe1−xNix (x=0.2, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6) alloys N Mani, R Sivakumar, S Ramaprabhu Journal of alloys and compounds 337 (1) 148-154 2002 3.779
22 Solubility of hydrogen in Pd-Dy-Ni ternary alloys S Anuradha, R Sivakumar, S Ramaprabhu Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (50) 11589 2001 2.617
23 Electrical resistivity studies on ZrxTb1-xFe3 (x= 0.2, 0.3) hydrides R Sivakumar, S Ramaprabhu, KVS Rama Rao Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (18) 4155 2001 2.617
24 Hydrogen solubility studies in Zr0.2Tb0.8Fe1.5Co1.5 R Sivakumar, S Ramaprabhu, KVS Rama Rao, Bodo Mayer, PC Schmidt International journal of hydrogen energy 25 (9) 861-869 2000 4.229
25 Kinetics of hydrogen absorption and thermodynamics of dissolved hydrogen in Tb1−xZrxFe3 system R Sivakumar, S Ramaprabhu, KVS Rama Rao, H Anton, PC Schmidt International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 25 (5) 463-472 2000 4.229
26 Hydrogen absorption–desorption characteristics, kinetics of hydrogen absorption and thermodynamics of dissolved hydrogen in Zr0.1Tb0.9Fe1.5Co1.5 R Sivakumar, S Ramaprabhu, KVS Rama Rao, Bodo Mayer, PC Schmidt Journal of Alloys and Compounds 302 (1) 146-154 2000 3.779
27 Hydrogen absorption characteristics in the Tb1−xZrxFe3 (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.3) system R Sivakumar, S Ramaprabhu, KVS Rama Rao, H Anton, PC Schmidt Journal of Alloys and Compounds 285 (1) 143-149 1999 3.779

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Details of Conference Publication Page Nos. Year


S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Chapters in Books

S.No Title of the Chapters Name of the Authors Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Edited Books

S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Ongoing Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Ongoing Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year
1 Development of higher order accurate solvers to solve nonlinear Navier- Stokes equations. UGC 2010 - 2013 8.83 2013

Completed Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Career Guidance Offered to students

S.No Name of the Scheme No. of Students Competitive Examinations/ Career Counseling No. of Students Passed No. of Students Placed

List of capability enhancement such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab,
Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

S.No Name of the Programme/Scheme Date of Implementation No. of Students Enrolled Agencies Involved

Research Guidance - PG

S.No Year Degree No. of Students Awarded Department/Centre
1 2011 M.PHIL 1 Physics
2 2010 M.PHIL 1 Physics
3 2009 M.PHIL 2 Physics
4 2008 M.PHIL 1 Physics
5 2006 M.PHIL 1 Physics
6 2004 M.PHIL 1 Physics

Research Guidance - Ph.D

S.No Student Name Registration Date Registration No. Thesis Title Thesis Submitted Status Thesis Submitted Date Vivavoce Completed Status Date Awarded
1 S Udhayakumar Jan 2011 Magnetohydrodynamic Flow and Heat Transfer around a Cylindrical Body- Nutrcrical Invesrigations YES Oct 2016 YES May 2017
2 Abin Rejeesh Sep 2010 Full MHD modelling of liquid metalflows and tltermal convection - A high order numerical study YES Oct 2017 YES May 2018

Research Guidance - Post Doctoral

S.No Scholar Name Designation Funding Agency Fellowship Title Year of Joining Year of Completion

Financial assistance availed to attend conferences / workshops and to pay membership fee
of professional bodies during the year

S.No Conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided Professional body for which membership fee is provided Amount of Support Place From Date To Date Year

E-Lecture Details

S.No E-Lecture Title Development of e-content/e-learning/delivering Member of Editorial Bodies Reviewer/Referee of
Content/Module Title Institution/Platform Year Weblink

Details of Online Education Conducted

S.No Nature of Online Course No. of Sessions Target Group Date

Invited Talks in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme

S.No Title of the Paper Conferences/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme Organized by Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Conferences/Seminars Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Workshop Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Administrative Responsibilities in the Government and Quasi Government Agencies

S.No Name of the Position Agency/Organisation Duration Nature of Duties

Affiliation in Academic Bodies/Societies

S.No Name of the Body/Society Nature of Affiliation Year

Participation & Extension Activities (Academic/Administraion)

S.No Name of the Position (Head, Dean, Co-ordinator, Director, etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites

Participation & Extension Activities (Co-Curricular)

S.No Name of the Position (NSS, NCC, Warden etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites

Collaboration with Institution/Industry

S.No Collaborator Name Designation Institution/Industry Type Nature of Collaboration Period of Collaboration Visits to Collaborating
Institution / Industry
Details of Collaborative Research/Teaching
From Date To Date From Date To Date

Faculty Development Programme Attended (Orientation, Refresher, other Short Term Course during the year)

S.No Title of the FDP Organiser Venue Duration From Date To Date Year

Details of Executive Development Prog/Management Development Prog. conducted

S.No Name of the Programme No. of Participants Venue Duration From Date To Date Year Revenue Generated

Participation in IMPESS, IMPRINT, SPARC, STARS, LEAP Programme etc and DSF Funding Programme


Enrolment under ARPIT Programme

S.No Name of the Programme Period of the Programme
From Date To Date