LAKSHMI P T V Professor

- Department of Bioinformatics
- School of Life Sciences
Academic Activity

Educational Qualification (UG,PG & Higher Order)
S.No | Degree | Subject/Title of thesis | University/Board | Year of Passing |
1 | Ph.D | Botany | University of Madras | 2002 |
2 | M.Phil | Botany | University of Madras | 1997 |
3 | M.Sc | Botany | University of Madras | 1995 |
4 | B.Sc | Botany | University of Madras | 1993 |
Area of Specializaion
Awards / Prizes Conferred
S.No | Name / Title of the Award | Type | Name of the Agency conferred the Award | Year of the Award | Amount for Cash Award |
1 | DST- Young Scientist award | NATIONAL | Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi | 2010 | - |
2 | Visiting Fellow | INTERNATIONAL | Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica | 2006 | - |
3 | Best orator | NATIONAL | Indian Botanical Society | 2000 | - |
Teaching Experience
S.No | Designation | Department/Centre | Institution |
1 | Professor | Centre for Bioinformatics | Pondicherry University |
2 | Associate Professor | Centre for Bioinformatics | Pondicherry University |
3 | Reader | Centre for Bioinformatics | Pondicherry University |
4 | Assistant professor | Department of Bioinformatics | Bharathiar University |
5 | Lecturer | Department of Biotechnology | Hindustan Arts and Science College, Padur, Chennai |
Research Experience
S.No | Designation | Department/Centre | Institution | Area of Research |
1 | Assistant professor | Bioinformatics | Bharathiar University | Phytomatics |
2 | Reader | Centre for Bioinformatics | Pondicherry University | Phytomatics |
3 | Associate Professor | Centre for Bioinformatics | Pondicherry University | Phytomatics |
4 | Professor | Centre for Bioinformatics | Pondicherry University | Phytomatics |
5 | Research Associate | CAS in Botany | University of Madras | Digital inventory of herbariums |
6 | Junior Consultant | R & D Division | Business Intelligence unit, Reliance Life Sciences | Database on medicinal plants of India |
Industry Experience
S.No | Designation | Company/Corporate | Nature of Work |
1 | Junior Consultant | Business Intelligence unit, Reliance Group of Life Sciences, Chennai. India | Consultant |
Contribution towards Innovation
S.No | Name of the Work/Contribution | Specialization | Remarks |
Patent Details
S.No | Title | Status | Patent Number | Year of Award | Type | Commercialized Status |
Papers Published in UGC Approved Journals
S.No | Title | Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper | Journal Name | Volume, Issue & Page Nos. | Year | Impact Factor |
1 | Immune response gene coexpression network analysis of Arachis hypogaea infected with Aspergillus flavus | Aiswarya Jayaprakash,Abhijeet Roy, Raja Rajeswary Thanmalagan, Annamalai Arunachalam, Lakshmi PTV | Genomics | 113,5, 2977-2988 | 2021 | 5.736 |
2 | Computational investigation of FDA approved drugs as selective PARP-1 inhibitors by targeting BRCT domain for cancer therapy | ChandanKumar, P.T.V.Lakshmi, Annamalai Arunachalam | Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | 108,107919 | 2021 | 2.518 |
3 | A molecular perspective on the taxonomy and journey of Citrus domestication | Barsha Kalita, Abhijeet Roy, A. Annamalai, Lakshmi PTV | ctives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics | 53, 125644 | 2021 | 3.634 |
4 | A review on applications of plant network biology to understand the drought stress response in economically important cereal crops | Raja Rajeswary Thanmalagan, Aiswarya Jayaprakash, Abhijeet Roy, Annamalai Arunachalam, P.T.V. Lakshmi | Plant Gene | 29, 100345 | 2021 | 4.3 |
5 | Genome-wide annotation, comparison and functional genomics of carbohydrate-active enzymes in legumes infecting Fusarium oxysporum formae speciales | Roy, A., Jayaprakash, A., Rajeswary T, R., Annamalai, A., & Lakshmi, P. T. V. | Mycology | 11(1), 56-70 | 2020 | 3.21 |
6 | A mechanistic approach to understand the allosteric reverse signaling by selective and trapping poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) inhibitors | Chandan Kumar, Lakshmi P. T. V.,Annamalai Arunachalam | Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics | 38(8), 2482-2492 | 2019 | 3.392, |
7 | Strategies to understand Aspergillus flavus resistance mechanism in Arachis hypogaea L | Aiswarya Jayaprakash, Raja Rajeswary Thanmalagan, Abhijeet Roy, Annamalai Arunachalam, Lakshmi PTV | Current Plant Biology | 20, 100123 | 2019 | 3.3 |
8 | Strategies to understand Aspergillus flavus resistance mechanism in Arachis hypogaea L | Aiswarya Jayaprakash, Raja Rajeswary Thanmalagan, Abhijeet Roy, Annamalai Arunachalam, Lakshmi PTV | Current Plant Biology | 20, 100123 | 2019 | 3.3 |
