G. GNANACHANDRASAMY Assistant Professor

Profile Picture

  • Department of Earth Sciences
  • School of Physical, Chemical & Applied Sciences
  • samygnanam@gmail.com

Academic Activity

Academic Activity Picture1

Academic Activity Picture2

Educational Qualification (UG,PG & Higher Order)

S.No Degree Subject/Title of thesis University/Board Year of Passing
1 Post Doctor Hydrogeochemical Studies in Coastal Ground Water Sun Yat- Sen University, China 2018
2 Ph.D A Study on Groundwater Quality Mapping in the Coastal Parts of Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu, Southern India Annamalai University 2015
3 M.Sc Applied Geology Annamalai University 2009

Area of Specializaion

Environmental Geochemistry, Geoinformatics (RS & GIS), Geohydrology, Metal Pollution (Sediments and Water)

Awards / Prizes Conferred

S.No Name / Title of the Award Type Name of the Agency conferred the Award Year of the Award Amount for Cash Award
1 Certificate of appreciation for outstanding contribution INTERNATIONAL Curtin University, Malaysia 2018 -
2 Certificate of Merit REGIONAL Annamalai University 2015 -
3 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) NATIONAL DST- NRDMS 2014 -
4 Best Performer Award NATIONAL BARC & CSIR- National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML) 2014 -
5 Junior Research Fellow NATIONAL DST 2013 -
6 Project Fellow NATIONAL UGC 2010 -

Teaching Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution
1 Assistant Professor Department of Earth Sciences Pondicherry University
2 Part Time Lecturer Geology Government Ceramic Institute of Technology

Research Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution Area of Research
1 Scientific Research Post Doctor School of Earth Sciences and Engineering Sun Yat-Sen University, China Environmental Geochemistry
2 Associate Researcher School of Geography and Planning Sun Yat-Sen University, China Environmental Geochemistry, Hydrogeology

