PADMAVATI G. Professor

Profile Picture

  • Department of Ocean Studies & Marine Biology (A & N Campus)
  • School of Life Sciences

Academic Activity

Academic Activity Picture1

Academic Activity Picture2

Educational Qualification (UG,PG & Higher Order)

S.No Degree Subject/Title of thesis University/Board Year of Passing
1 Ph. D Japan Abundance, Vertical distribution and life cycle of Metridia pacifica and M. okhotensis (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific Ocean Hokkaido University, Japan 2002
2 Ph. D India Zooplankton ecology of estuarine and near shore waters of Goa Berhampur University, India 1994
3 M.Phil. Distribution of copepods in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries, Goa Berhampur University, India 1991
4 M.Sc. Marine Biology, Fisheries Berhampur University, India 1985

Area of Specializaion

Marine Biology (Planktonology)

Awards / Prizes Conferred

S.No Name / Title of the Award Type Name of the Agency conferred the Award Year of the Award Amount for Cash Award

Teaching Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution
1 Associate Professor Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry Univesity
2 Assistant Professor Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry University
3 Professor Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry University

Research Experience

S.No Designation Department/Centre Institution Area of Research
1 CSIR Research Associate Biological Oceanography National Institute of Oceanography, Goa Zooplankton
2 DBT Post Doctoral Fellow Marine Living Resources Andhra Univesity Zooplankton
3 DST Women Scienist Marine Living Resources Andhra University Zooplankton
4 Assistant Professor Ocean Studies and Marine Biology Pondicherry University Marine Biology

