SUBHADIP BHADRA Associate Professor

Profile Picture

  • Department of Earth Sciences
  • School of Physical, Chemical & Applied Sciences

Academic Activity

Academic Activity Picture1

Academic Activity Picture2

Educational Qualification (UG,PG & Higher Order)

S.No Degree Subject/Title of thesis University/Board Year of Passing
1 Ph.D. Tectono-metamorphic evolution of a craton-mobile belt assembly: The Bhawanipatna-Deobhog transect, Orissa, India IIT Kharagpur 2003
2 M.Sc. Applied Geology Jadavpur University 1999
3 B.Sc. Geology Jadavpur University 1997

Area of Specializaion

Structural Geology, Tectonics, Metamorphic Petrology, Petrochronology

Awards / Prizes Conferred

S.No Name / Title of the Award Type Name of the Agency conferred the Award Year of the Award Amount for Cash Award
1 Prof. C. Naganna Gold Medal NATIONAL Mineralogical Society of India 2008 NA

Teaching Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution
1 Assistant Professor Earth Sciences Pondicherry University
2 Associate Professor Earth Sciences Pondicherry University

Research Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution Area of Research
1 Research Associate Geology and Geophysics Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Structural Geology, Metamorphic Petrology and Geochemistry
2 Assistant, Associate professor Earth Sciences Pondicherry University Structural Geology, Tectonics, Metamorphic Petrology, Petrochronology

Industry Experience

S.No Designation Company/Corporate Nature of Work

Contribution towards Innovation

S.No Name of the Work/Contribution Specialization Remarks

Patent Details

S.No Title Status Patent Number Year of Award Type Commercialized Status

Papers Published in UGC Approved Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Contrasting kinematics of brittle-shears within the Salem–Attur and Bhavani shear zone, south India: Tectonic implications. C Ananth, Subhadip Bhadra, A Goswami Journal of Earth System Science 129, 1, 62 2020 1.423
2 Tectonothermal evolution of a garnet-bearing quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the Moyar shear zone, south India and its bearing on the Neoarchean accret Subhadip Bhadra, P Nasipuri Lithos 274, 1-18 2017 3.390
3 Decoding evolutionary history of provenance from beach placer monazites: A case study from Kanyakumari coast, southwest India. C Perumalsamy, Subhadip Bhadra, S Balakrishnan Chemical Geology 427, 83-97 2016 3.362
4 Structural framework for the emplacement of the Bolangir anorthosite massif in the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt, India: implications for post-Rodinia P Nasipuri, Subhadip Bhadra Mineralogy and Petrology 107, 5, 861-880 2013 1.461
5 The barometer tremolite+ tschermakite+ 2 albite= 2 pargasite+ 8 quartz: Constraints from experimental data at unit silica activity, with application t Subhadip Bhadra, A Bhattacharya American Mineralogist 92, 4, 491-502 2007 2.631
6 Shear zone-hosted migmatites (Eastern India): the role of dynamic melting in the generation of REE-depleted felsic melts, and implications for disequi Subhadip Bhadra, S Das, A Bhattacharya Journal of Petrology 48, 3, 435-457 2007 3.451
7 Aluminous sapphirine granulites from the Eastern Ghats Belt (India): phase relations and relevance to counterclockwise PT history S Das, A Bhattacharya, MM Raith, Subhadip Bhadra, M Banerjee European Journal of mineralogy 18, 1, 35-48 2006 1.663
8 The origin of orthopyroxene/biotite + plagioclase coronas from the Bolangir anorthosite complex (India), and implications for reconstructing P-T paths S Prasad, A Bhattacharya, MM Raith, Subhadip Bhadra American Mineralogist 90, 2-3, 291-303 2005 2.631
9 Structural evolution across the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt–Bastar craton boundary, India: hot over cold thrusting in an ancient collision zone. Subhadip Bhadra, S Gupta, M Banerjee Journal of Structural Geology 26, 2, 233-245 2004 2.836