Industry Experience

S.No Designation Company/Corporate Nature of Work

Contribution towards Innovation

S.No Name of the Work/Contribution Specialization Remarks

Patent Details

S.No Title Status Patent Number Year of Award Type Commercialized Status

Papers Published in UGC Approved Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Introductory editorial special issue: Groundwater in Agricultural Areas Narsimha A, Qian H, Yanya G, Gnanachandrasamy G Environmental Earth Sciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-024-11634-x 2024 2.8
2 Visual analysis of contaminated site studies in recent 30 years based on bibliometrics and knowledge graph Le Gao, Ziru Xue, Gopalakrishnan Gnanachandrasamy Environment, Development and Sustainability https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-024-04676-5 2024 4.9
3 Spatial and temporal dynamics and fluxes estimation of manganese fractions in sediments from the Pearl River Estuary, southern China Li, Chen, Liang, Li, Ondera, Saita, Gnanachandrasamy G Marine Pollution Bulletin 197 2023 5.8
4 Combined tactic of seasonal changes and ionic processes of groundwater in Tamirabarani river basin, India Gajendran C, Ramamoorthy A, Basker R, Gnanachandrasamy G, Venkatramanan S, Zhang C, Huang X Environmental Science and Pollution Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-26449-9 2023 5.190
5 Spatial and Temporal Variations and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Fractions in Sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China Zhiping Y, Jianyao Chen, Zuobing, Li S, Rui Li, Gao L, Guangzhe J, Yuta Shimizu, S Onodera, Mitsuyo S, Gnanachandrasamy G Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology https://doi.org/10.1007/s00244-023-00995-2 2023 3.692
6 Evaluation of possible health risks associated with groundwater pollution at Kombolcha, a north‑central Ethiopian industrial town in the Awash River Nurye M, Tamru T, Gnanachandrasamy G Environment, Development and Sustainability https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-04214-9 2023 4.9
7 A geospatial approach for assessing urban flood risk zones in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Bagyaraj M, Venkatramanan S, S.Y. Chung, Gnanachandrasamy G, Yong Xiao, Sivakumar K, Ata Allah, Rahim B Environmental Science and Pollution Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-29132-1 2023 5.8
8 Environmental pressure on estuary sediment texture and grain size in India versus other locations (China, South Korea, Uruguay, and Argentina) Remy Rumuri, T Ramkumar, S Vasudevan, G Gnanachandrasamy Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15:725 2022 1.827
9 Evaluate the hydro‑geochemical characteristics of Selamko farm reservoir water quality and its potential for multipurpose uses in Debre Tabor Dawit M, Tamru A, Gnanachandrasamy G, Girum M Applied Water Science 12 2022 5.411
10 Formulating Convolutional Neural Network for mapping total aquifer vulnerability to pollution Ata Allah Nadiri, Marjan Moazamnia, Sina Sadeghfam, Gnanachandrasamy G, Venkatramanan S Environmental Pollution 119208 2022 8.071
11 Heavy metals distribution and ecological risk assessment including arsenic resistant PGPR in tidal mangrove ecosystem Gobinda Dey, Pritam Banerjee, Jyoti Prakash , Raju Kumar Sharma, Gnanachandrasamy G, Yi-Hsun Huang, Hsien-Bin Huang, Chien-Yen Chen Marine Pollution Bulletin 181 2022 7.001
12 SARS-CoV-2 phase I transmission and mutability linked to the interplay of climatic variables: A global observation on the pandemic spread Chidambaram S, Prasanna MV, Venkatramanan S, Shankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Ramanathan A, Prosun Bhattacharya Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17481-8 2022 4.223
13 Isotopic signatures, hydrochemical and multivariate statistical analysis of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifers of Chennai and Tiruvallur Distr Muthusamy B, Sithu G, Ramamoorthy A, Shankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Monica Chakraborty, Xiaozhong Huang Marine Pollution Bulletin 113232 2022 5.553
14 Source, mobilization and distribution of uranium in a complex aquifer system: a spatial and temporal evaluation using geochemical, statistics and GIS Nepolian M, Chidambaram S, Prasanna, M.V, Venkatramanan S, Selvam S, Devaraj N, Gnanachandrasamy G, Mahalakshmi M Environmental Earth Sciences 81:192 2022 2.784
15 Occurrence of Heavy Metals in Groundwater Along the Lithological Interface of K/T Boundary, Peninsular India: A Special Focus on Source, Geochemical Chandrasekar T, Tirumalesh K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Shankar K, Venkatramanan S, Chidambaram S, Prasanna MV Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 80; 183-207 2021 3.692
16 Agriculture Drought Management in Ramanathapuram District of Tamil Nadu, India Sivakumar K, Prabakaran K, Saravanan P.K, Muthusamy S, Kongeswaran T, Muruganantham A, Gnanachandrasamy, G Journal of Climate Change 8 (1); 59-65 2021 Web of Science
17 Diffusion, Textural Characteristics, and Source Identification of the Heavy Metals in the Karankadu Mangrove Sediments, South India Rajmohan S, Gnanachandrasamy G*, Raja S, Ramya M, Karthikeyan C, Ramamoorthy A Arabian Journal of Geosciences 06673-8 2021 1.827
18 Site selection of check dams using geospatial techniques in Debre Berhan region, Ethiopia-water management perspective Bagyaraj M, Tenaw Mengistie A, Gnanachandrasamy G, Sang Yong Chung, Venkatramanan S, Selvam S, Hussam Eldin Elzain, Sivakumar K Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17232-9 2021 4.223
19 Enrichment of heavy metals as function of salinity and pH of estuarine sediments, South East Coast of India Enrichment of heavy metals as function of Rumuri R, Ramkumar T, Vasudevan S, Gnanachandrasamy G Geology Ecology and Landscapes 1952764 2021 -
