Profile Picture

  • Department of Management Studies
  • School of Management

Academic Activity

Academic Activity Picture1

Academic Activity Picture2

Educational Qualification (UG,PG & Higher Order)

S.No Degree Subject/Title of thesis University/Board Year of Passing
1 Ph.D. Algorithmic Grouping of Operation Sequences as an aid to Cellular Manufacturing System Anna University 1987
2 M.E. Industrial Engineering Anna University 1981
3 B.E. Mechanical Engineering University of Madras 1979

Area of Specializaion

Management/ Industrial Engineering: Operations Management, Project Management, Advanced Production Management, Quality Management, Managerial Economics. Mechanical Engineering/ Industrial Engineering: Process Planning and Cost estimation, Computer-integrated Manufacturing: Automation in Manufacturing, Design and Analysis of Experiments, Engineering economics, Engineering Mechanics. Quantitative Methods: Operations Research, Research Methodology and Business Statistics Using Excel. Computer Science/ (as well as) Management: Database Management Systems, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Compute

Awards / Prizes Conferred

S.No Name / Title of the Award Type Name of the Agency conferred the Award Year of the Award Amount for Cash Award
1 • Achiever Award 2016 from Anna University for outstanding contributions to academic field NATIONAL Anna University, Chennai 2016 Nil
2 • Best Teacher Award during 2012-2013 NATIONAL Pondicherry University 2013 Nil
3 • Academic Excellence Award during International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications 2010 INTERNATIONAL Anna University, Chennai 2010 Nil
4 Best Selling Author Award NATIONAL PHI Learning Private Limited 2008 Nil
5 • Best article award for publication in Industrial Engineering Journal NATIONAL Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering 1991 Nil
6 • Best article award for publication in Industrial Engineering Journal NATIONAL Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering 1990 Nil
7 • Jawaharlal Memorial Award for 2nd Rank in M.E. Industrial Engineering Programme of Anna University NATIONAL Jawaharlal Memorial Trust 1981 Nil

Teaching Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution
1 Associate Lecturer Industrial Engineering Department College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-25
2 Head of Department Department of Management Studies Pondicherry University
3 Head of Department Department of Management Studies Pondicherry University
4 Dean School of Management Pondicherry University
5 Head of Department Department of Management Studies Pondicherry University
6 Professor School of Management Pondicherry University, Pondicherry-14
7 Reader School of Management Pondicherry University, Pondicherry-14
8 Senior Lecturer Industrial Engineering Department College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-25
9 Lecturer Industrial Engineering Department College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-25
10 Professor (Retired on 30-11-2021) Department of Management Studies, School of Management Pondicherry University

Research Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution Area of Research

Industry Experience

S.No Designation Company/Corporate Nature of Work

Contribution towards Innovation

S.No Name of the Work/Contribution Specialization Remarks

Patent Details

S.No Title Status Patent Number Year of Award Type Commercialized Status

Papers Published in UGC Approved Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Can the Theory of Disruptive Innovation be considered complete Madhusudan, C. and Panneerselvam, R. IEEE Engineering Management Review Vol.50, No.1., pp.155-167 2022 1.587
2 Analyzing interrelated enablers of industry 4.0 for implementation in present industrial scenario Pachayappan, M and Panneerselvam, R Management Research Review ISSN: 2040-8269 2021 2.77
3 Why have not minimills disrupted the Indian steel incumbents? Madhusudan, C and Panneerselvam, R. Int. J. Business Innovation and Research Vol.24, No.3, pp.364-384 2021 1.5
4 A Four-stage Framework for Disruptive Innovation Madhusudan, C and Panneerselvam, R. International Journal of Business excellence Vol. 22, No.4, pp.474-491 2020 0.8
5 Development and Comparison of Four GA Based Algorithms for Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing problem with Time Windows Sachin Kumar Nagle and Panneerselvam R International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development Vol.10, No.3, pp.6877-6904 2020 SJ: 6.941
6 STUDY AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS STRATEGY PLANNING MODELS FOR BUSINESS PERFORMANCE Viram Shende, and Panneerselvam, R Indian Journal of Research Vol.8, No.10, pp. 9-13. 2019 SJ: 6.941
7 Development of efficient genetic algorithm for open shop scheduling problem to minimize makespan, Anand, E. and Panneerselvam, R International Journal of Advanced Operations Management Vol. 10, No.,3, pp.199-233 2018 0.23
9 Study of Crossover operators of Genetic Algorithm& Development of New Crossover Operator to Solve Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Wind Sachin Kumar Nagle and Panneerselvam R International Journal of Production Technology and Management Vol. 9, No.2, pp.1-22. 2018 7.8641
10 Managing Disruptive Innovation: Contextual Evidence for Christensen’s Theory from India Madhusudan, C. and Panneerselvam, R Studies in Indian Place Names: JTA Multidisciplinary International Conference Proceedings Volume 8, Issue 8, 2018. 2018 SJ IF: 6.64
11 A Comparative Investigation of Similarity Coefficients Applied to the Cell Formation Problem using Hybrid Clustering Algorithms Pachayappan, M., & Panneerselvam, R Materials Today: Proceedings 5(5), 12285-12302 2018 0.314
12 Disruptive Innovation – A Review with Particular Reference to India Madhusudan, C. and Panneerselvam, R Asian Journal of Management Vol.8, No.4, pp.1370-1378 2017 R.F Impact Factor: 6.3
13 Literature Review of Covering Problem in Operations Management C.N.Vijeyamurthy and R.Panneerselvam International Journal of Services, Economic and Management Vol.2, No.3/4, pp.267-285 2010 1.673
14 Literature Review of JIT-Kanban System C. Sendil Kumar and R.Panneerselvam International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol.32, pp.392-408 2006 2.209
15 Simple Heuristic to Minimize Total Tardiness in a Single Machine Scheduling Problem Panneerselvam, R International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 30, pp.722-726 2006 2.209
16 Single Model Deterministic Assembly Line Balancing: A Case Study Narayanan, S. and Panneerselvam, R PRODUCTIVITY Vol.39, No.1, pp.124-133 1998 NA
17 Efficient Heuristic for Total Covering problem Panneerselvam, R PRODUCTIVITY Vol.36, No.4, pp 649-657 1996 NA
18 Covering Technique Based Algorithm for Machine Grouping to Form Manufacturing Cells Balasubramanian, K.N. and Panneerselvam, R International Journal of Production Research Vol.31, No.6, pp.1479-1504 1993 2.55
19 Algorithmic Grouping of Operation Sequences Panneerselvam, R. and Balasubramanian, K.N. Engineering Costs and Production Economics (Presently, International Journal of Production Economics Vol.9, pp.125-134 1985 4.052

