SARMILA ACHARIF Associate Professor

Profile Picture

  • Department of French
  • School of Humanities

Academic Activity

Academic Activity Picture1

Academic Activity Picture2

Educational Qualification (UG,PG & Higher Order)

S.No Degree Subject/Title of thesis University/Board Year of Passing
1 Ph.D. Identity of Muslim Women Pondicherry University 2016
2 M.Phil French Pondicherry University 2001
3 M.A. French Pondicherry University 1998
4 B.A. French Pondicherry University 1996

Area of Specializaion

French Language and Civilisation, French and Francophone Literature

Awards / Prizes Conferred

S.No Name / Title of the Award Type Name of the Agency conferred the Award Year of the Award Amount for Cash Award
1 Certificate for Best Teacher STATE Pondicherry University 2018 Certificate
2 Certificate for Best Teacher STATE Pondicherry University 2010 Certificate

Teaching Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution
1 Lecturer French Kodailkanal Christian College
2 Lecturer French SRM University, ChennaI
3 Lecturer French Indira Gandhi College of Arts & Science, Pondicherry
4 Assistant Professor French Pondicherry University
5 Language Assistant Lycee Jean Perrin, Lambersart France
6 Lecturer French Alpha Higher Secondary School

Research Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution Area of Research

Industry Experience

S.No Designation Company/Corporate Nature of Work

Contribution towards Innovation

S.No Name of the Work/Contribution Specialization Remarks

Patent Details

S.No Title Status Patent Number Year of Award Type Commercialized Status

Papers Published in UGC Approved Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor

Papers Published in Non UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Articuler une nouvelle marque d’identite : le courage exceptionnel de Samia Shariff dans Le voile de la peur. Dr. Sarmila Acharif Contemporaneity of Language and Literature in Robotized Millennium Volume 1(2), 2019 2019 5
2 Fight against dishonour and victimization in La Voyeuse Interdite by Nina Bouraoui Dr. Sarmila Acharif International Journal of English Language, Literature Pages 319-323, Special Issue 2018 5

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Details of Conference Publication Page Nos. Year
1 La perception de la culture à travers Les Aventures de Tintin Sarmila Acharif Colloque International: Litterature de Jeunesse - Reel et Imaginaire 116-119 2013


S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Chapters in Books

S.No Title of the Chapters Name of the Authors Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN No.
1 L’Insolente de Kaboul: an itinerary of a Free Afghan Woman Dr. Sarmila Acharif South Asian Literature in English - New and emerging trends AUTHORS PRESS 2017 ISBN: 978-93-5207-522-5
2 Value of Comics in Education: Teaching the History of France through Asterix Sarmila Acharif Language, Literature: Newer Perspectives Bodhivanam, Chennai 2016 978-93-80690-35-3
3 Briser la loi du silence pour sortir de son Malheur : une experience dechirante de Samira Bellil dans L’Enfer des Tournantes Sarmila Acharif Marginalisation et Resistance: Repenser la Femme Langers International 2016 ISBN : 978-93-85478-43-7

Edited Books

S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Ongoing Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Ongoing Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Career Guidance Offered to students

S.No Name of the Scheme No. of Students Competitive Examinations/ Career Counseling No. of Students Passed No. of Students Placed

List of capability enhancement such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab,
Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

S.No Name of the Programme/Scheme Date of Implementation No. of Students Enrolled Agencies Involved

Research Guidance - PG

S.No Year Degree No. of Students Awarded Department/Centre
1 2019 M.A. 8 French
2 2018 M.A. 9 French
3 2017 M.A. 9 French
4 2016 M.A. 8 French
5 2015 M.A. 7 French
6 2014 M.A. 8 French
7 2013 M.A. 3 French
8 2012 M.A. 7 French
9 2011 M.A. 6 French
10 2010 M.A. 6 French
11 2009 M.A. 4 French

Research Guidance - Ph.D

S.No Student Name Registration Date Registration No. Thesis Title Thesis Submitted Status Thesis Submitted Date Vivavoce Completed Status Date Awarded

Research Guidance - Post Doctoral

S.No Scholar Name Designation Funding Agency Fellowship Title Year of Joining Year of Completion

Financial assistance availed to attend conferences / workshops and to pay membership fee
of professional bodies during the year

S.No Conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided Professional body for which membership fee is provided Amount of Support Place From Date To Date Year

E-Lecture Details

S.No E-Lecture Title Development of e-content/e-learning/delivering Member of Editorial Bodies Reviewer/Referee of
Content/Module Title Institution/Platform Year Weblink