20 Characteristics of atmospheric total gaseous mercury concentrations (TGM) and meteorological parameters observed in Chennai metropolis, South India Ramamoorthy A, Manikanda Bharath K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Xiaozhong Huang Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1424 2021 1.827
21 Evaluation of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes using GIS based water quality index in urban area of Abaya-chemo sub-basin of G Tamru Tesseme, Gnanachandrasamy G* Applied Water Science 01482-6 2021 3.874
22 Determination of vulnerable regions of SARS-CoV-2 in Malaysia using meteorology and air quality data Prasanna M.V, Chidambaram C, Shankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G Environment, Development and Sustainability 01719-z 2021 3.219
23 Spatial distribution and risk assessment of toxic metals in agricultural soils from endemic nasopharyngeal carcinoma region in South China Liping Mo, Yongzhang Zhou, Gnanachandrasamy G, Xingyuan Li Open Geosciences 0110 2020 1.229
24 Air pollution improvement and Mortality rate during Covid-19 Pandemic in India: Global intersectional study. Manikanda Bharath K, Srinivasalu S, Usha Natesan, Ramamoorthy A, Shankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Nusrat N Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 00892 2020 3.763
25 Enhancement of groundwater yield by hydro fracturing technique – A case study from crystalline hard rock terrain Senthil kumar G.R, Ganapathy C, Gnanachandrasamy G* Arabian Journal of Geosciences 05883-w 2020 1.827
26 Distribution determination, risk assessment, and source identification of heavy metals in mangrove wetland sediments from Qi’ao Island, South China Gnanachandrasamy G, Wang S, Mo Liping, Zou Jianming, Zhou YZ Regional Studies in Marine Science 100961 2020 1.624
27 Comprehensive hydro-geophysical prospecting to delineate fresh water zone in the coastal aquifer, South India Gnanachandrasamy G, Dushiyanthan C Jeyavel Rajakumar T, Jianyao Chen Journal of Hydrology 125415 2020 5.722
28 Delineation of potential aquifer zones in Gneissic terrain using multi electrode scanning technique – case study in part of Chittar sub-basin, South Jeyavel Rajakumar T, Dushiyanthan C, Gnanachandrasamy G, Erugu Nagaiahc Arabian Journal of Geosciences 06147-3 2020 1.827
29 Variations of water quality deterioration based on GIS techniques in surface and groundwater resources in and around Vembanad Lake, Kerala, India. Sruthy S, Selvam S, Binoj K, Venkatramanan S, Chung SY, Gnanachandrasamy G Geochemistry 125626 2020 2.292
30 Constraining the distribution of elements and their controlling factors in the Zhaojikou Pb–Zn ore deposit, SE China, via fractal and compositional Liu Y, Zhu L, Ma S, Guo F, Gong Q, Tang S, Gnanachandrasamy G, Zhou Y. Applied Geochemistry 104379 2019 3.524
31 210Pb dating to investigate the historical variation and identification of different sources of heavy metal pollution in sediments of the Pearl River Zhiping Ye, Chen J, Lei G, Zuobing L, Shaoheng L, Rui Li, Guangzhe Jin, Yuta S, Shin-ichi O, Mitsuyo S, Gnanachandrasamy G. Marine Pollution Bulletin 10670 2019 5.553
32 Assessment of hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in the lower Vellar river basin - using Geographical Information System (GIS) and Water Gnanachandrasamy G, Dushiyanthan C, Jayavel Rajakumar T, Zhou YZ Environment, Development and Sustainability 22,759-789 2018 3.219
33 Characteristics and environmental response of secondary minerals in AMD from Dabaoshan mine, South China Qiyuan L, Chen B, Haderlein S, Gnanachandrasamy G, Zhou YZ Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 155, 50–58 2018 6.291
34 Remote Sensing and GIS Based Groundwater Potential Zone Mapping in Ariyalur District, Tamil Nadu, India Gnanachandrasamy G, Yongzhang Zhou, Bagyaraj M, Venkatramanan S, Ramkumar T, Shugong Wang Journal of the Geological Society of India 92, 484-490 2018 1.459
35 Identification of saline water intrusion in part of Cauvery Deltaic region Tamil Nadu, Southern India - Using GIS and VES methods. Gnanachandrasamy.G, Ramkumar.T, Venkatramanan.S, Chung. S.Y, Vasudevan.S, Marine Geophysical Research 37: 113–126 2015 2.693
36 Assessment of groundwater quality using GIS and CCME WQI techniques: a case study of Thiruthuraipoondi city in Cauvery deltaic region, Tamil Nadu, In Venkatramanan.S, Chung.S.Y, Ramkumar.T, Rajesh.R, Gnanachandrasamy.G Desalination and Water Treatment 57(26), 12058-12073 2015 1.254
37 Accessing groundwater quality in lower part of Nagapattinam district, Southern India: using hydrogeochemistry and GIS interpolation techniques Gnanachandrasamy.G, Ramkumar.T, Vasudevan.S, Venkatramanan.S, Chung. S.Y, and Bagyaraj.M Applied Water Science 5, 39-55. 2015 3.874
38 Application of GIS and hydro geochemistry of groundwater Pollution status of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, India Venkatramanan.S, Chung.S.Y, Park.N, Ramkumar.T, Gnanachandrasamy.G Environmental Earth Sciences 73(8): 4429-4442 2015 2.784
39 Evaluation of geochemical behavior and heavy metal distribution of sediments: The case study of the Tirumalairajan river estuary, southeast coast of I Venkatramanan.S, Chung.S.Y, Ramkumar.T, Gnanachandrasamy. G, Kim, T.Y International Journal of Sediment Research 30(1), pp. 28-38 2015 2.902
40 A multivariate statistical approaches on physicochemical characteristics of ground water in and around Nagapattinam district, Cauvery deltaic region o Venkatramanan.S. Chung,S.Y, Ramkumar.T, Gnanachandrasamy.G, Vasudevan.S Earth Science Research Journal 17:2, 97 –103 2013 0.779
41 GIS Based Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of groundwater quality in Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu, India Gnanachandrasamy G, Ramkumar.T, Venkatramanan.S, Anitha Mary.I, Vasudevan. S. Carpathian Journal Earth and Environmental Sciences 7 (3): 205-210 2012 1.72