Industry Experience

S.No Designation Company/Corporate Nature of Work

Contribution towards Innovation

S.No Name of the Work/Contribution Specialization Remarks

Patent Details

S.No Title Status Patent Number Year of Award Type Commercialized Status

Papers Published in UGC Approved Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Reappearance of stomatopod Gonodactylus platysoma (Wood-Mason, 1895) after an era from the intertidal region of Chota Balu, South Andaman, India Mohammed Naha N, Muthu & Pongener, Limaangnen & Padmavati, G. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14. 21302-21306 2022 0.56
2 Environmental isolation of Candida auris from the Coastal Wetlands of Andaman Islands, India Parth Arora, Prema Singh, Yue Wang, Anamika Yada, Kalpana Pawar, Ashutosh Singh, G. Padmavati, Jianping Xu and Anuradha Chowdhary International American Society For Micro Biology 12(2); DOI10.1128/mBio.03181-20 2021 7.6
3 First Record of Tortanus (Atortus) murrayi Scott A., 1909 (Calanoida, Tortanidae) from Indian Ocean with Notes on its Female Morphology I. Anamdavelu R. Jayabarathi G. Padmavati Thalassas : An International Journal of Marine Sciences 2020 0.62
4 Ecological and diurnal relationship between phytoplankton diversity and environmental variables in South Andaman Island R. Karthik, G. Padmavati, C. H. Ramesh and R. Siva Sankar National Journal of Marine Biological Association of India Doi: 10.6024/jmbai.2020.62.2.2092-10 2020 5.4
5 First report of two species of Anoplodactylus (Pycnogonida :Phoxicilidiidae) from the intertidal region of South Andaman, India Muthu Mohammed Naha N, Limaangnen Pongener & G. Padmavati In Frontiers in Benthic Science 9.99-106 pp 2020 4.4
6 First report of Gonodactylus smithii (Pocock, 1893) from South Andaman, India (Crustacea : Stomatopoda) S. Krishna Niveditha, Limaangnen Pongener & G. Padmavati Zootaxa. 4688 (3): 447–450. ISSN 1175-5326 2019 1.1
7 Diurnal variation of phytoplankton community in the coastal waters of South Andaman Island with special emphasis on bloom forming species Safet Padhan, Karthik R., & G. Padmavati Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences Vol. 48 (09), , pp. 1383-1397 2019 0.5
8 Meiofauna and microalgae associates on the pneumatophores of Avicennia marina from the coastal waters of South Andaman, India Limaangnen Pongener, G Padmavati & R Jayabarathi International Journal of Zoology Studies Volume 3; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 203-212 2018 RG 5.14
9 Meiofaunal distribution and abundance from the Intertidal seagrass patches of Chidiyatapu, Port Blair Naufal, P.J. and G. Padmavati Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 47 (2): 357-364 2018 0.289
10 Spatial and Diurnal Variability in Primary Productivity and Composition of Phytoplankton in the Coastal Waters of South Andaman Jayati Mukherjee, G. Padmavati, Tuhin Ghosh International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology Volume 6 Issue III, ISIN:2321-9653 2018 7.5
11 Study on Chiton from the Intertidal Region of South Andaman Sneha Kumari, Limaangnen Pongener and G. Padmavati Journal of the Andaman Science Association Vol. 23(1):43- 52, ISSN 0970-4183 2018 -
12 Dietary preference of three species of Periophthal mus from the mangrove swamp of South Andaman Anisha Ani Benadict, G. Padmavati* and Limaangnen Pongener Journal of the Andaman Science Association Vol. 23(1):53-57, ISSN 0970-4183 2018 -
13 Proximate and elemental composition of Stolephorus commersonnii (Lacepede, 1803) from the coastal waters of South Andaman M. Arun Kumar and G. Padmavati Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences Vol. 46 (03).1000-1007pp. 2017 0.289
14 Monitoring the Diatom bloom of Leptocylindrusdanicus (Cleve 1889, Bacillariophyceae) in the coastal waters of South Andaman Island Karthik, R. andG. Padmavati Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences Vol. 46 (05).958-965 pp. 2017 0.289
15 Intense rare bloom of Chaetoceros tortissimum (Gran) in relation to water quality assessed using multivariate statistical approach at Chouldari Bay, S Karthik R & G. Padmavati Cahiers de Biologie Marine 58: 423-433 2017 RG 0.68
16 Distribution, diversity and carbon content of the tintinnids from the coastal waters of Port Blair, South Andaman Sai Elangovan S. & G. Padmavati Regional Studies in Marine Science 14 (2017) 132–144 2017 1.152
17 Comparision between microzooplankton population in polluted and moderately polluted coastal waters of Port Blair, South Andaman S. Sai Elangovan, G. Padmavati. R. Karthik, R. Sivasankar, O. Damodar Rakesh and M. Arun Kuamar Environmental Monitoring Assessment 189-13 2017 1.804
18 Diversity and distribution of heterotrophic dinoflagellates from the coastal waters of Port Blair, South Andaman Sai Elangovan S. & G. Padmavati Environmental Monitoring Assessment 189:614 2017 1.804
19 Monitoring the bloom of Leptocylindrus danicus (Cleve, 1889, Bacillariophyceae) in the coastal waters of South Andaman Island Karthik R., G. Padmavati, Sai Elangovan S. & V. Sachithanandam Indian J Geo Mar Sci 46 (05) pp 958-965 2017 0.5
20 Distribution and Abundance of Gelatinous Zooplankton in Coastal Waters of Port Blair, South Andaman Fuad Saneen C.V & G. Padmavati Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology Volume 5 Issue 6 2017 -
21 Monitoring the bloom of Leptocylindrus danicus (Cleve, 1889, Bacillariophyceae) in the coastal waters of South Andaman Island Karthik R., G. Padmavati, Sai Elangovan S. & V. Sachithanandam Indian J Geo Mar Sci 46 (05) pp 958-965 2017 0.5
22 Habitat Ecology and Ichthyofaunal Diversity of Two Creeks and Their Associated Streams from Port Blair, South Andaman Islands M. Arun Kumar, S. Venu, and G. Padmavati International Journal of Ecology 1-8 2016 RG 0.82
23 First record of the Pink lipped moray eel, Echidna rhodochilus(Bleeker, 1863) (Family: Muraenidae) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India M. Arun, S. Venu and G. Padmavati International Journal of Oceanography 1-4 2016 RG 0.41
24 Meiofaunal Distribution and Abundance from the Intertidal seagrass patches of Chidiyatapu, Port Blair Naufal, P,J, and G. Padmavati Indian J Geo Mar Sci MS 3158 2016 0.5
25 Food and Feeding Dynamics of Stolephorus commersonnii (Lacepede, 1803) (Family: E ngraulidae) from South Andaman M. Arun Kumar, G. Padmavati, and S. Venu Journal of Marine Biology 1-8 2015 RG 0.85
26 Two New Species of Tortanus (Atortus) (Copepoda: Calanoida, Tortanidae) from the Andaman Islands Nishida Shuhei, I. Ananadavelu and G. Padmavati Crustaceana 88(2): 216-230 2015 0.5