Papers Published in Non UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Distruptive Innovation - A review with Particular Reference to India C.Madhusudan and R.Panneerselvam Asian Journal of Management Vol.8, No.4, pp.1370-1378 2017 0.3
2 Development of an Efficient Genetic Algorithm for the Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, American Journal of Operations Researc Suresh Nanda Kumar and R.Panneerselvam American Journal of Operations Research Vol.7, No.1, pp. 1-25 2017 0.9
3 Development of similarity coefficient for machine-component cell formation of cellular manufacturing system and its comparison Pachayappan, M. and Panneerselvam, R Asian Journal of Empirical Research Vol.7, No.6, pp.134-146 2017 0.85
4 A Study of Crossover Operators for Genetic Algorithms to Solve VRP and its Variants and new Sinusoidal Motion Crossover Operator Varunkumar, V.G. and Panneerselvam, R International Journal of Computational Intelligent Research Vol.13, No.7, pp.1717-1733 2017 NA
5 Implementation of Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for CLSC Network Design Problem—A Case Study on Fashion Leather Goods Industry Aravendan, M. and Panneerselvam, R American Journal of Operations Research Vol. 6, No.4, pp. 300-316 2016 0.9
6 Application of Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for CLSC Network Design Problem in Fashion Footwear Industry—A Case Study Approach Aravendan, M. and Panneerselvam, R Journal of Service Science and Management Vol. 9, No.3, pp. 195-210 2016 1.15
7 A Study of Crossover Operators for Genetic Algorithm and Proposal of a New Crossover Operator to Solve Open Shop Scheduling Problem Anand, E. and Panneerselvam, R American Journal of Industrial and Business Management Vol.6, No.6, pp.774-789 2016 0.92
8 Hybrid genetic Algorithm for machine- Component Cell Formation M.Pachayappan and Panneerselvam, R Intelligent Information Management Vol.7, pp. 107-122. 2015 1.04
9 A Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows for E-Commerce Supplier Site Pickups Using Genetic Algorithm Suresh Nanda Kumar and R.Panneerselvam Intelligent Information Management Vol. 7, No.4, pp. . 181-194 2015 1.04
10 A Comparative Study of Proposed Genetic Algorithm-Based Solution with Other Algorithms for Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows fo Suresh Nanda Kumar and R.Panneerselvam Journal of Service Science and management Vol. 8, No.6, pp. 844-859 2015 1.15
11 Comparison of Machine-Component Cell Formation Algorithms M.Pachayappan and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.VII, No.9, pp.33-38 2015 NA
12 Development and Comparison of Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Network Design Problem in Closed Loop Supply Chain Aravendan, M. and Panneerselvam, R., Journal of Intelligent Information Management Vol.7, No.6, pp. PP. 313-338 2015 1.04
13 Produtivity Improvement in the assembly Line of Steering Gear Production Industry Using Assembely Line Balancing - A Case Study Nithianandam, S. and Panneerslvam, R. UDYOG PRAGATI Vol.38, pp.1-5 2014 NA
14 Literature Review of cell Formation Problem in Cellular Manufacturing System M.Pachayappan and Panneerselvam, R UDYOG PRAGATI Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 21-66. 2014 NA
15 Literature Review of Reverse Logistics problem Varunkumar and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.VII, No.10, 5-13 2014 NA
16 An Integrated Multi-Echelon Model for a sustainable closed loop supply chain network design M.Aravendam and Panneerselvam, R Intelligent Information Management Vol.6, pp. 257-279 2014 1.04
17 Literature Review of network problems in closed loop and reverse supply chains M.Aravendam and Panneerselvam, R Intelligent Information Management Vol.6, pp. 104-117 2014 1.04
18 , Literature Review of Open Shop Scheduling Problems Anand Ellur and Panneerselvam, R Intelligent Information Management Vol.7, pp. 33-52 2014 1.04
19 Simulation of Multiple AGVS Scheduling, AGVS, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Practices P.Senthilkumar and R.Panneerselvam International Journal of Industrial Engineering Practices Vol.4, No.1, pp.37-43 2012 NA
20 A Survey on the Vehicle Routing Problem and Its Variants Suresh Nanda Kumar and R.Panneerselvam Intelligent Information Management Vol. 4, No.3, pp.66-74 2012 NA
21 Algorithm for Least Cost Mix of Kanban Sizesin JIT Manufacturing System Sendil Kumar, C. and Panneerselvam, R. Industrial Engineering Journal pp.24-28 2011 NA
22 Mathematical modeling of single machine scheduling problem with uniform parallel machines to minimize total tardiness 37. Panneerselvam, R., et al. Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.II, No.2, pp.39-44 2011 NA
23 Literature review of Single machine scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines 39. Sivasankaran, P., Sornakumar, T. and Panneerselvam, R UDYOG PRAGATI Vol.35, No.3, pp.1-15 2011 NA
24 Algorithm for least cost mix on kanban sizes in JIT manufacturing system with multi-product Sendil Kumar, C. and Panneerselvam, R. Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.II, No.23, pp.24-28 2011 NA
25 Design and Comparison of Simulated Annealing Algorithm and GRASP to Minimize Makespan in Single Machines Scheduling with Unrelated Parallel Machines P.Sivasankaran, T.Sornakumar and R.Panneerselvam Journal of Intelligent Information Management Vol.2, pp.406-416 2011 1.04
26 Cost Based Algorithm for Designing JIT-Kanban Manufacturing System with Multi-Product C.Sendil Kumar and R.Panneerselvam International Journal of Industrial Engineering Practices Vol.1, No.2, pp.101-107 2010 NA
27 Comparison of GA Based Heuristic and GRASP Bases Heuristic for Total Covering problem C.N.Vijeyamurthy and R.Panneerselvam Journal of iBusiness Vol.2, pp.156-167 2010 0.61
28 Efficient Heuristic to Minimize Makespan in Single Machine Scheduling problem with Unrelated Parallel Machines P.Sivasankaran, T.Sornakumar and R.Panneerselvam Journal of Intelligent Information Management Vol.2, pp.188-198 2010 1.04
29 Heuristic to Minimize Makespan in Uniform Parallel Machines Scheduling Problem 35. P.Sivasankaran, M.M.Ravi Kumatr, P.Senthilkumar and R.Panneerselvam UDYOG PRAGATI Vol.33, No.3, pp.1-15 2009 NA
30 GA Based Heuristic for Total Covering Problem 36. C.N.Vijeyamurthy and R.Panneerselvam Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.II, No.8, pp.24-28 2009 NA
31 Algorithm to Determine Cut-Vertices (HUBS) in a Logistic Network Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.I, No.2, pp.14-19 2008 NA
32 Visual Interactive Simulation Modelling of JIT Kanban Multi-Product Assembly Line System C.Sendil Kumar and R.Panneerselvam Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.1, No.6, pp.10-17 2008 NA