Details of Online Education Conducted

S.No Nature of Online Course No. of Sessions Target Group Date

Invited Talks in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme

S.No Title of the Paper Conferences/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme Organized by Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year
1 COVID ’19 : LES DEFIS D’ENSEIGNER EN LIGNE Conference Department of Languages,Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya, Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyde National 28-05-2020 29-05-2020 2020
2 Un Survol des Litteratures Francophones Guest lecture Department of French, Pondicherry University State 27-02-2020 27-02-2020 2020
3 Le Profil d’un apprenant : Vecteur d’Apprentissage en FLE Conference Department of Languages, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, V International 01-03-2019 01-03-2019 2019
4 Articuler une nouvelle marquee d’identite: le courage exceptionnel de Samia Shariff Conference RSRI Conference on “Contemporaneity of Language and Literature in the Robotized Millennium” National 04-10-2019 05-10-2019 2019
5 “Rétablissment de la dignité des femmes en Afghanistan: le but acharné de Chekeba Hachemi, Conference Centre for French and Francophone Studies, November 2 – 3, 2019, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) National 02-11-2019 03-11-2019 2019
6 Acquisition de Compétences en Français Resource Person, Workshop Department of French, Avinashilingam Insititue for Home Science & Higher Education for Women, Deemed State 21/01/2019 21/01/2019 2019
7 L’evolution des strategies d’apprentissage dans FLE Conference IXth International Congress of AITF International 14-02-2019 16-02-2019 2019
8 Fight against Dishonour and Vicitimization in La Voyeuse Interdite by Nina Bouraoui Conference , PG and Research Department of English, Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Resear International 28-03-2018 29-03-2018 2018
9 L’Insolente de Kaboul : An itinerary of a Free Afghan Woman Seminar Department of English, Bharathidasan government college for women, Puducherry National 05-01-2017 06-01-2017 2017
10 L’enseignement de la grammaire fonctionnelle : l’autostructuration Conference Ethiraj college for Women, Chennai, Tamilnadu International 07-09-2017 08-09-2017 2017
11 Prononcez un mot en Français Resource Person, Workshop Department of French, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women, Chennai. State 20/09/2017 20/09/2017 2017
12 Acquisition of Comprehensive Listening Skills Resource Person, Workshop Department of Languages, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu National 15/03/2017 15/03/2017 2017
13 Essential Speaking Skills in French Resource Person, Workshop Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Arts College, Puducherry Regional 26/10/2016 26/10/2016 2016
14 Briser la loi du silence pour sortir de son Malheur: une experience dechirante de Samira Bellil Seminar Department of French, Pondicherry University National 08-03-2016 10-03-2016 2016
15 Value of comics in Education: Teaching the history of France Conference Department of English and Communication, Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills National 04-02-2016 05-02-2016 2016
16 The Art of Speaking Resource Person,Workshop Department of Languages, Indira Gandhi College of Arts & Science, Kathirkamam, Puducherry Regional 19/09/2015 19/09/2015 2015
17 Opportunities – Learning Indian and Foreign Languages Resource Person, Workshop Departments of French, Sanskrit, Placement and Counseling Centre, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed Colle International 17/02/2014 17/02/2014 2014
18 L’image de la femme musulmane dans L’Insoumise et Devoilee Seminar Department of French, Pondicherry University National 06-03-2013 07-03-2013 2013
19 Efficacite du multimedia dans l’enseignement du francais Seminar Department of French, Pondicherry University National 27-01-2012 28-01-2012 2012
20 La perception de la culture à travers Les Aventures de Tintin Conference Department of French, Pondicherry University International 21-03-2012 23-03-2012 2012
21 L’aliénation et la recherche d’identité dans “L’Orphelin” de Naïm Kattan Seminar Department of French Studies, EFL - University, Hyderabad International 27-10-2009 29-10-2009 2009
22 La quête identitaire dans “L’Orphelin” de Naïm Kattan Seminar Bharathidasan Government College for Women, Puducherry National 26-03-2009 28-03-2009 2009
23 La crise identitaire dans “Châteaux en Espagne” de Naïm Kattan Seminar Department of French & IAQC, Pondicherry University National 14-03-2008 15-03-2008 2008

Conferences/Seminars Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Workshop Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year
1 Lights, Camera .... Atelier! Self Online Platform - Zoom (2 hours) International 26-06-2020 26-06-2020 2020

Administrative Responsibilities in the Government and Quasi Government Agencies

S.No Name of the Position Agency/Organisation Duration Nature of Duties

Affiliation in Academic Bodies/Societies

S.No Name of the Body/Society Nature of Affiliation Year
1 TheSpian Magazine, An International Refereed Journal Editorial Board 2020
2 Academic Audit, Lady Doak college, Madurai External Expert 2019
3 Board of Studies, Department of Hindi Member 2018
4 Board of Studies,French, BGCW, Pondicherry Pondicherry University Nominee 2018
5 Women Cell, Pondicherry University Faculty Representative 2018
6 Board of Studies, French, Lady Doak college, Madurai University Representative 2017

Participation & Extension Activities (Academic/Administraion)

S.No Name of the Position (Head, Dean, Co-ordinator, Director, etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites

Participation & Extension Activities (Co-Curricular)

S.No Name of the Position (NSS, NCC, Warden etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites

Collaboration with Institution/Industry

S.No Collaborator Name Designation Institution/Industry Type Nature of Collaboration Period of Collaboration Visits to Collaborating
Institution / Industry
Details of Collaborative Research/Teaching
From Date To Date From Date To Date

Faculty Development Programme Attended (Orientation, Refresher, other Short Term Course during the year)

S.No Title of the FDP Organiser Venue Duration From Date To Date Year

Details of Executive Development Prog/Management Development Prog. conducted

S.No Name of the Programme No. of Participants Venue Duration From Date To Date Year Revenue Generated

Participation in IMPESS, IMPRINT, SPARC, STARS, LEAP Programme etc and DSF Funding Programme


Enrolment under ARPIT Programme

S.No Name of the Programme Period of the Programme
From Date To Date