27 Tidal variation of Phytoplankton in the coastal waters of South Andaman A. Chakraborty, G. Padmavati and A. Ghosh Journal of Environmental Biology 36: 207-214 2015 0.697
28 First Record of the Reef Fish, Lesson’s Thick Lip Plectorhinchus lessonii (Cuvier 1830) (Family: Haemulidae) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands Jayanthi G, Arun Kumar M, Narayani S, Venu S, Jayaraj KA and Padmavati G Journal of Marine Biology and Oceanography 4: 1. 2015 1.13
29 Spatial heterogeneity of benthic copepods: a comparative aspect on composition, abundance, and correlation R Jayabarathi, G Padmavati and I Anandavelu Zoological Studies 1-9 2015 1.054
30 Dinoflagellate Bloom Produced by Protoperidiniumdivergens. Response to Ecological Parameters and Anthropogenic Influences in the Junglighat Bay of Sou Karthik R & G. Padmavati Applied Environmental Research 36(4): 19-27 2014 -
31 Occurrence of dinoflagellate bloom of Ceratium furca in the Coastal Waters of South Andaman Karthik R, G. Padmavati, and R. Jayabarathi 2014 International Journal of Current Research 6 (2): 4906-4910 2014 1.85
32 First Record of the Calanoid Copepod Pseudodiaptomus serricaudatus (Scott, T. 1984), (Copepoda: Calanoida: Pseudodiaptomidae) in the Equatorial Indi V. Rebekki, J. Narvekar, G. Padmavati, A. Verenkar, M. Gauns and S. P. Kumar Asian Fisheries Science 27: 149-159 2014 1.1
33 Occurrence of Dinoflagellate bloom of Ceratium furca in the Coastal Waters of South Andaman Karthik R, G. Padmavati and R. Jayabarathi International Journal of Current Research 6(2): 4906-4910 2014 1.84
34 Silicate as the probable causative agent for the periodic blooms in the coastal waters of South Anadaman Sea Karthik R, M. Arun Kumar and G. Padmavati Applied Environmental Research 36(2): 37-45 2014 -
35 Phytoplankton diversity in the coastal waters of Port Blair, South Andaman, India A. Chakraborty, G. Padmavati, A. Ghosh, R.S. Singh and P.K. Pal Geophytology 44(1): 1-9 2014 -
36 First Record of Herviellamietta Marcus and Burch, 1965 from the Andaman Islands, Indian Ocean (Nudibranchia: Aeolidina: Glaucidae) Baskaran, R, I, Ananadavelu, N, Karpoorasundarapandian, P.M. Mohan and G.Padmavati Marine Biodiversity Records 6(64): 1-4 2013 0.33
37 First Record of Herviella mietta Marcus and Burch, 1965 from the Andaman Islands, Indian Ocean (Nudibranchia: Aeolidina: Glaucidae) Baskaran, R; I, Ananadavelu, N, Karpoora sundarapandian, P.M. Mohan and G.Padmavati. Marine Biodiversity Records MBDR-11-12-OA-0213.R3 2013 2.7
38 Climate changes influence the phytoplankton bloom (Prymnesiophyceae: Phaeocystisspp.) in North Andaman coastal region V. Sachithanandam, P.M. Mohan, R. Karthik, S. SaiElangovan and G. Padmavati Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 42: 58-66 2013 0.289
39 First report of the Green Mantis Shrimp Gonodactylellusviridis (Serène, 1954) (Crustacea: Stomatopoda) from seagrass habitat of the South Andaman coa R. Jayabarathi, I. Anandavelu & G. Padmavati Journal of Threatened Taxa 5(10): 4517-45204 2013 NAAS 5.10
40 Phytoplankton Abundance and Diversity in the Coastal Waters of Port Blair, South Andaman Island in Relation to Environmental Variables Karthik R, Arun Kumar M, Sai Elangovan S, Siva Sankar R and Padmavati G J Mar Biol Oceanogr 1:2 2012 5.4
41 Abundance, species composition of microzooplankton from the coastal waters of Port Blair, South Andaman Island Sai Elangovan, Arun Kumar M Karthik R Siva Sankar R Jayabarahi R and Padmavati G Aquatic Biosystems 8: 20 2012 SJR 0.5
42 Species composition, Abundance and distribution of Phytoplankton in the Harbour Areas and Coastal Waters of Port Blair, South Andaman R. Siva Sankar and G. Padmavati International Journal of Oceanography and Marine Ecological System 1(3): 76-83. ISSN 2224-249 2012 -
43 Abundance and Species Composition of Harpacticoid Copepods from a Sea Grass Patch of South Andaman, India R. Jayabarathi, G. Padmavati and I. Anandavelu Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4(6): 717-724 2012 0.6
44 Occurrence of Trichodesmium erythraeum bloom in the Coastal Waters of South Andaman Arun Kumar, M., Karthik, R., Sai Elangovan, S. and Padmavati, G International Journal of Current Research 4 (11): 281-284 2012 1.8
45 Phytoplankton Abundance and Diversity in the Coastal Waters of Port Blair, South Andaman Island in Relation to Environmental Variables Karthik R, Arun Kumar M, Sai Elangovan S, Siva Sankar R and Padmavati G J Mar Biol Oceanogr 1:2 2012 5.4
46 Phenology in large grazing copepods in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific A Yamaguchi, K. Ohgi, T. Kobari, G. Padmavati and T. Ikeda Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido Japan 61(1) 13-22 2011 -
47 Vertical distribution of mesozooplankton, especially calanoid copepods, in the upper 1000m of the eastern Andaman Sea (Bay of Bengal). G. Padmavati, B. Kondala Rao and Y. Kasivishweshwara Rao Journal of Marine Biological Association India 50 (2): 177-190 2008 NAAS 5.28
48 Life cycle, population structure and vertical distribution of Metridia spp(Copepoda:calanoida)in the Oyashio region (NW Pacific Oce G. Padmavati, T.Ikeda and A. Yamaguchi Marine Ecological Progress Series 270:181-198 2004 2.619
49 Vertical distribution of mesozooplankton in the central and eastern Arabian Sea during the winter monsoon G. Padmavati , P. Haridas, K.K.C. Nair, T.C.Gopalakrishnan, P.Shiney and M. Madhupratap Journal of Plankton Research 20 (2): 343-354 1998 2.1
50 Lack of seasonal and geographic variation in mesozooplankton biomass in the Arabian Sea and its structure in the mixed layer 10. M. Madhupratap, T.C. Gopalakrishnan, P. Haridas, K.K.C. Nair, P.N. Aravindakshan, G. Padmavati and Shiney Paul Current Science 71: 863-869 1996 0.883
51 Zooplankton ecology in the Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system of Goa, west coast of India G. Padmavati and S. C. Goswami Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 25: 268-273 1996 0.3
52 Zooplankton production, composition and diversity in the coastal waters of Goa S. C. Goswami and G. Padmavati Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 25: 91-97 1996 0.3
53 Zooplankton distribution in neuston and water column along west coast of India from Goa to Gujarat G. Padmavati and S. C. Goswami Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 25: 85-90 1996 0.3
54 Response of Zooplankton to Physical Changes in the evironment: Coastal Upwelling Along the Central West Coast of India M. Madhupratap, S.R. Sreekumaran Nair, P. Haridas and Gadi Padmavati Journal of Coastal Research 6(2): 413-426. 1990 0.9