Papers Published in Non UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Formulating Convolutional Neural Network for mapping total aquifer vulnerability to pollution Ata Allah Nadiri, Marjan Moazamnia, Sina Sadeghfam, Gnanachandrasamy G, Venkatramanan S Environmental Pollution 119208 2022 8.071
2 Heavy metals distribution and ecological risk assessment including arsenic resistant PGPR in tidal mangrove ecosystem Gobinda Dey, Pritam Banerjee, Jyoti Prakash, Raju Kumar Sharma, Gnanachandrasamy G, Yi-Hsun Huang, Hsien-Bin Huang, Chien-Yen Chen Marine Pollution Bulletin 181 2022 7.001
3 Environmental pressure on estuary sediment texture and grain size in India versus other locations (China, South Korea, Uruguay, and Argentina) Remy Rumuri, T Ramkumar, S Vasudevan, G Gnanachandrasamy Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15:725 2022 1.827
4 SARS-CoV-2 phase I transmission and mutability linked to the interplay of climatic variables: A global observation on the pandemic spread Chidambaram S, Prasanna MV, Venkatramanan S, Shankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Ramanathan A, Prosun Bhattacharya Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17481-8 2022 4.223
5 Isotopic signatures, hydrochemical and multivariate statistical analysis of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifers of Chennai and Tiruvallur Distr Muthusamy B, Sithu G, Ramamoorthy A, Shankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Monica Chakraborty, Xiaozhong Huang Marine Pollution Bulletin 113232 2022 5.553
6 Evaluate the hydro‑geochemical characteristics of Selamko farm reservoir water quality and its potential for multipurpose uses in Debre Tabor Dawit M, Tamru A, Gnanachandrasamy G, Girum M Applied Water Science 12 2022 5.411
7 Source, mobilization and distribution of uranium in a complex aquifer system: a spatial and temporal evaluation using geochemical, statistics and GIS Nepolian M, Chidambaram S, Prasanna, M.V, Venkatramanan S, Selvam S, Devaraj N, Gnanachandrasamy G, Mahalakshmi M Environmental Earth Sciences 81; 192 2022 2.784
8 Diffusion, Textural Characteristics, and Source Identification of the Heavy Metals in the Karankadu Mangrove Sediments, South India Rajmohan S, Gnanachandrasamy G*, Raja S, Ramya M, Karthikeyan C, Ramamoorthy A Arabian Journal of Geosciences 06673-8 2021 1.827
9 Characteristics of atmospheric total gaseous mercury concentrations (TGM) and meteorological parameters observed in Chennai metropolis, South India Ramamoorthy A, Manikanda Bharath K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Xiaozhong Huang Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14; 1424 2021 1.827
10 Determination of vulnerable regions of SARS-CoV-2 in Malaysia using meteorology and air quality data Prasanna M.V, Chidambaram C, Shankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G Environment, Development and Sustainability 10; 1-27 2021 3.219
11 Evaluation of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes using GIS based water quality index in urban area of Abaya-chemo sub-basin of G Tamru Tesseme, Gnanachandrasamy G* Applied Water Science 01482-6 2021 3.874
12 Site selection of check dams using geospatial techniques in Debre Berhan region, Ethiopia-water management perspective Bagyaraj M, Tenaw Mengistie A, Gnanachandrasamy G, Sang Yong Chung, Venkatramanan S, Selvam S, Hussam Eldin Elzain, Sivakumar K Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17232-9 2021 4.223
13 Spatial distribution and risk assessment of toxic metals in agricultural soils from endemic nasopharyngeal carcinoma region in South China Liping Mo, Yongzhang Zhou, Gnanachandrasamy G, Xingyuan Li Open Geosciences 0110 2020 1.229
14 Enhancement of groundwater yield by hydro fracturing technique – A case study from crystalline hard rock terrain Senthil kumar G.R, Ganapathy C, Gnanachandrasamy G* Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13; 893 2020 1.827
15 Variations of water quality deterioration based on GIS techniques in surface and groundwater resources in and around Vembanad Lake, Kerala, India Sruthy S, Selvam S, Binoj K, Venkatramanan S, Chung SY, Gnanachandrasamy G Geochemistry 125626 2020 2.292
16 Comprehensive hydro-geophysical prospecting to delineate fresh water zone in the coastal aquifer, South India Gnanachandrasamy G, Dushiyanthan C Jeyavel Rajakumar T, Jianyao Chen Journal of Hydrology 590; 125415 2020 5.722