9 | Structure based pharmacophore study to identify possible natural selective PARP-1 trapper as anti-cancer agent | Chandan Kumar, Lakshmi P.T.V., AnnamalaiArunachalam | Computational Biology and Chemistry | 80, 314-323 | 2019 | 2.877 |
10 | Multidisciplinary studies to evaluate the anti-quorum sensing ability of phyto-comounds in Ruellia patula Jacq | Chemmugil. P, Lakshmi. P. T. V | Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology (AJMB) | In press | 2018 | 0.52 |
11 | Rutin as a potential inhibitor to target peptidoglycan pathway of Staphylococcus aureus cell wall synthesis | Nidhi Rani, Chandan Kumar, Annamalai Arunachalam and Lakshmi PTV | Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | 2398-8096 | 2018 | 2.837 |
12 | Exploring Morin as an anti-quorum sensing agent (anti-QSA) against resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus | P.Chemmugil P.T.V.Lakshmi, A.Annamalai | Microbial Pathogenesis | 127,304-315 | 2018 | 3.738 |
13 | Computational studies on G-quadruplex DNA-stabilizing property of novel Wittig-based Schiff-Base ligands and their copper(II) complexes | Bathula Rajasekhar, Chandan Kumar, G. Premkumar, Mohd Aamir Bin Riyaz, P. T. V. Lakshmi & Toka Swu | tructural Chemistry | 30(3), 727-742 | 2018 | 1.887 |
14 | Secretome analysis of diarrhea-inducing strains of Escherichia coli | Nirujogi. R. S, Muthusamy. B, Kim M. S, Sathe. G. J, Lakshmi. P. T. V, Kovbasnjuk. O. N, Prasad. T. S, Wade. M, and Jabbour. R. E | Proteomics | 17(6) | 2017 | 4.041 |
15 | A comprehensive look of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition strategies and future directions for cancer therapy | Chandan Kumar; Nidhi Rani, Lakshmi. P. T. V | Future Medicinal Chemistry | 9(1):37-60 | 2016 | 3.556 |
16 | Allosteric site mediated active site inhibition of PBP2a using Querecetin 3-O-Rutinoside and its combination | Nidhi Rani, Saravanan Vijayakumar, Lakshmi P.T.V and Annamalai Arunachalam | Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics | 34(8) | 2016 | 2.92 |
17 | Dualpred: A Webserver For Predicting Plant Proteins Dual-Targeted To Chloroplast And Mitochondria Using Split Protein Relatedness-Measure Feature | Saravanan V, and Lakshmi. P. T. V | Current Bioinformatics | 10(3): i, | 2015 | 2.017 |
18 | In silico analysis of binding efficiency of quercetin with cancer targets | Sathishkumar. R, Lakshmi. P. T. V, and Annamalai. A | Advances in Biomedicine and Pharmacy | 2(4): 169-174 | 2015 | 0.435 |
19 | An insight in to the potentially old-wonder molecule-Quercetin: the perspective in foresee | Rani. N, Lakshmi. P. T. V, Vijaykumar. S, Arunachalam. A | Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine | xx | 2015 | 1.401 |
20 | ACPP: A Web Server forPrediction and Design of Anti-cancer Peptides | Saravanan Vijayakumar and Lakshmi P.T.V | International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics | 21(1): 99–106 | 2014 | 1.28 |
21 | Quercetin 3-O-rutinoside mediated inhibition ofPBP2a: computational and experimental evidence to its anti-MRSA activity | Nidhi Rani, Saravanan Vijayakumar, Lakshmi P. T. V | Molecular BioSystem | 10(12):3229-37 | 2014 | 3.183 |
22 | NF-κB activation and proinflammatory cytokines mediated protective effect of Indigofera caerulea Roxb. OnCCl4 induced liver damage in rats | Guruvaiah Ponmari, Arunachalam Annamalai, Velliyur Kanniappan Gopalakrishnan, Lakshmi P. T. V | International Immunopharmacology | 23(2):672-80 | 2014 | 2.722 |
23 | Inhibition of Pore Formation by Blocking the Assembly of Staphylococcus aureus α-Hemolysin Through a Novel Peptide Inhibitor: an In silco Approach | Nidhi Rani, Saravanan. V, Lakshmi P. T. V | International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics | 20(4): 575–583 | 2014 | 1.28 |
24 | – A fuzzylogic based allergen predictor | Saravanan. V, and Lakshmi P. T. V | Omics : A Journal of Integrative Biology | 18(9):570-81 | 2014 | 2.77 |
25 | Green synthesis and characterization of Ag NPs using aqueous extract of Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L | Annamalai. A, Christina. V. L. P, Christina. V, and Lakshmi P. T. V | Journal of Experimental Nanoscience | 9(2):113-119 | 2014 | 1.043 |
26 | Molecular Inhibition Of Telomerase Recruitment Using Designer Peptides: An In-Silico Approach | Amit Jaiswal and Lakshmi P.T.V | Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics | 33(7):1442-59 | 2014 | 2.983 |
27 | APSLAP: An AdaptiveBoosting Technique for Predicting Subcellular Localization of Apoptosis Protein | Vijayakumar Saravanan, and Lakshmi P. T. V | Acta Biotheoretica | 61:481–497 | 2013 | 0.950 |
28 | SCLAP: An Adaptive Boosting Method for Predicting Sub- chloroplast Localization of Plant Proteins | Saravanan. V, and Lakshmi P. T. V | OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology | 17(2): 106-115 | 2013 | 2.730 |
