ASHUTOSH PANDEY Assistant Professor

Profile Picture

  • Department of Earth Sciences
  • School of Physical, Chemical & Applied Sciences

Academic Activity

Academic Activity Picture1

Academic Activity Picture2

Educational Qualification (UG,PG & Higher Order)

S.No Degree Subject/Title of thesis University/Board Year of Passing
1 PhD Geology Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 2020
2 MSc (Tech) Geology Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 2016
3 BSc (Hons) Geology, Geography, Chemistry Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 2013

Area of Specializaion

Igneous Petrology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry

Awards / Prizes Conferred

S.No Name / Title of the Award Type Name of the Agency conferred the Award Year of the Award Amount for Cash Award
1 Prof. R.C. Misra Award 2022 NATIONAL Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun 2022 -
2 ONGC-IGU Best Presentation Award NATIONAL Indian Geophysical Union and CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad 2017 -
3 Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (SPM) Fellowship NATIONAL Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi 2016 -
4 Summer Research Fellowship NATIONAL Indian Science Academies (IAS- Bengaluru, INSA- New Delhi, NASI- Allahabad) 2013 -

Teaching Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution
1 Assistant Professor Department of Earth Sciences Pondicherry University

Research Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution Area of Research
1 Research Associate Petrology and Geochemistry Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology Geology

Industry Experience

S.No Designation Company/Corporate Nature of Work

Contribution towards Innovation

S.No Name of the Work/Contribution Specialization Remarks

Patent Details

S.No Title Status Patent Number Year of Award Type Commercialized Status

Papers Published in UGC Approved Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Zinc isotopes reveal disparate enriched sources of contemporary lamprophyres in Eastern Dharwar Craton Jian-Qiang Liu, Li-Hui Chen, Xiao-Jun Wang, Lukáš Krmíček, Gang Zeng, Xiao-Yu Zhang, David T. Murphy, Hayden Dalton, Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178, 89 2023 3.5
2 Mantle transition zone-derived eclogite xenolith entrained in a diamondiferous Mesoproterozoic (∼1.1 Ga) kimberlite from the Eastern Dharwar Craton Amitava Chatterjee, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Rohit Pandey, Ashutosh Pandey Geological Magazine 160(5), 874-887 2023 2.3
3 Geochemical evidence for a widespread Paleoproterozoic continental arc-back-arc magmatism in the Lesser Himalaya during the Columbia supercontinent.. Ashutosh Pandey Precambrian Research 375, 106658 2022 3.8
4 Mineralogical constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic affiliation of Karnaprayag-Rudraprayag metamafics, Garhwal Lesser Himalaya Ashutosh Pandey, Deepak Kumar, H.K. Sachan Periodico di Mineralogia 91(1), 21-46 2022 0.7
5 Mesoproterozoic 40Ar/39Ar age and Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry of calc-alkaline lamprophyre from the Mudigubba area, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Ramananda Chakrabarti Current Science 119(7), 1142-1148 2020 1
6 Supercontinent transition as a trigger for ~1.1 Gyr diamondiferous kimberlites and related magmatism in India Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao Lithos 370-371, 105620 2020 3.5
7 Lamprophyres from the Indian shield: A review of their occurrence, petrology, tectonomagmatic significance and relationship with the kimberlites... N.V. Chalapathi Rao, R.K. Giri, A. Sharma, Ashutosh Pandey Episodes 43(1), 231-248 2020 3.1
8 Petrogenesis of end-Cretaceous/Early Eocene lamprophyres from the Deccan large igneous province: constraints on plume-lithosphere interaction and... R. Pandey, Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, B. Belyatsky, A.K. Choudhary, B. Lehmann, D. Pandit, P. Dhote Lithos 346-347, 105139 2019 3.5
9 Lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction and carbonatite metasomatism in the genesis of Mesoproterozoic shoshonitic lamprophyres at Korakkodu, Wajrakarur S. Raghuvanshi, Ashutosh Pandey, P. Pankaj, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Ramananda Chakrabarti, D. Pandit, R. Pandey Geological Journal 54(5), 3060-3077 2019 1.8
10 Coupled assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) and mantle plume source(s) contribution in the generation of Paleoproterozoic mafic dykes .. Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao Journal of the Geological Society of India 93, 157-162 2019 1.3
11 Post-collisional calc-alkaline lamprophyres from the Kadiri greenstone belt: Evidence for the Neoarchean convergence-related evolution of the Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Ramananda Chakrabarti, P. Pankaj, D. Pandit, R. Pandey, S. Sahoo Lithos 320-321, 105-117 2018 3.5
12 Petrology and geochemistry of the Mesoproterozoic Vattikod lamproites, Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India: Evidence for multiple enrichment of .. D. Talukdar, Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, A. Kumar, D. Pandit, B. Belyatsky, B. Lehmann Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 67 2018 3.5
13 Petrogenesis of a Mesoproterozoic shoshonitic lamprophyre dyke from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India... Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Ramananda Chakrabarti, D. Pandit, P. Pankaj, A. Kumar, S. Sahoo Lithos 292-293, 218-233 2017 3.5
14 Subduction-tectonics in the evolution of the Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India: Insights from the post-collisional calc-alkaline lamprophyres .. Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, D. Pandit, P. Pankaj, R. Pandey, S. Sahoo, A. Kumar Precambrian Research 298, 235-251 2017 3.8