17 Air pollution improvement and Mortality rate during Covid-19 Pandemic in India: Global intersectional study Manikanda Bharath K, Srinivasalu S, Usha Natesan, Ramamoorthy A, Shankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Nusrat N Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 00892 2020 3.763
18 Delineation of potential aquifer zones in Gneissicterrain using multi electrode scanning technique – case study in part of Chittar sub-basin, India Jeyavel Rajakumar T, Dushiyanthan C, Gnanachandrasamy G, Erugu Nagaiahc Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13; 1172 2020 1.827
19 Distribution determination, risk assessment, and source identification of heavy metals in mangrove wetland sediments from Qi’ao Island, South China Gnanachandrasamy G, Wang S, Mo Liping, Zou Jianming, Zhou YZ Regional Studies in Marine Science 100961 2020 1.624
20 Constraining the distribution of elements and their controlling factors in the Zhaojikou Pb– Zn ore deposit, SE China, via fractal and compositional Liu Y, Zhu L, Ma S, Guo F, Gong Q, Tang S, Gnanachandrasamy G, Zhou Y Applied Geochemistry 104379 2019 3.524
21 210Pb dating to investigate the historical variation and identification of different sources of heavy metal pollution in sediments of the Pearl River Zhiping Ye, Chen J, Lei G, Zuobing L, Shaoheng L, Rui Li, Guangzhe Jin, Yuta S, Shin-ichi O, Mitsuyo S, Gnanachandrasamy G. Marine Pollution Bulletin 10670 2019 5.553
22 Characteristics and environmental response of secondary minerals in AMD from Dabaoshan mine, South China Qiyuan L, Chen B, HaderleGnanachandrasamy G, Zhou YZ Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 155; 50–58 2018 6.291
23 Remote Sensing and GIS Based Groundwater Potential Zone Mapping in Ariyalur District, Tamil Nadu, India Gnanachandrasamy G, Yongzhang Zhou, Bagyaraj M, Venkatramanan S, Ramkumar T, Shugong Wang Journal of the Geological Society of India 92; 484-490 2018 1.459
24 Assessment of hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in the lower Vellar river basin - using Geographical Information System (GIS) and Water Gnanachandrasamy G, Dushiyanthan C, Jayavel Rajakumar T, Zhou YZ Environment, Development and Sustainability 22; 759-789 2018 3.219
25 Identification of saline water intrusion in part of Cauvery Deltaic region Tamil Nadu, Southern India - Using GIS and VES methods Gnanachandrasamy.G, Ramkumar.T, Venkatramanan.S, Chung. S.Y, Vasudevan.S Marine Geophysical Research 37; 113–126 2016 2.693
26 Accessing groundwater quality in lower part of Nagapattinam district, Southern India: using hydrogeochemistry and GIS interpolation techniques Gnanachandrasamy.G, Ramkumar.T, Vasudevan.S, Venkatramanan.S, Chung. S.Y, and Bagyaraj.M Applied Water Science 5; 39-55 2015 3.874
27 Assessment of groundwater quality using GIS and CCME WQI techniques: a case study of Thiruthuraipoondi city in Cauvery deltaic region, Tamil Nadu, Ind Venkatramanan.S, Chung.S.Y, Ramkumar.T, Rajesh.R, Gnanachandrasamy.G Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (26); 12058-12073 2015 1.254
28 Evaluation of geochemical behavior and heavy metal distribution of sediments: The case study of the Tirumalairajan river estuary, southeast coast of I Venkatramanan.S, Chung.S.Y, RamkumarGnanachandrasamy. G, Kim, T.Y International Journal of Sediment Research 30 (1); 28-38 2015 2.902
29 Application of GIS and hydro geochemistry of groundwater Pollution status of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, India Venkatramanan.S, Chung.S.Y, Park.N, Ramkumar.T, Gnanachandrasamy.G Environmental Earth Sciences 73 (8); 4429-4442 2015 2.784
30 A multivariate statistical approaches on physicochemical characteristics of ground water in and around Nagapattinam district, Cauvery deltaic region o Venkatramanan.S. Chung,S.Y, Ramkumar.T, Gnanachandrasamy.G, Vasudevan.S Earth Science Research Journal 17(2); 97-103 2013 0.779
31 GIS Based Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of groundwater quality in Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu, India Gnanachandrasamy.G, Ramkumar.T, Venkatramanan.S, Anitha Mary.I, Vasudevan. S Carpathian Journal Earth and Environmental Sciences 7 (3); 205-210 2012 1.72