29 | Green synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of Au NPs using Euphorbia hirta L. leaf extract | Annamalai. A, Christina. V. L. P, Sudha. D, Kalpana, Lakshmi P. T. V | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 108: 60– 65 | 2013 | 4.287 |
30 | Sequence Analysis For Structure AndFunction Characterization Of Glutathione Reductase From Nostoc Sp. | Ithayaraja.C. M and Lakshmi P. T. V | International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences | 2(2): 9-47 | 2013 | 0.288 |
31 | Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Cardiospermum halicacabum based on Geographical Variation Using RAPD Markers | Annamalai.A, Christina. V.L, and Lakshmi. P. T. V | Pharmacognosy Communications | 2(1): 64-67 | 2012 | 0.75 |
32 | Evaluation of phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of successive solvent extracts of leaves of Indigofera caerulea Roxb using various | Ponmari .G, Annamalai. A, andLakshmi. P. T. V | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease | S118-S123 | 2012 | 0.75 |
33 | Plant Informatics- An Insight | Lakshmi. P. T. V | Pharmacognosy Communications | 2(1):5-11 | 2012 | 0.432 |
34 | Evaluation of phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of successive solvent extracts of leaves of Indigofera caerulea roxb using variou | Ponmari Guruvaiaha, AnnamalaiArunachalam, and Lakshmi. P. T. V | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease | 2(1): S118-S123 | 2012 | 0.75 |
35 | Molecular Docking Analysis of Phyto-Ligands with Multi Drug Resistant β-lactamases of Staphylococcus aureus | P.T.V. Lakshmi, S. Radhika and A. Annamalai | trends in bioinformatics | 4, 23-34 | 2011 | 0.276 |
36 | Effect of drying treatment on the contents of antioxidants in Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn | R. Sathishkumar, P. T. V. Lakshmi, A. Annamalai, and V. Arunachalam | pharmacognosy research | 2, 304-313. | 2011 | 0.3 |
37 | Mining of simple sequence repeats in the Genome of Gentianaceae | Sathishkumar, R., Lakshmi, P. T. V., Annamalai, A., & Arunachalam, V. | Pharmacognosy research | 3(1), 19. | 2011 | 0.376 |
38 | Insilico identification of potential inhibitors for farnesyl transferase from Aloe Vera for cancer | Lakshmi, P. T. V., & Rajalakshmi, P. A | International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS) | 2, 309-318 | 2011 | 0.4765 |
39 | PNEUMOCYSTIS JIROVECI PNEUMONIA | Jayaprakash Chinnappan and Palanisamy Thangavelan Lakshmi | The Journal of Applied Economics and Business Studies (JAEBS) | 171-176 | 2011 | 0.676 |
40 | A Study On The Genetic Diversity Analysis Of A Medicinally Potential Herb- Enicostemma Littorale Blume (Gentianaceae) | Lakshmi, P. T. V., Annamalai, A., & Ramya, C | International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences | 2(4), 238-445. | 2011 | 0.888 |
41 | Identification of Phyto-components and its biological activities of Aloe vera through Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry | Lakshmi, P. T. V., & Rajalakshmi, P. | International research journal of pharmacy | 2(5), 247-249 | 2011 | 0.276 |
42 | Molecular Docking Analysis of β-Catenin of Medulloblastoma with Aloe - Emodin of Aloe Vera | Lakshmi P.T.V*, S. Subashini , V. Sindhuja, A. Annamalai, R. Sathishkumar | International Journal of Biomedical Research and Analysis | V1 (1): 1-17 | 2010 | 0.466 |
43 | Comparative analyses of non enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants of Enicostemma littorale Blume, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences | R. Sathishkumar, P.T.V. Lakshmi and A. Annamalai, | International Journal of Pharma and Bio Science | V1 (2): 1-14 | 2010 | 0.45 |
44 | Sequence Based Information and Phylogenetic Analysis of Dihydrofolate Reductase in Pneumocystis | Jayaprakash Chinnappan, Subashini Swaminathan, & Palanisamy Thangavelan Lakshmi | International Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology | 1,0974-3073,77-88 | 2010 | 0.476 |
45 | In silico sequence specific analysis of ERBB2 RTK alterations responsible for neuroectodermal tumors of Homo sapiens | Lakshmi, P. T. V., & Subhashini, S. | Journal of Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis | 2(6), 75-84 | 2010 | 0.376 |
46 | Structure-function annotation and Phylogenetic strategy of nifH domain of a cyanobacterium- Chlorogloeopsis sp. | P.T.V. Lakshmi, S. Uma Maheswari and A. Annamalai | Indian J. of Biotechnology | 8: 46-52 | 2009 | 0.561 |
47 | A database for human Y chromosome protein data | P.P. Karthikeyan, P.T.V. Lakshmi, C. K. Dwibedi, A. Annamalai | Bioinformations | 1: 154-162 | 2009 | 0.85 |