33 GA Based Heuristic to Minimize the Sum of Weighted Total Earliness and Weighted Total Tardiness in Single Machine Scheduling problem with Common Due Panneerselvam, R. and Senthilkumar, P Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXXV, No.12, pp.36-42 2006 NA
34 Plant and Process Improvement in Ferro Alloys Plant – A case Study Panneerselvam, R and Ramanathan, K Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXXV, No.5, pp.20-23 2006 NA
35 Algorithm for Multiple AGVS Scheduling Senthilkumar, P., Damodaran, K.M and Panneerselvan, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXXII, No.7, pp.20-26. 2003 NA
36 Deterministic Assembly Line Balancing using New Efficient Set of Heuristics - A Case study in a Turbo-Charger assembly Narayanan, S. and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXXI 2002 NA
37 Design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems: A Case Study Nambirajan, T and Panneerselvam, R Journal of Decision and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 7, No.1-3, pp.33-72 2002 NA
38 New Global Search Heuristic for Assembly Line Balancing Narayanan, S. and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXX, No.1, pp.15-18. 2000 NA
39 New Efficient Set of Heuristics for Assembly Line Balancing Narayanan, S. and Panneerselvam, R International Journal of Management and Systems Vol.16, No.3, pp.287-300 2000 NA
40 Simple Heuristic for Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Two Parallel Processors Having Varying Speeds to Minimize Makespan Panneerselvam, R. and Kanagalingam, S Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXVIII, No.6, pp.2-8 1999 NA
41 Heuristic for Moderated Job Shop Scheduling Problem to Minimize Makespan Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXVIII, No.3, pp.126-29 1999 NA
42 Machine-Component Cell Design using Simulated Annealing Nambirajan, T. and Panneerselvam, R International Journal of Management and Systems Vol.15,N0.2, 185-208 1999 NA
43 Algorithm for Total Covering Problem with Cost Consideration and Probabilistic Demand Panneerselvam, R International Journal of Management and Systems Vol.14, No.3, pp.241-256 1998 NA
44 Modelling Parallel Processors with Different Processing Speeds of Single Machine Scheduling Problem to Minimize Makespan Panneerselvam, R. and Kanagalingam, S Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXVII, No.6, pp.16-19 1998 NA
45 Ergonomics in the Redesign of Tyre-Changer Sarma, D.V.S. and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXVII, No.2, pp.6-11 1998 NA
46 Strategies for Productivity Improvement Panneerselvam, R Pondicherry Catalyst, Vol.1, No.1, pp.51-60 1997 NA
47 Reliability Improvement Model Panneerselvam, R Indian Economic Panorama Vol.6, No.4, pp.10-11 1997 NA
48 Inflation Adjusted Economic Life of Machine Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXVI, No.9., pp.16-19 1997 NA
49 Heuristic for Partial Covering Problem Panneerselvam, R. et al. Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXV, No.10, pp.11-16 1996 NA
50 Nonhierarchical Clustering of Machine-Component Cells using Seeds from Efficient Seed Generation Algorithm (ESGA) Nambirajan, T and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXIV., No.11, pp 10-16 1995 NA
51 Nonhierarchical Clustering of Machine-Component Cells using Seeds from Efficient Seed Generation Algorithm (ESGA), Nambirajan, T and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXIV., No.12, pp 1-17 1995 NA
52 New Heuristics for Assembly Line Balancing Problem Panneerselvam, R. and Oudaya Sankar, C. International Journal of Management and Systems Vol.9, No.1, pp.25-36 1993 NA
53 Quantitative Tools for Public Systems Design and Operations Rajkumar, G and Panneerselvam, R Indian Economic Panorama Vol.2, No.3, pp.23-27 1992 NA
54 Study and Statistical Analysis of Sorting Quality of Ceramic Tiles Maheshwaran, K and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXI, No.1, pp.22-26 1992 na
55 Optimal Single Machine Scheduling to Minimize the Sum of Weighted Total Earliness and Weighted Total Tardiness Panneerselvam, R. et al. Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXI, No.5, pp. 22-29 1992 NA
56 Heuristics to minimize the Sum of Weighted Earliness and Tradiness in Common Due Date Single Machine Scheduling Problem Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XXI, No.11, pp.13-23 1992 NA
57 Inflation Adjusted Investment Decision Panneerselvam, R Indian Economic Panorama Vol.2, No.2, pp.13-14 1992 .
58 Evaluation of Public Activities Panneerselvam, R Indian Economic Panorama Vol.2, No.4, pp.21-22 1992 NA
59 Modelling the Single Machine Scheduling Problem to Minimize Total Tardiness and Weighted Total Tardiness Panneerselvam, R International Journal of Management and Systems Vol.7, No.1, pp. 37-48 1991 NA
60 An Improved Heuristic for Total Covering Problem Rajkumar,G and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XX, No.8, pp.4-7 1991 NA
61 Single Machine Scheduling Model to Minimize the Sum of the Weighted Number of Early and Tardy Jobs Panneerselvam, R and Balasubramanian, K.N Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XX, No.7, pp.6-9 1991 NA
62 Selection and Evaluation of Rural Road Project in Hills Sundaram, T.S and Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XX, No.12, pp.8-15 1991 NA
63 Modelling the Transportation Problem with Quantity Discounts Panneerselvam, R and Rajkumar, G International Journal of Management and Systems Vol.7, No.3, pp. 197-210 1991 NA
64 A Heuristic Algorithm for Total Covering Problem", Industrial Engineering Journal Panneerselvam, R Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XIX, No.2, pp.1-10 1990 NA
65 Heuristic Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem and its Application to a Case Study Panneerselvam, R and Balasubramanian, K.N International Journal of Industrial Engineering Practices Vol.XIX, No.8, pp.5-14 1990 NA
66 Group Technology Machine-Component Cell Formation Panneerselvam, R. et al. Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XIX, No.9, pp.22-32 1990 NA
67 Group Technology Machine-Component Cell Formation Panneerselvam, R. et al. Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XIX, No.9, pp.22-32 1990 NA
68 Heuristic Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem and its Application to a Case Study Panneerselvam, R and Balasubramanian, K.N International Journal of Industrial Engineering Practices Vol.XIX, No.8, pp.5-14 1990 NA
69 Simulation of a Season Ticket Issue Counter of a Transport Corporation Panneerselvam, R. and Veerapandian, M Industrial Engineering Journal Vol.XIX, No.7, pp.21-25 1990 NA
70 Models for Warehouse Location Problem Panneerselvam, R., Balasubramanian, K.N. and Thiagarajan, M.T International Journal of Management and Systems Vol.6, No.1, pp. 1-8 1990 NA