Papers Published in Non UGC Approved Peer Reviewed Journals

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Journal Name Volume, Issue & Page Nos. Year Impact Factor
1 Distribution and Abundance of Gelatinous Zooplankton in Coastal Waters of Port Blair, South Andaman Fuad Saneen C.V & G. Padmavati Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology Volume 5 Issue 6 2017 -
2 First Record of the Calanoid Copepod Pseudodiaptomusserricaudatus (Scott, T. 1984), (Copepoda: Calanoida: Pseudodiaptomidae) in the Equatorial Indian V. Rebekki, J. Narvekar, G. Padmavati, A. Verenkar, M. Gauns and S. P. Kumar Asian Fisheries Science 27: 149-159 2014 -
3 Occurrence of Dinoflagellate bloom of Ceratium furca in the Coastal Waters of South Andaman Karthik R, G. Padmavati and R. Jayabarathi International Journal of Current Research 6(2): 4906-4910 2014 SCIF 5.349
4 Biochemical composition and calorific value of zooplankton from the coastal waters of South Andaman M. Arun Kumar, G. Padmavati and I. Anandavelu Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 3(3): 278-287 2013 -
5 Epifaunal assemblage on morphologically distinct intertidal seaweeds of Kodiyaghat (South Andaman), India I. Anandavelu, R. Jayabarathi, G. Padmavati and K.A. Jayaraj Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 3(3): 229-237 2013 -
6 Abundance and Species Composition of Harpacticoid Copepods from a Sea Grass Patch of South Andaman, India R. Jayabarathi, G. Padmavati and I. Anandavelu Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4(6): 717-724 2012 GIF 0.496
7 Occurrence of Trichodesmiumerythraeum bloom in the Coastal Waters of South Andaman Arun Kumar, M., Karthik, R., SaiElangovan, S. and Padmavati, G, International Journal of Current Research 4(11): 281-284 2012 SJIF 7.749
8 Phytoplankton abundance and diversity in the coastal waters of Port Blair, South Andaman Island in relation to Environmental variables Karthik, R. M. Arun Kumar, S. Sai Elangovan, Siva Sankar & G. Padmavati Journal of Marine Biology and Oceanography 1:6 2012 1.3
9 Species composition, Abundance and distribution of Phytoplankton in the Harbour Areas and Coastal Waters of Port Blair, South Andaman R. Siva Sankar and G. Padmavati International Journal of Oceanography and Marine Ecological System 1(3): 76-83 2012 -