48 | Effect of Drying Treatment on the Content of Antioxidants in Enicostemma littorale Blume | R. Sathishkumar, P.T.V. Lakshmi and A. Annamalai | Research Journal of Medicinal Plan | 3(3): 93 -101 | 2009 | 0.32 |
49 | HPTLC and HPLC Analysis of Bioactive Phyllanthin from Different Organs of Phyllanthus amarus., , Asian Journal of Biotechnology | Annamalai.A and P.T.V Lakshmi | Asian Journal of Biotechnology | 3(3): 93 -101 | 2009 | 0 |
50 | Sequence and Structure Comparison Studies of Phycocyanin in Spirulina Platensis | P.T.V. Lakshmi, Uma Maheswari S., Karthikeyan P.P., and Annamalai A | Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology | 1: 63-72 | 2008 | 0.58 |
51 | The Effects of Cyanobacterial (Blue Green Algae) culture filtrates on the biomass and biochemicals of Withania somnifera Dunal | P.T.V. Lakshmi and Annamalai A, | Asian Journal of Plant Sciences | 7(1): 37-43 | 2008 | 0.376 |
52 | Functional Annotation of Cyano Bacterial Genera Chlorogloepsis | P.T.V. Lakshmi, S. Uma Maheswari, | Bioinformatics Trends- A Journal of Bioinformatics and Applications | (2):69-70 | 2007 | 0.676 |
53 | Structure and function prediction of a hypothetical protein (Q307B9_SPIPL) of Spirulina platensis (Nordstedt) Geitler | P.T.V. Lakshmi, Uma Maheswari S, Annamalai A | Online Journal of Bioinformatics (OJB) | 8 (2): 179-188 | 2007 | 0.276 |
54 | An insight into Cyanobacterial genomics - a perspective | P.T.V. Lakshmi | Bioinformations | 2 (1): 8-11 | 2007 | 0.28 |
55 | Biochemical Studies on the response of organo-phosphorus insecticide and release of extra cellular products by cyanobacteria | Annamalai.A and P.T.V Lakshmi, | Research J. of Fisheries and Hydrobiology | 2(1): 13-17 | 2007 | 0.5 |
56 | Biochemical Studies on the response of organo-phosphorus insecticide and release of extra cellular products by cyanobacteria | Annamalai.A and P.T.V Lakshmi, | Research J. of Fisheries and Hydrobiology | 2(1): 13-17 | 2007 | 0.336 |
57 | Phylogenetic and Structural Analysis of ITS1 & ITS2 of Fasciolopsis buski. | P.T.V. Lakshmi and S. Uma Maheswari, | Bioinformatics Trends- A Journal of Bioinformatics and Applications. | 2(1): 57- 71 | 2006 | 0.89 |
58 | Effect of Cyanobacterial culture filtrate on the growth of Solanum nigrum. | P.T.V. Lakshmi, A. Annamalai and N. Anand | Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences | 27 (3): 483-488 | 2005 | 0.105 |
59 | Optimization of biofertilizer on growth, biomass and seed yield of Phyllanthus amarus (Bhumyamalaki) in sandy loam soil | Annamalai, A., PTV. Lakshmi, D. Lalithakumari and Murugesan, K | Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences | 26 (4): 717-720 | 2004 | 0.105 |
Papers Published in Non UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journals
S.No | Title | Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper | Journal Name | Volume, Issue & Page Nos. | Year | Impact Factor |
1 | Exploring the Phyto-Constituents of Ruellia patula (Acanthaceae) as Antibacterial Agent | 3. Chemmugil. P, Lakshmi. P. T. V and Annamalai. A | EC Microbiology | 7(5):133-148 | 2017 | Refereed Journal |
2 | Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Antibiotic Resistance | Lakshmi PTV | EC Microbiology Opinion | 6(1): 1 | 2017 | Refereed Journal |
3 | Reduction of Silver Ions by Cell Free Extracts of Westiellopsis sp. | Lakshmi. P. T. V, Devi Priyanka, and Annamalai. A | International Journal of Biomaterials | 2015(539494): 1-6 | 2015 | Refereed Journal |
4 | Detection and ComparativeAnalysis of Uber-operons of FabZ gene Responsible for Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in Nostoc Punctiforme Cyanobacterium | Lakshmi P.T.V, SathyaPriya, and Annamalai. A | Research & Reviews: A Journal of Bioinformatics | 1(1): 23-35 | 2014 | Refereed Journal |
5 | Insilico Modelling and Comparative Docking Studies of EWS-FLI1 Responsible for Ewing Sarcoma in Human Beings | Lakshmi P. T. V, Pragna Lakshmi. T, and Annamalai. A | Research & Reviews: A Journal of Bioinformatics | 1(1): 36-45 | 2014 | Refereed Journal |
6 | The Arabidopsis Stress Responsive Gene Database, International Journal of Plant Genomics | Borkotoky. S, Saravanan. V, Jaiswal. A, Das. B, Selvaraj. S, Murali. A and Lakshmi P. T. V | International Journal of Plant Genomics | 1:1-3 | 2013 | Refereed Journal |
7 | Molecular modeling approach and RMSD calibration for superimposed 3D structure of DHFR from Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP) | Jayaprakash. C, Lakshmi P. T. V | Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP), American Journal of PharmTech Research | 3(1): 1-15 | 2013 | Refereed Journal |