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Details of Conference Publication Page Nos. Year
1 Tutorial on Overview of Design of Experiments and Extensions Panneerselvam, R 3rd International Conference on Advances in Industrail Engineering Applications (ICAIEA2018) . 2018
2 Study of Crossover Operators and Development of New Crossover Operator to Solve Hetrogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Sachin Kumar Nagle and Panneerselvam. R 3rd International Conference on Advances in Industrail Engineering Applications (ICAIEA2016) 154 2018
3 Literature Review of Applications of Busines Intelligence, Business Analytics and Competitive Intelligence Vikram W Shende and R.Panneerselvam 3rd International Conference on Advances in Industrail Engineering Applications (ICAIEA2018) 129-147 2018
4 Distruptive Innovation as a sustainable and Competitive Business Strategy -The Case of Indian Low Cost Carriers C.Madhusudan and R.Panneerselvam 3rd International Conference on Advances in Industrail Engineering Applications (ICAIEA2018) 142-151 2018
5 A Literature Review on Hetrogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem Sachin Kumar Nagle and Panneerselvam. R Proceedings of International Conference on 3i – “Intelligence, Innovation and Inclusion – Best Practices for Global Busines pp.879-896 2016
6 A Literature Review on Hetrogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem Sachin Kumar Nagle and Panneerselvam. R Proceedings of International Conference on 3i – “Intelligence, Innovation and Inclusion – Best Practices for Global Busines pp.879-896 2016
7 Quality Dimensions of Industry-Institution Interface Panneerselvam, R 2nd National Conference on “Sustainable Institute Industry Partnership (SIIP), SEED 20 2015
8 Comparison of Machine-Component cell Formation Algorithms M.Pachayappan and R.Panneerselvam Second International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications 2014(ICAIEA2014) organized by Industrial Engineering Department of Anna University, Chennai-25 107-115 2014
9 Active Schedule generation Heuristics to Minimize the Makespan for an Open Shop Scheduling Problem E.Ananad and R.Panneerselvam Second International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications 2014(ICAIEA2014) organized by Industrial Engineering Department of Anna University, Chennai-25 175-179 2014
10 Tutorial on Heuristics for Academic and Industrial Research R.Panneerselvam 2nd International Conference on Adances in Industrial Engineering Applications (ICAIEA 2014) xxii 2014
11 Literature Review of Similarity Coefficient in Cellular Manufacturing System Pachayappan, M. and Panneerselvam Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2013), Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat and Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering 20-22 2013
12 Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Minimize Makespan in Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Unrelated Parallel Machines P.Sivasankaran, T.Sornakumar and R.Panneerselvam Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications, .23 2010
13 Performance Improvement of CPU Assembly Line Sumesh. K, Vasumathi. C and Panneerselvam. R Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications .14 2010
14 Tutorial on Heuristics for Industrail Applications - Need and Insight" R.Panneerselvam International Conference on Advances in Industrail Engineering Applications (ICAIEA2010) xxiv 2010
15 Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel processors Panneerselvam, R National Seminar on “Emerging Trends of Mathematical Techniques & Their Applications in Computer Science, 23&24 Feb., 2007 . 2007
16 Covering Problems and Their Applications Panneerselvam, R Proceedings of the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Production and Operations Management, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Jan, 2001, . 2001
17 Computer Aided Process Planning Navaneethakrishnan, P., Senthilvelmurugan, P. and Panneerselvam, R Proceedings of the National seminar on Recent Trend in Production and Operations Management, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, January 2001 . 2001
18 Algorithm for AGVS Scheduling Senthil Kumar, P., Damodaran, K.M. and Panneerselvam, R., Proceedings of 43rd National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Chennai, September, 2001 pp.42-46 2001
19 Clustering Technique as an aid to Time Table Scheduling Panneerselvam, R. and Nambirajan, T., Proceedings of 38th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, December, 1996, Bombay pp.159-168 1996
20 Advanced Techniques for Productivity Improvement Panneerselvam, R Proceedings of the Second Tamil Science Congress pp.80-83 1993
21 Heuristic Algorithm for total Covering Problem Panneerselvam, R Proceedings of the All India Seminar on Management Perspectives for Nineties (Organized by the School of Management, Pondicherry University), .. 1989
22 Determination of Optimal Raw Materials Charge Mix for Foundry Furnace Panneerselvam, R. and Subburaj, S Proceedings of CSI-89 Convention, September 1989, Bangalore .308-316 1989
23 Study and Statistical Analysis of Sorting Quality of Ceramic Tiles Maheshwaran, K and Panneerselvam, R Proceedings of the National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Bombay . 1989
24 Complexity of Algorithms Panneerselvam, R and Thiagarajan, M.T Proceedings of the First Tamil Science Congress conducted by the School of Management, Dec., 1989, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry . 1989
25 Assembly Line Balancing - A Case Study Panneerselvam, R and Balasubramanian, K.N Proceedings of the 26th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering . 1984
26 Heuristic for Warehouse Location Problem Panneerselvam, R and Balasubramanian, K.N Proceedings of OR/SA Symposium organized by DRDO, New Delhi . 1983
27 Models for Layout Design Panneerselvam, R. and Balasubramanian, K.N Proceedings of 24th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering at New Delhi . 1982