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Details of Conference Publication Page Nos. Year
1 Spatial risk assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Surface Sediments of Endemic Upper Nasopharyngeal Cancer Region of Guangdong, South China G. Gnanachandrasamy, Mo Liping, Jingru Z, Zhou Y, Hu B International symposium on environmental protection and clean production and Fifth Sino- Hungary workshop. Nanning, China 23-30 2018
2 Heavy metal concentration in Mudasalodai wetland region of Tamil Nadu, East coast of India G.Gnanachandrasamy, T.Ramkumar, S.Vasudevan, S.Venkatramanan, S.Kumarvel, Monica Rozario National seminar on Laker, Rivers, & Wetlands, Climate change perspective 24 2016
3 Trace metal concentration and textural characteristics in the coastal sediments in the part of east coast, Tamil Nadu, India G.Gnanachandrasamy, T.Ramkumar, S.Vasudevan, S.Venkatramanan International Conference on “Geosciences and Environment” And 32nd Annual Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists- ICGENIAS 2015 54 2015
4 Intrusion of sea water in the coastal areas of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, southern India – Using GALDIT method G.Gnanachandrasamy, T.Ramkumar, S.Vasudevan, S.Kumaravel, S.Venkatramanan National seminar on Recent Developments and Challenges in geochemistry “GEOCHEM -2015 43-46 2015
5 Groundwater quality assessment of Nagapattinam district, Cauvery deltaic region, East coast of India G.Gnanachandrasamy T. Ramkumar, S. Venkatramanan, I. Anithamary, S. Vasudevan National Seminar on Sustainable Management of Groundwater with Special Focus on Coastal Aquifers (SMOGCAS- 2012) 26 2012