8 | SLocP Tool Box-An Integrated Platform for Predicting Sub Cellular Localization of Proteins | Saravanan. V, and Lakshmi. P. T. V | Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics | 5(2): 133-140 | 2012 | Refereed Journal |
9 | Comparative Computational Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Protein to Treat Lung Infections | Subhashini. R, and Lakshmi. P. T. V | International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics | 4(4):351-361 | 2012 | Refereed Journal |
10 | , Study on the Docking Analysis of Homocitrate Synthase Responsible for Hydrogen Production in Nostoc Punctiforme ATCC29133 | Lakshmi. P. T. V, Devi Priyanka, and Annamalai. A | American Journal of Bioinformatics Research | 2(6): 110-118 | 2012 | Refereed Journal |
11 | Estimation of biomass contents and phytoconstituent analysis of Enicostemma littorale Blume | Sathiskumar. R,Lakshmi. P. T. V and Annamalai. A | Int. J. Pharma and Bio Sciences | 3(3): B506-B522 | 2012 | Refereed Journal |
12 | High-throughput virtual screening for novel DHFR inhibitors of P. Jiroveci from the zinc database | Jayaprakash Chinnappan, and Lakshmi. P. T. V | Int. J. Applied biology and pharmaceutical technology | 3(4):425-438 | 2012 | Refeered Journal |
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
S.No | Title | Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper | Details of Conference Publication | Page Nos. | Year |
1 | PHYLOGENETIC RECONSTRUCTION USING DNA BARCODES TO UNDERSTAND THE DIVERSIFICATION AMONG MEMBERS OF THE FABACEAE | Abhijeet Roy & PTV Lakshmi | Fourth Indian Biodiversity Congress (IBC 2017), Pondicherry University | 1-13 | 2017 |
2 | A Fuzzy Inference System for Predicting Allergenicity and Allergic Cross-reactivity in Proteins | Saravanan V and Lakshmi PTV | IEEE International Conference Proceedings on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine. China | - | 2013 |
3 | A perspective approch to genomics of nitrogen fixing organism | PTV Lakshmi | National Seminar on "New trends in Bioinformatics" | article 9 | 2007 |
S.No | Title of the Book | Name of the Authors as per the order in Book | Publisher | Year | ISBN No. |
1 | Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia (BioInformatics approach) | PTV Lakshmi, Jayaprakash C and Mohanraj | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | 2014 | 978-3-8484-4559-2 |
2 | Biological and Biodiversity of Microalgae In: Response of Divap 100 on the Release of extracellular product of Cyanobacteria(Blue Green Algae) | PTV Lakshmi and Anand.N | LAP Lambert Academic Publishing | 2009 | 430-442 |
Chapters in Books
S.No | Title of the Chapters | Name of the Authors | Title of the Book | Publisher | Year | ISBN No. |
Edited Books
S.No | Title of the Book | Name of the Authors as per the order in Book | Publisher | Year | ISBN No. |
Ongoing Projects
S.No | Title of the Project | Sponsored By | Period | Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) | Year |
1 | Comparative evaluation through kinetic and metabolic profiling of the identified selective poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1(PARP-1) inhibitors with clinical inhibitors | ICMR, Dept.of Health Research, Ministry of health and Family Welfare, Government of India | 3 | 33,22,942 | 2021 |
Ongoing Consultancy Works
S.No | Title of the Consultancy Work | Sponsored By | Period | Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) | Year |
Completed Projects
S.No | Title of the Project | Sponsored By | Period | Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) | Year |
1 | Insilico screening and comparision of Phyto-chemicals to target Angiotensinogen (AGT) of hypertension attributing to heart failure | DST-Fast track | 3 | Rs. 14,61,200 | 2010 |
2 | A Probablistic Approach to Interact the Substrate- Aloe emodin with proteins targeting for Neuroectodermal Tumor | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 3 | Rs. 9,66,800 | 2008 |
Completed Consultancy Works
S.No | Title of the Consultancy Work | Sponsored By | Period | Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) | Year |
Career Guidance Offered to students
S.No | Name of the Scheme | No. of Students | Competitive Examinations/ Career Counseling | No. of Students Passed | No. of Students Placed |
List of capability enhancement such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab,
Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,
S.No | Name of the Programme/Scheme | Date of Implementation | No. of Students Enrolled | Agencies Involved |
Research Guidance - PG
S.No | Year | Degree | No. of Students Awarded | Department/Centre |
1 | 2022 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics |
2 | 2022 | M.SC | 4 | Bioinformatics |
3 | 2021 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
4 | 2021 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