S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.
1 C Programming A Complete Text R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2024 ‎ Paperback:979-8326016461
2 C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Text R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2024 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8334482494(Hardcover)
3 C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Text R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2024 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8334471344 (Paperback)
4 C Programming A Complete Text R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2024 eBook: ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D4JQLPYC
5 C Programming A Complete Text R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2024 Hardcover: 979-8326020185
6 C++ Programming: a Comprehensive Text R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2024 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DBJ7JGWM (eBook)
7 Manufacturing Process: A Complete Text R.Panneerselvam, P.Sivasankaran Amazon Self Publishing Hardcover: ISBN13 979-8320229300 2024 eBook: ASIN ‏ B0CXQ47FFG, paperback: ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8320225975,
8 Productivity Improvement Techniques Panneerselvam, R., Sivasankaran, P. and Senthilkumar, P. Amazon 2023 ‎ ASIN:B0C6XF4ZPJ(e-Book) ISBN:9798397220453(Hardcover) ISBN:978-93-5913-393-5Paperback
9 Problem Solving and Python Programming R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2023 eBook: ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CLCNLTQW
10 Operations Research - 3rd Edition Panneerselvam, R PHI Learning Pvt. Limited 2023 978-93-5443-789-2 (Print Book) 978-93-5443-829-5 (e-Book)
11 Engineering Mechanics R.Panneerselvam, P.Sivasankaran and N.Rajalakshmi Amazon Self Publishing (eBook) 2023 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BTJW7DWQ
12 Design Thinking for Product Design and Process Design R.Panneerselvam, P.Senthilkumar and P.Sivasankaran Amazon Self Publishing (eBook) 2023 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BTKZKY83
13 Engineering Mechanics R.Panneerselvam, P.Sivasankaran and N.Rajalakshmi Amazon Self Publishing (Paperback) 2023 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎978-9358107876 & ISBN-10 ‏: ‎9358107871 ISBN: 9798397057516(Hardcover)
14 Design Thinking for Product Design and Process Design R.Panneerselvam, P.Senthilkumar and P.Sivasankaran Amazon Self Publishing 2023 PAPERBACK ISBN-13:978-9357863889 & ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9357863885 Hardcover ISBN: 9798397220972
15 UNIT 3 Sustainable Operations in MMPO-003 Operations Management, IGNOU MBA R.Panneerselvam IGNOU 2023 978-93-5568-813-2
16 Paperback: Statistics for Engineers and Managers R.Panneerselvam and N.Rajalakshmi Amazon Self Publishing 2023 ISBN-13: ‎ 979-8862561708
17 Hardcover: Statistics for Engineers and Managers R.Panneerselvam and N.Rajalakshmi Amazon Self Publishing 2023 ISBN-13: 9798862566680
18 Business Statistics Using Excel: A Complete Course in Data Analytics R.Panneerselvam Routledge India 2023 Hardcover: 978-1032521916 and 1032521910
19 Business Statistics Using Excel: A Complete Course in Data Analytics R.Panneerselvam Routledge India 2023 Paperback: 978-1032671710 and 1032671718, eBook:1032671718
20 Artificial Intelligence R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2023 Paperback: 979-8872132431, eBook: ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CQHWT249, Hardcover: 979-8872141594
21 Problem Solving and Python Programming R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2023 Hardcover:9798864835975
22 Problem Solving and Python Programming R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2023 Paperback:9798864829684
23 eBook: Statistics for Engineers and Managers R.Panneerselvam and N.Rajalakshmi Amazon Self Publishing 2023 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CJVTXPH2
24 Engineering Mechanics: Dependent Systems and Truss R.Panneerselvam and N.Rajalakshmi Amazon Self Publishing 2022 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8361796038 (Paperback Book) ISBN: 9798397025348(Hardcover)
25 Engineering Mechanics: Dependent Systems and Truss R.Panneerselvam and N.Rajalakshmi Amazon Self Publishing Kindle Edition 2022 AMAZON ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BKQMB9DX (eBook)
26 R Programming Made Simple R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2022 ISBN-13:979-8360112457 (Paperback) ISBN: 9798397036177(Hardcover)
27 R Programming Made Simple R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing Kindle Edition 2022 ASIN ‎ B0BKFW1VM9 (eBook)
28 Advanced Databse Management systems Including Matplotlib for Data Mining R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2022 ISBN-10: 9357376445, ISBN-13: 978-9357376440(paperback) ISBN: 9798397112475(Hardcover)
29 Advanced Database Management Systems Including Matplotlib for Data Mining R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing Kindle Edition 2022 AMAZON ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BGCRW1GG
30 Databases and Python Programming: MySQL, MongoDB, OOP and Tkinter R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing 2022 978-93-5701-133-4)Paperback) ISBN: 9798397021920(Hardcover)
31 Databases and Python Programming: MySQL, MongoDB, OOP and Tkinter R.Panneerselvam Amazon Self Publishing Kindle Edition 2022 AMAZON ASIN: B0B8TJZG18
32 Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Automation in Manufacturing Panneerselvam, R., Senthilkumar, P, and Sivasankaran, P. Cengage 2020 13-978-93-5350-320-8, 93-5350-320-5
33 Elimaikkural Panneerselvam, R. PHI Learning Private Limited 2020 978-93-89347-43-2(Print Book), 978-93-89347-42-5(e-book)
34 Managerial Economics Panneerselvam, R., Sivasankaran, P. and Senthilkumar, P. Cengage 2018 13:978-93-86858-82-5, 10: 93-86858-82-7
35 Database Management Systems (Third Edition) Panneerselvam, R PHI Learning Private Limited 2018 978-93-87472-09-9
36 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Second Edition) Panneerselvam, R PHI Learning Private Limited 2016 978-81-203-5164-6
37 Process Planning and Cost Estimation Panneerselvam, R. and Sivasankaran, P. PHI Learning Private Limited 2016 978-81-203-5172-1
38 Research Methodology (Second Edition) Panneerselvam, R PHI Learning Private Limited 2014 . 9788120349469
39 Quality Management Panneerselvam, R. and Sivasankaran, P. PHI Learning Private Limited 2014 978-81-203-4943-8
40 System Simulation, Modelling and Languages Panneerselvam, R. and Senthilkumar, P. PHI Learning Private Limited 2013 .ISBN : 9788120347069
41 Engineering Economics (2nd Edition) Panneerselvam, R PHI Learning Private Limited 2013 978-81-203-4837-0
42 Production and Operations Management (3rd Edition) Panneerselvam, R PHI Learning Private Limited 2012 978-81-203-4555-3
43 Design and Analysis of Experiments Panneerselvam, R PHI Learning Private Limited 2012 978-81-203-4499-0
44 Database Management Systems (Second Edition) Panneerselvam, R PHI Learning Private Limited 2011 978-81-203-4277-4
45 Project Management Panneerselvam, R. and Senthilkumar, P. PHI Learning Private Limited 2009 978-81-203-3817-3
46 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Panneerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of India 2007 978-81-203-3278-2
47 Interest Tables for Engineering Economics Panneerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of India 2007 978-81-203-3105-1
48 Operations Research (Second Edition) Panneerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of India 2006 978-81-203-2928-7
49 Production and Operations Management (Second Edition) Panneerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of India 2005 978-81-203-2767-2
50 Research Methodology Panneerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of India 2004 978-81-203-2452-7
51 Database Management Systems Panneerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of India 2002 978-81-203-2028-4
52 Operations Research Panneerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of India 2002 81-203-1923-0
53 Engineering Economics Panneerselvam, R Prentice-Hall of India 2001 978-81-203-1743-7
54 Production and Operations Management Panneerselvam, R. Prentice-Hall of India 1999 81-203-1442-5