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

S.No Title Name of the Authors as per the order in Paper Details of Conference Publication Page Nos. Year
1 Ethno-Phycology of Intertidal Seagrass from Munda Pahar Beach, South Andamn Island, and its conservation for a sustainable Island Biodiversity Naufal P.J & G Padmavati Fourth Indian Biodiversity Congress (IBC 2017) 1-16 2017
2 Biochemical composition and calorific value of zooplankton from the coastal waters of South Andaman M. Arun Kumar, G. Padmavati, I. Anandavelu Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 3(3): 278-287 2013
3 Epifaunal assemblage on morphologically distinct intertidal seaweeds of Kodiyaghat (South Andaman), India I. Anandavelu, R. Jayabarathi, G. Padmavati and K.A. Jayaraj Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 3(3): 229-237 2013
4 Species Composition, Abundance and Diversity ofMeiobenthic Fauna in Mangrove Sediments of South Andaman Isalands M. Savurirajan, R. Jayabarathi, G. Padmavati and T. Ganesh National Seminar on Innovative Technologies for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Island Biodiversity 222-241 2012
5 Zooplankton variability and copepod assemblage in the coastal and estuarine waters of Goa along the central-west coast of India C.T. Achuthankutty, Neelam Ramaiah & G. Padmavati Biogeography, IOC Workshop Report no. 142 2000


S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Chapters in Books

S.No Title of the Chapters Name of the Authors Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN No.
1 Developmental biology of calanoid copepod (Arthropoda:Crustacea) Pseudodiaptomus serricaudatus in the coastal waters of Visakhapatnam G. Padmavati Food Technology and Research Advancement Discovery Publishing House PVT. LTD 2018 978-93-86841-49-0
2 Developmental biology of calanoid copepod (Arthropoda:Crustacea) Pseudodiaptomus serricaudatus in the coastal waters of Visakhapatnam G. Padmavati Food Technology and Research Advancement. Discovery Publishing House PVT. LTD 2018 978-93-86841-49-0
3 Developmental biology of calanoid copepod (Arthropoda:Crustacea) Pseudodiaptomus serricaudatus in the coastal waters of Visakhapatnam G. Padmavati Faunal Biodiversity and Biotechnology DPH Pvt. Ltd. India 2018 978-93-86841-44-5
4 Zooplankton diversity with special emphasis on copepods in the Indian Ocean G. Padmavati Lesser Known Marine Animals of India Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata 2015 978-81-8171-414-5
5 Zooplankton diversity with special emphasis on copepods in the Indian Ocean Dr. G. Padmavati : Lesser Known Marine Animals of India ZSI, Kolkata 2015 978-81-8171-414-5
6 Distribution of Pleuromamma (Copepoda: Metridiidae) along a north-south transect in the Indian Ocean S.C. Goswami, S. N. Gajbhiye and G. Padmavati Oceanography of the Indian Ocean Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. 1992 8120407350
7 Microdistribution of zooplankton in the neustonic relam of theeastern Arabian Sea during southwest monsoon C.T. Achuthankutty, S.R. Sreekumaran Nair, Vijayalakshmi R. Nair, G. Padmavati and M. Madhupratap Oceanography of the Indian Ocean Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. 1992 8120407350

Edited Books

S.No Title of the Book Name of the Authors as per the order in Book Publisher Year ISBN No.