Papers Published in Non UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Contrasting kinematics of brittle-shears within the Salem–Attur and Bhavani shear zone, south India: Tectonic implications C Ananth, Subhadip Bhadra, A Goswami Journal of Earth System Science 129, 1, 62 2020 1.423
2 Tectonothermal evolution of a garnet-bearing quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the Moyar shear zone, south India and its bearing on the Neoarchean accret Subhadip Bhadra, P Nasipuri Lithos 274, 1-18 2017 3.390
3 Decoding evolutionary history of provenance from beach placer monazites: A case study from Kanyakumari coast, southwest India. C Perumalsamy, Subhadip Bhadra, S Balakrishnan Chemical Geology 427, 83-97 2016 3.362
4 Timing and duration of ultra-high temperature metamorphism in sapphirine-bearing metapelite granulite from Kodaikanal, Madurai block, South India: con Subhadip Bhadra Journal of Applied Geochemistry 18, 1, 22-34 2016 NA
5 Petrogenesis of Charnockite Associated with Granite Near Pudukkottai in The Madurai Block: Constraints From The Field-Association, Petrography and Pha MC Sekaran, H Raj, R Bhutani, Subhadip Bhadra Journal of Applied Geochemistry 17, 4, 451-461 2015 NA
6 Structural framework for the emplacement of the Bolangir anorthosite massif in the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt, India: implications for post-Rodinia P Nasipuri, Subhadip Bhadra Mineralogy and Petrology 107, 5, 861-880 2013 1.461

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Details of Conference Publication Page Nos. Year


S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Chapters in Books

S.No Title of the Chapters Name of the Authors Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN No.
1 Reworking of a basement-cover interface during terrane-boundary shearing Subhadip Bhadra, S Gupta. Ductile Shear Zones: From Micro‐to Macro‐scales Wiley- Blackwell 2016 ISBN: 978-1- 118-84496-0
2 Tectonic restoration of a polychronous mobile beltcraton assembly: constraints from corridor study across the western margin of the Eastern Ghats Belt Subhadip Bhadra, M Banerjee, A Bhattacharya Milestones in Petrology and Future Perspectives Geological society of India 2003 ISBN No: 81- 85867-55-0

Edited Books

S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Ongoing Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year
1 Tectonics of Southern Granulite terrain of south India based on integrated geophysical, structural and remote sensing study SERB 3 years 41.7 2018

Ongoing Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year
1 Carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks as proxy for mantle evolution and crustal geodynamics DST,SERB 3 years 6 monts 10.53 2017
2 Emplacement mechanism and post emplacement evolution of massif-type anorthosite at Bolangir, Eastern Ghats Belt, India DST 3 years 3.24 2010

Completed Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Career Guidance Offered to students

S.No Name of the Scheme No. of Students Competitive Examinations/ Career Counseling No. of Students Passed No. of Students Placed

List of capability enhancement such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab,
Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

S.No Name of the Programme/Scheme Date of Implementation No. of Students Enrolled Agencies Involved

Research Guidance - PG

S.No Year Degree No. of Students Awarded Department/Centre
1 2020 M.SC One Earth Sciences
2 2018 M.SC One Earth Sciences
3 2017 M.SC Three Earth Sciences
4 2016 M.SC Three Earth Sciences
5 2015 M.SC Two Earth Sciences
6 2014 M.SC One Earth Sciences
7 2013 M.SC Two Earth Sciences
8 2012 M.SC Two Earth Sciences
9 2010 M.SC Three Earth Sciences
10 2009 M.SC One Earth Sciences
11 2008 M.SC Three Earth Sciences
12 2007 M.SC Two Earth Sciences

Research Guidance - Ph.D

S.No Student Name Registration Date Registration No. Thesis Title Thesis Submitted Status Thesis Submitted Date Vivavoce Completed Status Date Awarded
1 Ananth C 25-08-2016 1600110001 Fabrics, deformation kinematics and physicochemical processes associated with phyllonitization of charnockite from the Salem Granulite Block, southern India YES 26-06-2020 NO
2 Sreejith K 18-08-2017 1700110005 Tectonothermal evolution of mafic granulites from the Southern Granulite Terrane NO NO
3 Sathish Kumar K 08-08-2019 1900110003 Fluid-rock interaction during ductile shearing: a case study from phyllonites from Salem Granulite Block, southern India NO NO