Chapters in Books

S.No Title of the Chapters Name of the Authors Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN No.
1 IT Enabled Investment Decision Panneerselvam, R. Information Technology on Investment Decision Northern Book Centre, New delhi 2004 .81-7211-151-7

Edited Books

S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Ongoing Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Ongoing Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year
1 SAP Coordinator of UGC 2011-2012 First Year Only Rs.44,00,000 with Pr 2011
2 Literature Review and Extension of Covering Problem UGC (Minor project) May 1995 - May 1997 15,000 1997

Completed Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year
1 Development of Model for benchmarking Energy management System Chiller Energy Management System (CEMS), Malaysia 2009-2010 10,00,000 2010
2 Naming of Detergent Soap Chemfab Alkalies, Chennai 1987-1988 15,000 1988

Career Guidance Offered to students

S.No Name of the Scheme No. of Students Competitive Examinations/ Career Counseling No. of Students Passed No. of Students Placed

List of capability enhancement such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab,
Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

S.No Name of the Programme/Scheme Date of Implementation No. of Students Enrolled Agencies Involved

Research Guidance - PG

S.No Year Degree No. of Students Awarded Department/Centre

Research Guidance - Ph.D

S.No Student Name Registration Date Registration No. Thesis Title Thesis Submitted Status Thesis Submitted Date Vivavoce Completed Status Date Awarded
2 Vikram Shende 12-10-2014 1400177008 Development of Efficient DSS and Analysis for Strategic Planning in Automotive Industry YES 23-11-2020 YES 25-10-2021
3 SACHIN KUMAR NAGLE 13-10-2015 1500117008 Development and Comparison of Four GA Based Algorithms for Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows YES 30-07-2019 YES 13-08-2020
4 Mr.S.G.Varunkumar 24-07-2012 .. Development and Comparison of Genetic Algorithms for Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Deliveries and Pickups in a Supply Chain Network YES 09-02-2018 YES 20-02-2019
5 Mr.E.Anand 26-07-2012 .. Development of Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Open Shop Scheduling Problem to Minimize Makespan YES 08-02-2018 YES 28-11-2018
6 Mr.Suresh Nanda Kumar 15-09-2010 .. Development of Efficient genetic Algorithms for the vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and with Time-Dependencies YES 08-05-2017 YES 23-02-2018
7 Mr.M.Aravendan 11.11.2009 .. Development and Comparison of Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Network Design Problem in Closed Loop Supply Chain YES 09-04-2016 YES 03-01-2017
8 Mr.M.Pachayappan 17-07-2012 .. Development of Hybrid Genetic Algoriuthm for Cellular Manufacturing System YES 04-09-2015 YES 10-05-2016
9 Mr.C.N.Vijeyamurthy 29-11-2002 .. GA Based Heuristic for Total Covering problem YES 03-05-2010 YES 19-11-2010
10 Mr.T.Nambirajan 03-12-1990 .. Machine-Component Cell Design Using Simulated Annealing with Efficient Seed Generation Algorithm YES Jan., 2000 YES 16-02-2001
11 Mr.C.Sendil Kumar 03-011-1999 .. Study and Development of Algorithms for Design of JIT Kanban Manufacturing System with Multi-Product YES Dec., 2007 YES Aug., 2008
12 Mr.S.Narayanan 21-12-1995 .. Development of New Efficient Heuristic for Deterministic Assembly Line Balancing YES 01-11-2000 YES March 2001
13 Mr.D.V.Subramanya Sarma 18-08-1992 .. Applied Anthropometry: Ergonomic Design and Development of Low Cost “Tyre Changer” YES 28-08-1997 YES March 1999

Research Guidance - Post Doctoral

S.No Scholar Name Designation Funding Agency Fellowship Title Year of Joining Year of Completion

Financial assistance availed to attend conferences / workshops and to pay membership fee
of professional bodies during the year

S.No Conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided Professional body for which membership fee is provided Amount of Support Place From Date To Date Year

E-Lecture Details

S.No E-Lecture Title Development of e-content/e-learning/delivering Member of Editorial Bodies Reviewer/Referee of
Content/Module Title Institution/Platform Year Weblink

Details of Online Education Conducted

S.No Nature of Online Course No. of Sessions Target Group Date
1 Project Management Full semester subjec MBA Class, Department of Management Studies 04-08-2020
2 Advanced Project Management Full semester subjec MBA (Data Analytics) Class , Department of Management Studies 04-08-2020
3 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Full semester subjec MBA (Data Analytics) Class , Department of Management Studies 04-08-2020
4 Operations Management Full semester subjec MBA Class, Department of Management Studies 29-03-2021
5 Computer Simulation Full semester subjec MBA (Data Analytics) Class , Department of Management Studies 29-03-2021
6 Database Management Systems Full semester subjec MBA (Data Analytics) Class , Department of Management Studies 29-03-2021
7 Project Management Full semester subjec MBA Class, Department of Management Studies 16-08-2021
8 Advanced Project Management Full semester subjec MBA Class, Department of Management Studies 16-08-2021
9 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Full semester subjec MBA (Data Analytics) Class , Department of Management Studies 16-08-2021