5 | 2020 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
6 | 2020 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
7 | 2019 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
8 | 2019 | M.SC | 3 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
9 | 2018 | M.SC | 3 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
10 | 2018 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
11 | 2017 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
12 | 2017 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
13 | 2016 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
14 | 2016 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
15 | 2015 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
16 | 2015 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics, Pondicherry University |
17 | 2014 | M.SC | 3 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
18 | 2013 | M.TECH | 1 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
19 | 2013 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
20 | 2012 | M.SC | 3 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
21 | 2011 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
22 | 2011 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics, Bharathiyar University from BICPU |
23 | 2011 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics, Pondicherry University |
24 | 2010 | M.SC | 2 | Bioinformatics,Pondicherry University |
25 | 2010 | M.SC | 8 | Bioinformatics, Bharathiyar University |
26 | 2009 | M.SC | 8 | Bioinformatics, Bharathiyar University |
27 | 2009 | M.PHIL | 6 | Bioinformatics, Bharathiyar University |
28 | 2008 | M.PHIL | 4 | Bioinformatics, Bharathiyar University |
29 | 2008 | M.SC | 6 | Bioinformatics, Bharathiyar University |
30 | 2007 | M.SC | 4 | Bioinformatics, Bharathiyar University |
31 | 2007 | M.PHIL | 1 | Bioinformatics, Bharathiyar University |
Research Guidance - Ph.D
S.No | Student Name | Registration Date | Registration No. | Thesis Title | Thesis Submitted Status | Thesis Submitted Date | Vivavoce Completed Status | Date Awarded |
1 | Chandan Kumar | 03-09-2014 | - | Identification and Evaluation of Specific PARP-1 Inhibitors as a Potent Anticancer Agents | YES | 31-07-2019 | YES | 07-02-2020 |
2 | P. Chemmugil | 30-07-2012 | - | Phytochemical Composition, anti-bacterial and anti-quorum sensing potential of Ruellia patula Jacq. (Acanthaceae) | YES | 24-07-2018 | YES | 25-07-2019 |
3 | Nidhi Rani | 05-06-2013 | - | Inhibitory effect of quercetin derivatives on penicillin binding protein (PBP2A) of Methicillin resistance Staphylococus aureus | YES | 30-04-2016 | YES | 27-03-2017 |
4 | Saravanan V | 04-07-2013 | - | Ensemble Machine Learning Approaches for Functional Annotation of Plant proteomes | YES | 29-08-2014 | YES | 06-03-2015 |
5 | Ithayaraja, M | 09-07-2011 | - | Studies on the Physiological Characterization and Theoretical Analysis of Glutathione Reductase in the Cyanobacterium- Nostoc Sp. | YES | 31-12-2013 | YES | 22-08-2014 |
6 | Jeyaprakash, C | 08-07-2009 | - | Exploiting High-Performance DHFR Interactions (in silico and in vitro) to target Pneumonia | YES | 28-09-2012 | YES | 09-12-2013 |
7 | S. Subhasini | 07-07-2008 | - | In silico and invitro evaluation of the anti-tumor property of Aloe emodin as a potential lead for primitive neuro ectodermal tumor | YES | 31-08-2011 | YES | 08-05-2012 |
8 | Pa Rajalakshmi | 05-07-2008 | - | In silico analysis of Phytochemicals isolated and characterized from Aloe vera L. as a Potential Drug for Cancer | YES | 31-08-2011 | YES | 09-04-2012 |
9 | Sathish Kumar | 09-07-2007 | - | Studies on the effect of isolated and Characterized Phytochemical Compound of Enicostemma littorale Blume on the cancer targets | YES | 10-02-2011 | YES | 09-08-2011 |
10 | Barsha Kalita | 31-07-2018 | Experimental and computational studies to explore potentials of Citrus limon spp. from Assam | NO | NO | |||
11 | Amrendra Kumar | 05-08-2019 | Computational studies to unravel the regulatory mechanism of corn silk(stigma maydis) under biotic stress and to examine its anti-diabetic properties | NO | NO | |||
12 | Raja Rajeswary T | 16-09-2016 | - | Drought responsive gene regulation in Poaceae Family : Insilco approach | NO | NO | ||
13 | Abhijeet Roy | 06-06-2016 | - | Computational omics approaches to identify and annotate the functions of CAZymes in a vascular wilt causing Fusarium oxysporum formae specialis (Nectriaceae) | YES | 17-05-2022 | NO | |
14 | Faizan Ahmad | 06-06-2016 | - | Therapeutics for Anti- Angiogenesis in Non-small lung cancer – An In-Silico and In-vivo approach | NO | NO | ||
15 | Aiswarya Jayaprakash | 01-09-2016 | - | Unraveling the Host Pathogen Interaction Mechanism of Arachis hypogaea L. With Aspergillus flavus | NO | NO | ||