Papers Published in Non UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Details of Conference Publication Page Nos. Year
1 Do the Precambrian Indian kimberlites constitute a part of a large igneous province? Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao Goldschmidt Conference, Hawaii (USA) - 2022
2 Geochemical insights into the distinct mantle sources of coeval shoshonitic lamprophyres and kimberlites from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Dharwar Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao Goldschmidt Conference (Virtual) - 2020
3 Calc-alkaline lamprophyres from Kadiri schist belt: geochemical evidence for convergence related evolution of Dharwar craton and its schist belts Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Ramananda Chakrabarti, Praveer Pankaj, Dinesh Pandit, Rohit Pandey, Samarendra Sahoo National Conference on Advances in Mantle Petrology at Department of Geology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 2018
4 Multiple modification of the eastern Dharwar Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle (SCLM), southern India: Insights from the shoshonitic lamprophyre... Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Dinesh Pandit, Ramananda Chakrabarti, Praveer Pankaj, Alok Kumar, Samarendra Sahoo 54th Annual Convention of Indian Geophysical Union (IGU) at CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad - 2017
5 Subduction-related Paleoproterozoic calc-alkaline lamprophyres from the western margin of the Cuddapah basin: implication for the evolution of the... Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Praveer Pankaj, Dinesh Pandit, Rohit Pandey, Samarendra Sahoo, Alok Kumar National Conference and Field Workshop on Precambrians of India at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi - 2016
6 Subduction-related Paleoproterozoic calc-alkaline lamprophyre magmatism towards the western margin of the Cuddapah basin: implication for the.... Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Praveer Pankaj, Dinesh Pandit, Rohit Pandey, Samarendra Sahoo, Alok Kumar Developments in Geosciences in the Past Decade- Emerging Trends for the Future & Impact on Society & Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of India, 2016 organized at Department of Geology & Geophysics, IIT Kharagpur - 2016


S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Chapters in Books

S.No Title of the Chapters Name of the Authors Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN No.
1 Lithium isotopes in kimberlites, lamproites and lamprophyres as tracers of source components and processes related to supercontinent cycles Lukáš Krmíček, Tomas Magna, Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, Jindrich Kynický Lamprophyres, Lamproites and Related Rocks: Tracers to Supercontinent Cycles and Metallogenesis Geological Society London Special Publications 2021 2041-4927
2 Paleoproterozoic metaluminous syenites synchronous with the ~2.21 Ga mafic dyke swarms from the Eastern Dharwar Craton, India: Implications for ... Ashutosh Pandey, N.V. Chalapathi Rao, W. Rahaman, V. Seth, S. Sahoo Lamprophyres, Lamproites and Related Rocks: Tracers to Supercontinent Cycles and Metallogenesis Geological Society London Special Publications 2021 2041-4927