Invited Talks in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme

S.No Title of the Paper Conferences/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme Organized by Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year
1 These data pertain to latest invited lectures data are from 2010 onwards based on oral instruction from Dean's office ,,, ,,, , , 2024
2 Split Plot Design 5-day short term training program (STTP) under the DST-SERB Accelerated Vigyan Scheme on “Design of Experiments: A statistical tool for systematic d DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, VISVESVARAYA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NAGPUR National 29-07-2022 29-07-2022 2022
3 Nested Design 5-day short term training program (STTP) under the DST-SERB Accelerated Vigyan Scheme on “Design of Experiments: A statistical tool for systematic d DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, VISVESVARAYA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NAGPUR National 29-07-2022 29-07-2022 2022
4 PROCESS CAPABILITY, PERFORMANCE AND CONTROL CHARTS · SPC - CP and CPK, Control Charts 79th Batch - Lean Six Sigma Green Belt programme, commenced on 11th July 2021 as a Seven Day Intensive Training Programme AU TVS Centre for Quality Management , Anna University. National 25-07-2021 25-07-2021 2021
5 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ANALYSIS · GAGE R & R STUDY 79th Batch - Lean Six Sigma Green Belt programme, commenced on 11th July 2021 as a Seven Day Intensive Training Programme AU TVS Centre for Quality Management , Anna University. National 25-07-2021 25-07-2021 2021
6 Overview of Quality Management Invited lecture on the eve of retirement of Prof.R.Raju, Industrail Engineering Department, Anna University, Chennai-25 Industrial Engineering Department, Anna University, Chennai - 25 National 28-05-2021 28-05-2021 2021
7 Experiences Transportaion Science Five days Faculty Development Programme (MDP) in the Context of Industry 4.0. The program's objective is to explore the management practices and vario Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur National 29-08-2021 29-08-2021 2021
8 Sampling Methods 10 Day ICSSR Research Methodology Course in Social Science for Ph.D Scholars POndicherry University National 17-12-2019 28-12-2019 2019
9 Queueing Simulation Short Term Training Program on Stochastic Process and their Applications (SITP 2019) Mathematics Dept., SRM University, Chennai National 08-11-2019 08-11-2019 2019
10 Linear Programming and its application in industries with case studies One-week workshop on “Statistical Applications in Industry” conducted from 5 March 2018 to 11 March 2018 Department of Textile Technology, Anna University, Chennai National 5 March 2018 11 March 2018 2018
11 Introduction to DOE DST – SERB Sponsored Two Days National Workshop on “Design of Experiment (DOE) SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram. National 02-02-2017 03-02-2017 2017
12 Optimization: Heuristics and Algorithms National level Workshop on Optimization and Simulation in Research Anna University, Chennai National 16-03-2017 16-03-2017 2017
13 Manufacturing Simulation TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Applications of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry - 605 014 National 26-04-2016 26-04-2016 2016
14 Research Issues in Operations Management 5th International Conference in MAGNA on Emerging Engineering Trends Magna College of Engineering on 27th February, 2015. International 27-02-2015 27-02-2015 2015
15 Sensitization to Topic Selection and Best Practices in Literature Review”, in the National Seminar National Seminar on “Research in Management, Engineering & Science – Best Practices MIT, Anna University, Chennai National 07-03-2014 07-03-2014 2014
16 ANOVA Basics and Taguchi’s Techniques 3-day residential workshop on “Research Methodology – The Science of Creating New Knowledge Society for Educational and Entrepreneurship Development (SEED) National 28-01-2014 29-01-2014 2014
17 Heuristics for academic and Industrial Research International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications 2014(ICAIEA2014) Anna University, Chennai International 06-01-2014 08-01-2014 2014
18 Introduction to Interest Formulae Overview of Engineering Economics Mechanical Engineering Department of ARS College of Engineering, Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai National 23-04-2014 23-04-2014 2014
19 Inflation adjusted Investment Decision Overview of Engineering Economics Mechanical Engineering Department of ARS College of Engineering, Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai. National 23-02-2014 23-02-2014 2014
20 Evaluation of Public Alternatives Overview of Engineering Economics Mechanical Engineering Department of ARS College of Engineering, Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai. National 23-02-2014 23-02-2014 2014
21 Evaluation of Alternatives (Present Worth Method, Future Worth Method, Annual equivalent Method and Overview of Engineering Economics Mechanical Engineering Department of ARS College of Engineering, Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai. National 23-02-2014 23-02-2014 2014
22 DOE (Design of Experiments) Techniques National Workshop on Advanced Trends in Optimization Methods, & Their Applications Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University National 10-09-2014 10-09-2014 2014
23 Multi-Objective Optimization Using Grey Relational Analysis (GRA)” National Workshop on Multi-Objective Optimization Department of mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai National 04-09-2014 04-09-2014 2014
24 Operations Management National Level FDP on Teaching Strategy and Excellence for Engineering and Management Education Sairam Engineering College, Chennai National 29-12-2014 29-12-2014 2014
25 Benchmarking of Algorithms National Workshop on Advanced Trends in Optimization Methods, & Their Applications Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University National 10-09-2014 10-09-2014 2014
26 Response Surface Methodology AICTE sponsored two week faculty development programme on recent Research and Development in Manufacturing Process-II MAM College of Engineering, Tiruchrapalli-621105 National 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 2013
27 Bench marking of Algorithms one day seminar on “Art of Engineering Research” Dept. of Information Technology Kongu Enginerring College, Erode, Tamialnadu National 19-10-2013 19-10-2013 2013
28 Grey Relational Analysis AICTE Sponsored two week FDP on Modelling and Optimization of Manufacturing System Using Intelligent Techniques (MOMSIT-2013) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam- 638 401 National 11-05-2013 11-05-2013 2013
29 Response Surface methodology AICTE Sponsored two week FDP on Modelling and Optimization of Manufacturing System Using Intelligent Techniques (MOMSIT-2013) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam- 638 401 National 11-05-2013 11-05-2013 2013
30 Tutorial problems on GRA AICTE Sponsored two week FDP on Modelling and Optimization of Manufacturing System Using Intelligent Techniques (MOMSIT-2013) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam- 638 401 National 11-05-2013 11-05-2013 2013
31 Tutorial Problems on RSM AICTE Sponsored two week FDP on Modelling and Optimization of Manufacturing System Using Intelligent Techniques (MOMSIT-2013) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam- 638 401 National 11-05-2013 11-05-2013 2013
32 Factor analysis Two day national workshop on “Data Analysis" Dept. of Industrial Engineering Department, Anna University, Chennai. National 23-03-2013 23-3-2103 2013
33 Meta Heuristics : Simulated annealing Algorithm and genetic Algorithm AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Computational Techniques and Its Applications in Engineering Research (CTAER -2013) Mechanical Engineering Department, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 014. National 06-06-2013 06-06-2013 2013
34 Orthogonal Array AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Computational Techniques and Its Applications in Engineering Research (CTAER -2013) Mechanical Engineering Department, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 014 National 06-06-2013 06-06-2013 2013
35 Grey Relational Analysis AICTE sponsored two week faculty development programme on recent Research and Development in Manufacturing Process-II MAM College of Engineering, Tiruchrapalli-621105 National 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 2013
36 Analytic Hierarchy Process AICTE sponsored two week faculty development programme on recent Research and Development in Manufacturing Process-II MAM College of Engineering, Tiruchrapalli-621105 National 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 2013
37 Grey Relational Analysis AICTE sponsored two week faculty development programme on recent Research and Development in Manufacturing Process-II MAM College of Engineering, Tiruchrapalli-621105 National 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 2013
38 Bench marking of Algorithms AICTE Sponsored FDP on Advances in Software Architecture Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry-14 National 05-06-2013 05-06-2013 2013
39 Bench Marking of Algorithms AICTE Sponsored FDP on Advances in Software architecture Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry National 05-06-2013 05-06-2013 2013
40 Design of Algorithms and Comparisons of Algorithms One day seminar on “Art of Engineering Research Dept. of Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamialnadu National 19-10-2013 19-10-2013 2013
41 Grey Relational Analysis Two day national workshop on Applied Design of Experiments for Engineering Applications Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Banari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu. National 05-01-2013 05-01-2013 2013
42 Response Surface Methodology Two day national workshop on Applied Design of Experiments for Engineering Applications Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Banari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu. National 05-01-2013 05-01-2013 2013
43 Design of Experiments including Taguchi’s Method” Two day workshop on DOE and Multiple Response Optimization Department of Mgt. Studies, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. National 21-03-2013 21-03-2013 2013
44 Grey Relational Analysis Two day workshop on DOE and Multiple Response Optimization Department of Mgt. Studies, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. National 21-03-2013 21-03-2013 2013
45 MANOVA Two day national workshop on “data Analysis Dept. of Industrial Engineering Department, Anna University, Chennai National 23-03-2013 24-03-2013 2013
46 Discriminant Analysis Two day national workshop on “Data Analysis" Dept. of Industrial Engineering Department, Anna University, Chennai National 23-03-2013 23-03-2013 2013
47 Cluster Analysis Two day national workshop on “Data Analysis" Dept. of Industrial Engineering Department, Anna University, Chennai. National 23-03-2013 24-03-2013 2013
48 Design of Algorithms and Comparisons of Algorithms One day seminar on “Art of Engineering Research Dept. of Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamialnadu National 19-10-2013 19-10-2013 2013
49 Research Journal Paper Writing National workshop on research journal paper writing and publishing Saveetha University, Chennai National 20-12-2012 20-12-2012 2012
50 NP-Hard and NP-Completeness Anna University Sponsored Faculty Development programme Dept. of Computer Science, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode, Tamilnadu National 13-12-2012 13-12-2012 2012
51 Branch and Bound Algorithm to Minimize Mean Tardiness in Single Machine Scheduling Problem Anna University Sponsored Faculty Development programme Dept. of Computer Science, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode, Tamilnadu National 13-12-2012 13-12-2012 2012
52 DOE Techniques International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Manufacturing and Building Sciences (ICAMB 2012) VIT University International 10-01-2012 10-01-2012 2012
53 Branch and Bound Algorithm for Travelling Salesman problem Anna University Sponsored Faculty Development programme, Dept. of Computer Science, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode, Tamilnadu National 13-12-2012 13-12-2012 2012
54 Cluster and Factor Analyses Two day Research Development programme on Multivariate Statiscal Tools Department of Management Studies, Anna University, Chennai. National 25-08-2012 25-08-2012 2012
55 Branch and Bound Algorithm for Assignment Problem Anna University Sponsored Faculty Development programme Dept. of Computer Science, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode, Tamilnadu National 13-12-2012 13-12-2012 2012
56 Problem Identification and Literature Survey National level Technical Seminar on Issues in Preparing Research Thesis and Project Proposal Anna University, Chennai. National 17-03-2012 17-03-2012 2012
57 DOE Techniques 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Manufacturing and Building Sciences(ICAMB 2012) VIT University, vellore International 10-01-2012 10-01-2012 2012
58 Grey Relational Analysis National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Machining and Forming Techniques Sri Chadrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kancheepuram. National 01-03-2012 02-03-2012 2012
59 DOE using Orthogonal Arrays Two Day National Workshop on “Advanced Optimization through Intelligent Techniques: A Research Perspective VIT University, Vellore. National 02-03-2012 03-03-2012 2012
60 Algorithmic Research Methods 2nd August, 2012 in AICTE sponsored national conference on Internet and web service computing Dept. of Computer Science & Engg, Pondicherry Engg. College, Pondicherry. National 02-08-2012 03-08-2012 2012
61 Production Scheduling - An Overview Conference on Recent Innovations in Production Engineering MIT, Anna University, Chennai National 17-04-2010 17-04-2010 2010
62 Genetic algorithm and its Applications Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing VIT University, vellore National 09-04-2010 09-04-2010 2010
63 Simulated Annealing and Its Applications Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing VIT University, vellore National 09-04-2010 09-04-2010 2010
64 “Heuristics for Industrial Applications International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications Anna University, Chennai International 06-01-2010 08-01-2010 2010
65 Simulated Annealing Algorithm and its Applications Workshop on “Application of Optimization Techniques Rajarajeswari Engineering College, Chennai National 23-01-2010 23-01-2010 2010