16 | Anjali Chaudhary | 29-01-2021 | - | Experiments to study the mechanism of isoflavonoids as an anti-fungal agent by targeting the CAZymes | NO | NO |
Research Guidance - Post Doctoral
S.No | Scholar Name | Designation | Funding Agency | Fellowship Title | Year of Joining | Year of Completion |
Financial assistance availed to attend conferences / workshops and to pay membership fee
of professional bodies during the year
S.No | Conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided | Professional body for which membership fee is provided | Amount of Support | Place | From Date | To Date | Year |
E-Lecture Details
S.No | E-Lecture Title | Development of e-content/e-learning/delivering | Member of Editorial Bodies | Reviewer/Referee of | |||
Content/Module Title | Institution/Platform | Year | Weblink |
Details of Online Education Conducted
S.No | Nature of Online Course | No. of Sessions | Target Group | Date |
Invited Talks in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme
S.No | Title of the Paper | Conferences/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme | Organized by | Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level | From | To | Year |
1 | Computational Explorations to Overcome the Anti-Microbial Resistance in Bacteria | ICSBCADD - 2022 | Alagappa University | International Conference cum workshop | 21-11-2022 | 25-11-2022 | 2022 |
2 | Integration of “OMICS” to tackle the biological problems- A know how? | HRDC | Bharathiar University | National | 12-08-2022 | 12-08-2022 | 2022 |
3 | Knowledge on the Modern Science Advances the understanding of traditional information in Plants | Seminar | ES Arts and Science College, Villupuram, Thiruvallur University. TamilNadu, India | National | 08-01-2020 | 08-01-2020 | 2020 |
4 | Applying modern tools as a Smart Gateway to meet the Challenges in Plant Sciences | Conference | Department of Botany, Alagappa University. TamilNadu, India | National | 07-11-2019 | 07-11-2019 | 2019 |
5 | Bioinformatics: A Smart Gateway for Drug Design and Discovery | Seminar | Dr.A.Venugopal Auditorium, Taramani Campus, organised by the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Uni | National | 19-03-2018 | 19-03-2018 | 2018 |
6 | Bioinformatics and its applications in Plant Biology | Workshop | RUSA, Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women, Puducherry. | National | 12-04-2017 | 12-04-2017 | 2017 |
7 | Methods and resources for pathway and gene network analysis | Refresher Course | HRDC, Pondicherry University | National | 10-12-2017 | 10-12-2017 | 2017 |
8 | 4. A visit to the recent progress of cyanobacterial cells as the factory of biofuel | Symposium | Centre for Bioinformatics, Pondicherry University | National | 24-02-2017 | 24-02-2017 | 2017 |
9 | 3. Role of computers in biology in RUSA sponsored Workshop on Applications of Software tools in Plan | workshop | Bharathidasan Government College for Women, Pondicherry | College | 12-04-2017 | 12-04-2017 | 2017 |
10 | 2. Exploiting In-Silico and Wet-lab based Approaches to Study the Therapeutic Potentials of phyto-co | Seminar | Sengamala Thayar Educational Trust Women’s College, Sundarakottai, Mannargudi, Thanjavur | National | 22-09-2017 | 22-09-2017 | 2017 |
11 | Computational studies to target Penicillin Binding Protein 2a of MRSA | Training programme | Department of Microbial Technology, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University | National | 31-12-2016 | 31-12-2016 | 2016 |
12 | 5. The Journey of Bioinformatics for Microbial Studies | Training programme | Department of Microbial Technology, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University | National | 31-12-2016 | 31-12-2016 | 2016 |
13 | 9. Medicinal Plant Informatics- use of databases, tools and insilico methods for drug design | Conference | Department of Botany, Quied-a-Milleth Govt College, Chennai | National | 09-01-2015 | 09-01-2015 | 2015 |
14 | 7. Role of Bioinformatics databases and tools in the process of drug design | Refresher Course | HRDC, Pondicherry University | National | 03-03-2015 | 03-03-2015 | 2015 |
15 | 10. The prospective Approaches of Converting of OTUs to MOTUs using modern tools | Refresher Course | HRDC, Pondicherry University | National | 05-12-2013 | 05-12-2013 | 2013 |
Conferences/Seminars Organized
S.No | Title of the Programme | Sponsors | Venue & Duration | Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level | From | To | Year |
1 | RNASeq - From Library Establishment to Data Analysis | DBT | Dept. of Bioinformatics 3 days | National | 16-02-2022 | 18-02-2022 | 2022 |
2 | Trends in Cancer Omics | ICMR | Pondicherry University | National | 14-03-2018 | 14-03-2018 | 2018 |