Edited Books

S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Ongoing Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year
1 Petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology of mafic and felsic volcanic rocks of Panjal Traps, Kashmir, NW India Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India 24 months 26.5 lakhs 2023

Ongoing Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Career Guidance Offered to students

S.No Name of the Scheme No. of Students Competitive Examinations/ Career Counseling No. of Students Passed No. of Students Placed

List of capability enhancement such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab,
Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

S.No Name of the Programme/Scheme Date of Implementation No. of Students Enrolled Agencies Involved

Research Guidance - PG

S.No Year Degree No. of Students Awarded Department/Centre
1 2023 M.SC 5 Earth Sciences

Research Guidance - Ph.D

S.No Student Name Registration Date Registration No. Thesis Title Thesis Submitted Status Thesis Submitted Date Vivavoce Completed Status Date Awarded

Research Guidance - Post Doctoral

S.No Scholar Name Designation Funding Agency Fellowship Title Year of Joining Year of Completion

Financial assistance availed to attend conferences / workshops and to pay membership fee
of professional bodies during the year

S.No Conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided Professional body for which membership fee is provided Amount of Support Place From Date To Date Year
1 Goldschmidt 2022 Conference Funded by the Geochemical Society, USA 1500 US Dollars Hawaii, USA 09-07-2022 15-07-2022 2022
2 Goldschmidt 2022 Conference Funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India International Travel Support Hawaii, USA 09-07-2022 15-07-2022 2022

E-Lecture Details

S.No E-Lecture Title Development of e-content/e-learning/delivering Member of Editorial Bodies Reviewer/Referee of
Content/Module Title Institution/Platform Year Weblink

Details of Online Education Conducted

S.No Nature of Online Course No. of Sessions Target Group Date

Invited Talks in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme

S.No Title of the Paper Conferences/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme Organized by Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year
1 Kimberlites and related rocks: Tracers of the mantle and geodynamic processes Virtual Monthly Scientific Meeting of the Geological Society of India Geological Society of India National 13-10-2021 13-10-2021 2021

Conferences/Seminars Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Workshop Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Administrative Responsibilities in the Government and Quasi Government Agencies

S.No Name of the Position Agency/Organisation Duration Nature of Duties

Affiliation in Academic Bodies/Societies

S.No Name of the Body/Society Nature of Affiliation Year
1 Indian Science Congress Life Member 2022

Participation & Extension Activities (Academic/Administraion)

S.No Name of the Position (Head, Dean, Co-ordinator, Director, etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites

Participation & Extension Activities (Co-Curricular)

S.No Name of the Position (NSS, NCC, Warden etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites

Collaboration with Institution/Industry

S.No Collaborator Name Designation Institution/Industry Type Nature of Collaboration Period of Collaboration Visits to Collaborating
Institution / Industry
Details of Collaborative Research/Teaching
From Date To Date From Date To Date

Faculty Development Programme Attended (Orientation, Refresher, other Short Term Course during the year)

S.No Title of the FDP Organiser Venue Duration From Date To Date Year
1 Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi Online One month 20-02-2023 21-03-2023 2023

Details of Executive Development Prog/Management Development Prog. conducted

S.No Name of the Programme No. of Participants Venue Duration From Date To Date Year Revenue Generated

Participation in IMPESS, IMPRINT, SPARC, STARS, LEAP Programme etc and DSF Funding Programme


Enrolment under ARPIT Programme

S.No Name of the Programme Period of the Programme
From Date To Date