S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Chapters in Books

S.No Title of the Chapters Name of the Authors Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN No.
1 GIS and remote sensing based NRCS-CN runoff modeling techniques in coastal Cauvery deltaic region, India Gnanachandrasamy G, Jianyao Chen , T. Ramkumar , Venkatramanan S, Bagyaraj M, Chidambaram S, Selvam S, Deepa S, Kumaravel S, Ramamoorthyj A Groundwater Contamination in Coastal Aquifers Elsevier 2022 978-0-12-824387-9
2 GIS-based evaluation of ground water quality and seawater intrusion assessment in a Coastal Region of Tiruchendur Taluk, Southern Tamil Nadu, India Selvam S, Jesuraja K, Venkatramanan S, Priyadarsi D. Roy, Chung SY, Gnanachandrasamy G, Muthukumar P Groundwater Contamination in Coastal Aquifers Elsevier 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-824387-9.00018-9
3 Environmental Evidence and Behaviour of Mercury Emissions, Biogeochemical Cycle, and Remediation in Earth Systems Ramamoorthy A, Xiaozhong H, Mohamed Khalith S.B., Natchimuthu K, Kantha Deivi A, Diksha S, Bharat K, Gnachandrasamy G, Balasubramani R Bioremediation of Toxic Metal(loid)s Taylor & Francis 2022 9781032135779
4 Meterological parameters and COVID-19 spread- Russia a case study Sankar K, Gnanachandrasamy G, Mahalakshmi M, Devaraj N, Prasanna M.V, Chidamabaram S Environmental Resilence and Transformation in Times of COVID-19 Elsevier Publisher 2021 9780323858038
5 Evaluation of Vulnerability Zone of a Coastal Aquifer through GALDIT GIS Index Techniques Gnanachandrasamy.G, Ramkumar T, Chen JY, Venkatramanan S, Vasudevan S and Selvam S GIS and Geostatistical Techniques for Groundwater Science Elsevier Publisher 2019 978-0-12-815413-7
6 Arsenic contamination Selvam S, Jesuraja K and G. Gnanachandrasamy GIS and Geostatistical Techniques for Groundwater Science Elsevier Publisher 2019 978-0-12-815413-7
7 Seasonal Changes in Physicochemical Characteristics of Coastal Environment at Pichavaram Mangrove, South East Coast of India Ramkumar.T, Vasudevan S, Chinnaraja. B, Gnanachandrasamy.G, and Bagyaraj.M. Lakes & Wetlands Partridge Publishing group 2015 1482845458
8 Distribution and Occurrence of selected metals in the surface sediments of Thirumalairajanar river estuary, East coast of India Ramkumar. T, Venkatramanan.S, Anitha Mary. I, Gnanachandrasamy.G, Vasudevan.S Lakes, Rivers and Coastal Wetlands New Academic Publishers 2013 818677257X
9 Sediment texture and Distribution of nutrient in Pichavaram mangrove, Tamil Nadu, East coast of India Vasudevan.S, Gnanachandrasamy.G, Venkatramanan.S, Chinnaraja.B, Bagyaraj.M, and Ramkumar.T Lakes, Rivers and Coastal Wetlands New Academic Publishers 2013 818677257X