Conferences/Seminars Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Workshop Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Administrative Responsibilities in the Government and Quasi Government Agencies

S.No Name of the Position Agency/Organisation Duration Nature of Duties

Affiliation in Academic Bodies/Societies

S.No Name of the Body/Society Nature of Affiliation Year
1 Computer Society of India (CSI) Senior Life Member 1995
2 Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) Life Member 1990

Participation & Extension Activities (Academic/Administraion)

S.No Name of the Position (Head, Dean, Co-ordinator, Director, etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites
1 Chairman of Tender Commitee of PU Alumni Portal Work Event based (2017) Specification of tender and comparison of tenders
2 Member of Court, Pondicherry Univerisity Three years (Full of 2017) Participation in deliberations of court meetings
3 Member of Non-teaching staff grievanceredressal commitee Met more tha 5 times (2017) As per the norms of the commiteee
4 Chairman of Ph.D Guide recognition Commitee of School of Management Event based (23-11-2016) To study and decide the course of action to recognize faculty to guide Ph.D reserach
5 Member Board of Studies, Thiruvalluvar University Three years (Full of 2016-2017) As per the norem of BOS
6 Univeristy Nominee for Faculty Selection at Christ College of Engineering & Technology Event based (06-06-2016) As per norms of faculty selection committee
7 Member of Bus Commitee, Pondicherry University Event based (07-06-2016) To recommend outside sources for Pondicherry Univerisity
8 Member of Dotoral Commitee meeting for Mr.P.Rajesh at VIT University Throghout the dustion of the reserach (23-02-2017) To assess and guide the student
9 Member of Ph.D Oral Examination Board for Mrs.Shathyabhama at Anna University Event based (08-03-2017) To conduct Ph.D. viva
10 Member of Ph.D Oral Examination Board for Mr.G.Arunkumar at Anna University Event based (16-09-2016) To conduct Ph.D. viva
11 Member of Selection Commitee(CAS) at Univeristy of Madras 11-05-2015 As per norms of faculty selection commitee
12 Syllabus sub-commitee meeting at Industrail Engineering Department, Anna University 10-082015 To analyze and bring improvement in the syllabus
13 Univeristy Nominee for selection Commitee at Christ College of Engineering & Technology 04-05-2015 As per norms of faculty selection commitee
14 Member Board of Studies in Management, Anna University, Chennai 20-05-2015 To Approve the syllabus
15 V.C. Nominee for Subramaniya Bharathiar School of tamil Languages 18-12-2015 and every semester To pass the results
16 Member of Doctoral Commitee meeting at Industrail Enineering Dept., Anna University, Chennai for Mrs 22-09-2015 To review the progress of research
17 Member of Doctoral Commitee meeting at Industrail Enineering Dept., Anna University, Chennai for Mr. 20-08-2015 To review the progress of the research
18 V.C. Nominee for Ph.D. Interview to select student at Dept. of Civil Engg., Pondicherry Engineering 01-10-2015 To select Ph.D. students
19 Examiner for Ph.D. Viva of mr.Rajeev Ranjan, Anna Univeristy (Coimbatore Centre) 22-05-2015 To conduct the viva
20 Doctoral Commitee Member for Mr.K.Sudharsan, Industrail Enineering Dept., Anna University, Chennai 08-03-2016 To review the research progress
21 Member of Doctoral Commitee meeting at Industrail Enineering Dept., Anna University, Chennai for Mr. 26-06-2014 To review the research progress
22 Member of Doctoral Commitee meeting at Industrail Enineering Dept., Anna University, Chennai for Mr. 20-11-2014 To review the research progress
23 Examiner for Ph.D. Viva of Mr.U.Dineshkumar, anna University, Regional centre, Coimbatore 29-10-2014 To conduct Ph.D.Viva
24 Member of Doctoral Commitee for Ms.S.Savitha, Dept. of Civil Engg., Pondicherry Engineering College, 01-10-2014 To review the research progress
25 Member of Doctoral Commitee meeting for Mr.M.Murugan, dept. of Mgt., karaikal centre, Pondicherry Un 16-07-2014 To review the research progress
26 Member of School Board in management, Pondicherry University July 2014 - 31-7-2017 To approve the syllabus
27 V.C. Nominee to pass results of Dept. of Banking Technology, Pondicherry University 08-05-2015 To pass MBA (Banking Technology) results
28 V.C. Nominee for Subramaniya Bharathiar School of tamil Languages 09-05-2015 To pass results
29 Member of faculty selection commitee at Anna University, Chennai 29-09-2014 As per norms of selection commitee
30 member of selection commitee at Christ College of Engineering & Technology, Pondicherry 07-05-2014 As per norms of faculty selection commitee
31 Member of faculty selection commitee at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of technology, Pondicherry 07-05-2014 As per norms of faculty selection committee
32 Member of Inspection Commitee of Engineering Colleges, Pondicherry University 10-11, April, 2014 To recommend ofr affiliation through checking of facilities and faculty
33 Member of Syllabus Sub-Commitee metting, Industrail Engineering Dept., Anna University, Chennai 13-03-2015 To perfect the syllabus
34 BOS member of Dept. of Banking Technology 01-08-2014 To approve syllabus
35 Head of Department, Department of Management Studies 12.2.2004 to 30-6-2006 Administration of Department
36 Dean, School of Management 30-5-2006 to 1-6-2009 Administration of School of Management
37 Head (In-Charge), Department of Management Studies Aug.2011 to 18-11-2011 Administration of Department
38 Head of Department of Management Studies 1-7-2015 to 12-4-2017 Administration of Department
39 Member of Doctoral Committee of Ms.Athilakshmi, ECE Dept., Pondicherry Engineering College Throughout the Research period 2013
40 Member of Faculty Selection Committtee, Cochin University of Science & Technology 11-11-2013 As stated
41 Member of Doctoral Committee for Mr Rathinam, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Pondicherry Engineering 19-11-2013 To Review research progerss
42 Member of Principal Selection Committee for Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology, Pond Nov. 2016 As per norms of selection committee
43 Member of Ph.D. Students Selection Committee, Civil Dept., Pondicherry Engineering College 07-08-2017 To select students for Ph.D programme
44 Examiner for oral Examination of Ph.D. Viva of Mr.Raja Sreedharan, Industrial Engineering Dept., Ann 13-12-2017 To conduct Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination
45 Member of Doctoral Committee Meeting for Mr.J.Vijayanand, CEG, Anna Univeristy 27-12-2017 To Review research progress
46 Chairman of Sabbatical Leave Committee, Pondicherry University 02-03-2018 To consider and sanction sabbatical leave for faculty members of Pondicherry Univeristy
47 Examiner for Oral Examiner for Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr.K.P.Paranitharan, Industrial Engine 05-03-2018 To conduct Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination
48 Member of Doctoral Committee Meeting for Mr.Mareeswaran, Industrial Engineering Dept., Anna Universi 03-04-2018 To Review research progress
49 Member of Court, Pondicherry Univerisity 20-03-2018 To conciderr and decide agenda items of court meeting
50 Chairman of Sabbatical Leave Committee, Pondicherry University 24-04-2018 To consider and sanction sabbatical leave for faculty members of Pondicherry Univeristy
51 Member of Board of Studies in Business and Industrial Management (UG), University of Madras 01-05-2018 to 30-04-2021 To approve course curriculum and syllabus of the programs
52 Member of Doctoral Committee Meeting for Mr.T.Balamurugan, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Anna Uni 22-05-2018 To Review research progress
53 Member of Ph.D Viva of Sri.L.John baruch Public , Anna University Chennai 15-11-2012 To conduct Viva
54 Member of Doctoral Committee of Mr.P.Raveendran, Indian Marie time University, Chennai 1-5-2020 To review progress.
55 Member of School Board of Maritime Management. IMU, Chennai 22-8-2019 To frame syllabus for MBA
56 Examiner for M.E quality engineering and management fourth semester project viva voce, Anna Universi 31-5-2019 To conduct viva
57 Member of Doctoral Committee for Mr.Suresh Industrial Engineering, Anna University, Chennai. 25.6.2014 To review progress.
58 Member of Doctoral Committee for for Shri P. Raveendran, IMU, Chennai 20.8.2019 To review progress.
59 Member of doctoral committee for Mr. K.Padmanabhan Panchu, Industrial Engineering, Anna University, 1-2-2019 To review progress.
60 Member of DC for Mr. J. Vijayanand, Mech. Engg., Anna Unibversity, Chennai 27-12-2017 To conduct Viva
61 Member of Doctoral Committee for S.SELVAKUMAR, Industril Engg., Anna University, Chennai. 29-4-2014 To review progress.
62 Member of Syllabus subcommittee for M.E. technology Management, Anna University, Chennai. 12-6-2020 To frame syllabus
63 Member of School Board, Indian Maritime Management, IMU Continuing for 2 yaers Attended the school board meeting on 22nd June, 2021
64 Department of Mechanical Engineering AMET Deemed to be University 18th May 2021 Academic audit of Mechanical Engineering Programme
65 Examiner for Ph.D Viva of Mr.K.Somasundaram, Industrail Engineering Department, Anna University, Che 10th March 2021 Examiner of Ph.D. Viva
66 V.C Nominee for Ph.D. (Pondicherry State) Selection Committee (Mechanical), Pondicherry Engineering 4th February, 2021 Selection Commitee Member
67 V.C. Nominee for Ph.D. Selection Other states (Mechanical Engg.), Pondicherry Engineering College 5th Februray, 2021 Ph.D. Selection Commitee Member
68 IGNOU: Course Design and Development Committee Meeting for the MMPC-015: Research Methodology for M 5th January, 2022 member
69 IMU: fifth DC meeting of Shri P. Raveendran 7th December, 2021 member
70 VIT: Ph.D Synopsis meeting for Mr. THIRUMANI MUNUSWAMIIYER VENKATESAN 15 PHD0305) 13-12-2021 Member

Participation & Extension Activities (Co-Curricular)

S.No Name of the Position (NSS, NCC, Warden etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites
1 Academic Audit of Single person Commitee member at AMET University 24-03-2017 To audit and assess the univeristy
2 Advisory Commitee member, 5th International Conference in MAGNA on Emerging Engineering Trends 27&28, Feb., 2105 As stated
3 Member of International technical commitee of 12th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, 8-10 Decmber, 2014 As stated
4 Observer for Students Council Office bearers election 13-11-2013 As stated
5 Selection Committee member for project fellow for SAP-DRS project 7-8-2013 As stated
6 Chairman, Ph.D. Guide Recognition Commitee at DMS-SOM 20-5-2013 As stated
7 Coordinator, UGC-NET Assiatnt professor & JRF Examination June 2013 Conduct of Examinations at Pondicherry centre
8 Member of Governing Body of Immaculate College of Education for women, Pondicherry-8 1.11.2008 to 21.10.2011 As stated
9 Member of MOU Committee, Pondicherry University 2 years (2020 onward renewed) To evaluate MOUs
10 Project Coordinator for MBA 2019-2020 To plan and coordinate project works

Collaboration with Institution/Industry

S.No Collaborator Name Designation Institution/Industry Type Nature of Collaboration Period of Collaboration Visits to Collaborating
Institution / Industry
Details of Collaborative Research/Teaching
From Date To Date From Date To Date

Faculty Development Programme Attended (Orientation, Refresher, other Short Term Course during the year)

S.No Title of the FDP Organiser Venue Duration From Date To Date Year

Details of Executive Development Prog/Management Development Prog. conducted

S.No Name of the Programme No. of Participants Venue Duration From Date To Date Year Revenue Generated

Participation in IMPESS, IMPRINT, SPARC, STARS, LEAP Programme etc and DSF Funding Programme


Enrolment under ARPIT Programme

S.No Name of the Programme Period of the Programme
From Date To Date