3 | Cross-talks in OMICS | Pondicherry University and DBT | Pondicherry University 1 Day | National | 09-08-2017 | 09-08-2017 | 2017 |
4 | Advances in Structural and Functional Bioinformatics (ASFB2008) | Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education | Bharathiar University | National | 12-08-2008 | 12-08-2008 | 2008 |
Workshop Organized
S.No | Title of the Programme | Sponsors | Venue & Duration | Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level | From | To | Year |
1 | Machine learning in Biological & Medical Sciences | PU & ISCA | Dept. of Bioinformatics, 2 days | National | 27-10-2022 | 28-10-2022 | 2022 |
2 | RNASeq - From Library Establishment to Data Analysis | DBT | Dept. of Bioinformatics | National | 16-02-2022 | 18-02-2022 | 2022 |
3 | Perspectives of Chemoinformatics for drug discovery | DST | Pondicherry University | National | 13-02-2013 | 16-02-2013 | 2013 |
4 | Drug Design and Industrial Applications | DBT | Pondicherry University | National | 05-03-2012 | 08-03-2012 | 2012 |
Administrative Responsibilities in the Government and Quasi Government Agencies
S.No | Name of the Position | Agency/Organisation | Duration | Nature of Duties |
1 | Chief Warden-Girls hostels | Pondicherry University | 2.6 years | complete Hostel & mess administration |
2 | DPC members | Pondicherry University | 3 years | promotion for group B,C & D staffs |
3 | selection committee | Pondicherry University | whenever required | CAS promotions & Direct recruitment of teachers at different levels- Assistant Lecturer, Associate and Professor |
4 | Inspection committee | Pondicherry University | at needy hours | inspecting the Infrastructure, curriculum, positions filled etc to engineering and nursing colleges affiliated to Pondicherry University |
5 | Evaluation committee | Pondicherry University | whenever required | to review the applications for eligibility to Ph.D guidance |
Affiliation in Academic Bodies/Societies
S.No | Name of the Body/Society | Nature of Affiliation | Year |
1 | Indian Science Congress Association | Life member | 2010 |
2 | Indian Botanical Society | Member | 2000 |
Participation & Extension Activities (Academic/Administraion)
S.No | Name of the Position (Head, Dean, Co-ordinator, Director, etc.,) | Duration | Nature of Dutites |
1 | Vice Chancellor nominee | 3 years | Academic and admission commitees of various departments |
2 | governing body | 3 years | Member of the governing body of Raak Nursing and Paramedical College and Manakula Vinayaka Institute of Technolgy, Puducherry |
3 | Inspection Committee | 3 years | Member of Inspection Committee for various programs of affiliated colleges |
4 | Stock verification committee member | 3 years | auditing of books, furnitures, softwares, hardwares, tools, chemicals and glasswares including instruments to various departments |
5 | Library committee | 3 years | Member of the Library committee |
6 | planning and purchase Member | 3 years | planning and purchase of books, equipments, chemicals etc for the Center. Selection committee for DBT trainee fellowship admission |
7 | Admission co-ordinator | 10 years | PG and Ph.D admissions |
8 | Advisory Board Committee member | 10 years | Advisory Board Committee for UGC –SAP –Centre for Bioinformatics |
9 | Faculty in charge | 14 years | formation of both PG and Ph. D Time table for course work and for the conduct of examinations |
10 | Vice Chancellor nominee | 3 | PG passing board-Programme Committee |
Participation & Extension Activities (Co-Curricular)
S.No | Name of the Position (NSS, NCC, Warden etc.,) | Duration | Nature of Dutites |
1 | Chief Warden of Girls Hostels | Since February 2020 | Complete administration |
Collaboration with Institution/Industry
S.No | Collaborator Name | Designation | Institution/Industry | Type | Nature of Collaboration | Period of Collaboration | Visits to Collaborating Institution / Industry |
Details of Collaborative Research/Teaching | ||
From Date | To Date | From Date | To Date |
Faculty Development Programme Attended (Orientation, Refresher, other Short Term Course during the year)
S.No | Title of the FDP | Organiser | Venue | Duration | From Date | To Date | Year |
Details of Executive Development Prog/Management Development Prog. conducted
S.No | Name of the Programme | No. of Participants | Venue | Duration | From Date | To Date | Year | Revenue Generated |
Participation in IMPESS, IMPRINT, SPARC, STARS, LEAP Programme etc and DSF Funding Programme
S.No | IMPRESS/IMPRINT/SPARC/STARS/LEAP/Others | Place | From Date | To Date | Year |
Enrolment under ARPIT Programme
S.No | Name of the Programme | Period of the Programme | |
From Date | To Date |