Research Guidance - Post Doctoral

S.No Scholar Name Designation Funding Agency Fellowship Title Year of Joining Year of Completion

Financial assistance availed to attend conferences / workshops and to pay membership fee
of professional bodies during the year

S.No Conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided Professional body for which membership fee is provided Amount of Support Place From Date To Date Year

E-Lecture Details

S.No E-Lecture Title Development of e-content/e-learning/delivering Member of Editorial Bodies Reviewer/Referee of
Content/Module Title Institution/Platform Year Weblink

Details of Online Education Conducted

S.No Nature of Online Course No. of Sessions Target Group Date
1 Theory course on Structural Geology 3 UG second year 01-06-2020
2 Theory course on Structural Geology 3 UG second year 05-06-2020
3 Theory course on Structural Geology 3 UG second year 10-06-2020
4 Theory course on Metamorphic Petrology 3 PG first year 11-06-2020

Invited Talks in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme

S.No Title of the Paper Conferences/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme Organized by Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Conferences/Seminars Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Workshop Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Administrative Responsibilities in the Government and Quasi Government Agencies

S.No Name of the Position Agency/Organisation Duration Nature of Duties

Affiliation in Academic Bodies/Societies

S.No Name of the Body/Society Nature of Affiliation Year
1 European Geosciences Union Member 2012
2 Mineralogical Society of India Member 2008

Participation & Extension Activities (Academic/Administraion)

S.No Name of the Position (Head, Dean, Co-ordinator, Director, etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites
1 Member, School of Board of Studies 2 years Revision of curriculum, introduction of new courses
2 Member of Board of Studies for M. Tech in Geoexploration 1 year Preparing the syllabus of M.Tech course
3 Member of the Selection board, Dept. Earth Sciences Regular Selection of scholar for the Ph.D. programme.

Participation & Extension Activities (Co-Curricular)

S.No Name of the Position (NSS, NCC, Warden etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites
1 Warden 8 years management of research scholar hostel

Collaboration with Institution/Industry

S.No Collaborator Name Designation Institution/Industry Type Nature of Collaboration Period of Collaboration Visits to Collaborating
Institution / Industry
Details of Collaborative Research/Teaching
From Date To Date From Date To Date
1 Dr. Saibal Gupta Professor Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur NATIONAL Research 05-08-1999 29-07-2020 24-02-2020 28-02-2020 Published papers jointly in peer reviewed journals and book-chapter

Faculty Development Programme Attended (Orientation, Refresher, other Short Term Course during the year)

S.No Title of the FDP Organiser Venue Duration From Date To Date Year
1 Workshop on Structural Geology in the 21st Century TecTask, International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) IIT Kharagput 3 days 26-02-2020 28-02-2020 2020
2 Online Workshop on effective remote teaching and learning: tools and techniques Computer Science Department, Pondicherry University Online Mode 6 days 27-07-2020 01-08-2020 2020
3 Training of Trainers on career guidance and counselling Psychological Counselling Centre, Dept. Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University Pondicherry University 1 week 22-02-2016 26-02-2016 2016
4 Summer School (MD) Academic Staff College, Pondicherry University Pondicherry University 3 weeks 02-05-2013 22-05-2013 2013
5 Training on CAMECA Electron Microprobe Analyzer Cameca France Central Instrumentation Facility, Pondicherry University 14 days 26-12-2011 06-01-2012 2011
6 91st orientation Programme Academic Staff College, Pondicherry University Pondicherry University 4 weeks 15-05-2008 11-06-2008 2008

Details of Executive Development Prog/Management Development Prog. conducted

S.No Name of the Programme No. of Participants Venue Duration From Date To Date Year Revenue Generated

Participation in IMPESS, IMPRINT, SPARC, STARS, LEAP Programme etc and DSF Funding Programme


Enrolment under ARPIT Programme

S.No Name of the Programme Period of the Programme
From Date To Date