Edited Books

S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Ongoing Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Ongoing Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year
1 Coastal Environmental Monitoring Studies in Beibu Gulf, China Ministry of Education and Nanning Normal University, China 2019-2020 10 2020
2 Comparative Study on Hydrogeochemical Characteristics, Mapping and Sustainable Management in the Coastal Areas Between PRD and CRD China Post Doctoral Science Foundation 2017-2018 5 2018

Completed Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Career Guidance Offered to students

S.No Name of the Scheme No. of Students Competitive Examinations/ Career Counseling No. of Students Passed No. of Students Placed

List of capability enhancement such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab,
Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

S.No Name of the Programme/Scheme Date of Implementation No. of Students Enrolled Agencies Involved

Research Guidance - PG

S.No Year Degree No. of Students Awarded Department/Centre
1 2023 M.SC 5 Department of Earth Sciences

Research Guidance - Ph.D

S.No Student Name Registration Date Registration No. Thesis Title Thesis Submitted Status Thesis Submitted Date Vivavoce Completed Status Date Awarded

Research Guidance - Post Doctoral

S.No Scholar Name Designation Funding Agency Fellowship Title Year of Joining Year of Completion

Financial assistance availed to attend conferences / workshops and to pay membership fee
of professional bodies during the year

S.No Conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided Professional body for which membership fee is provided Amount of Support Place From Date To Date Year

E-Lecture Details

S.No E-Lecture Title Development of e-content/e-learning/delivering Member of Editorial Bodies Reviewer/Referee of
Content/Module Title Institution/Platform Year Weblink

Details of Online Education Conducted

S.No Nature of Online Course No. of Sessions Target Group Date

Invited Talks in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme

S.No Title of the Paper Conferences/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme Organized by Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year
1 Heavy Metal Pollution in the Surface Sediments of Endemic Upper Nasopharyngeal Cancer Region of Guan International symposium on environmental protection and clean production and Fifth Sino- Hungary workshop Nanning Normal University, China International 27-05-2018 31-05-2018 2018

Conferences/Seminars Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year
1 MRITTIKA -24 (All India Earth Science Students Conference) GWB-SEG Department of Earth Sciences, Pondicherry University National 22-03-2024 23-03-2024 2024

Workshop Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Administrative Responsibilities in the Government and Quasi Government Agencies

S.No Name of the Position Agency/Organisation Duration Nature of Duties

Affiliation in Academic Bodies/Societies

S.No Name of the Body/Society Nature of Affiliation Year
1 International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)) Member 2018
2 American Association For Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Member 2015
3 Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry of India (AEACI) Member 2014
4 International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Member 2013

Participation & Extension Activities (Academic/Administraion)

S.No Name of the Position (Head, Dean, Co-ordinator, Director, etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites

Participation & Extension Activities (Co-Curricular)

S.No Name of the Position (NSS, NCC, Warden etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites

Collaboration with Institution/Industry

S.No Collaborator Name Designation Institution/Industry Type Nature of Collaboration Period of Collaboration Visits to Collaborating
Institution / Industry
Details of Collaborative Research/Teaching
From Date To Date From Date To Date

Faculty Development Programme Attended (Orientation, Refresher, other Short Term Course during the year)

S.No Title of the FDP Organiser Venue Duration From Date To Date Year
1 Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) UGC- HRDC PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY 30 01-06-2022 30-06-2022 2022
2 Course on Crystallography, Mineralogy, Igneous Petrology and Thermodynamics, Sedimentology and Economic Geology Indian Academy of Science (IASc), Bangalore 14 11-12-2015 24-12-2015 2015

Details of Executive Development Prog/Management Development Prog. conducted

S.No Name of the Programme No. of Participants Venue Duration From Date To Date Year Revenue Generated

Participation in IMPESS, IMPRINT, SPARC, STARS, LEAP Programme etc and DSF Funding Programme


Enrolment under ARPIT Programme

S.No Name of the Programme Period of the Programme
From Date To Date