Ongoing Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Ongoing Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Completed Projects

S.No Title of the Project Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year
1 Shore Line Changes and its impact on coastal ecosystem by using RS and GIS NRS, Hyderabad May 2015- May-2018 20 Lakhs 2018
2 Ecology and community structure of Zooplankton in the coastal waters of South Andaman Sea with special emphasis on secondary production and proximate compositon UGC 2012-2015 Rs.11,15,800 2015

Completed Consultancy Works

S.No Title of the Consultancy Work Sponsored By Period Sanctioned Amount(Rs. Lakh) Year

Career Guidance Offered to students

S.No Name of the Scheme No. of Students Competitive Examinations/ Career Counseling No. of Students Passed No. of Students Placed

List of capability enhancement such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab,
Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

S.No Name of the Programme/Scheme Date of Implementation No. of Students Enrolled Agencies Involved

Research Guidance - PG

S.No Year Degree No. of Students Awarded Department/Centre
1 2018 M.SC 5 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
2 2017 M.SC 4 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
3 2016 M.SC 2 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
4 2015 M.SC 3 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
5 2014 M.SC 4 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
6 2013 M.SC 2 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
7 2012 M.SC 3 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
8 2011 M.SC 3 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
9 2010 M.SC 2 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
10 2009 M.SC 4 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
11 2008 M.SC 2 Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology

Research Guidance - Ph.D

S.No Student Name Registration Date Registration No. Thesis Title Thesis Submitted Status Thesis Submitted Date Vivavoce Completed Status Date Awarded
1 Anandavelu I 14-08-2012 PU/CE/E9/PHD/2012-13/ Studies on Mesozooplankton with special emphasis on Calanoid Copepods from the Coastal Waters of South Andaman YES 19-10-2016 YES 18-02-2019
2 Jayabarathi R. 05-09-2011 PU/CE/E9/PHD/2011-12/ Spatial Heterogeneity and Biodiversity of Harpacticoid Copepods and other Meiofaunal Associates within the Seagrass patches of South Andaman YES 05-03-2018 YES 27-04-2018
3 S. Sai Elangovan 17-09-2010 PU/CE/E9/PHD/2101-11/ Sudies on Microzooplankton from the Coastal Waters of South Andaman YES 03-07-2015 YES 29-07-2017
4 R. Karthik 02-09-2011 PU/CE/E9/PHD/2011-12/ Studies on Phytoplankton from the coastal waters of South Andaman with special emphasis on bloom forming species YES 11-01-2016 YES 29-07-2017
5 PARTH ARORA 17-08-2018 1800119005 Study on fungi associated with the intertidal seagrass patches of south Andaman, India NO NO
6 N MUTHU MOHAMMED NAHA 13-08-2018 1800119004 Studies on macrofauna associated with the seaweeds from the intertidal zone of south Andaman NO NO
7 Ravi Pratap Singh 19-08-2016 20161119001 Studies on Phytobenthos from the coastal waters of South and Middle Andaman NO NO
8 Limaangnen Pongener 07-09-2015 20151119001 Studies on Meiobenthos from Mangrove Ecosystem in South Andaman YES 02-03-2021 NO
9 Late M. Arun Kumar 27-10-2010 PU/CE/E9/PHD/2101-11/643 Trophodynamics of the Pelagic Ecosystem in the Coastal Waters of South Andaman YES 20-10-2015 NO
10 RAIHANA. R 12-01-2022 2100119003 Studies on meifauna from the seaweeds patches from the intertidal zone of south Andaman, India NO NO

Research Guidance - Post Doctoral

S.No Scholar Name Designation Funding Agency Fellowship Title Year of Joining Year of Completion

Financial assistance availed to attend conferences / workshops and to pay membership fee
of professional bodies during the year

S.No Conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided Professional body for which membership fee is provided Amount of Support Place From Date To Date Year

E-Lecture Details

S.No E-Lecture Title Development of e-content/e-learning/delivering Member of Editorial Bodies Reviewer/Referee of
Content/Module Title Institution/Platform Year Weblink

Details of Online Education Conducted

S.No Nature of Online Course No. of Sessions Target Group Date

Invited Talks in Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme

S.No Title of the Paper Conferences/Seminar/Workshop/Training Programme Organized by Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year
1 Ethnophycological aspects of seagrass, a step towards its conservation in Andaman Islands International Seagrass Biology Workshop 13 ISBW007 National University of Singapore, Singapore International 11/06/2018 17/06/2018 2018
2 Harmful algal bloom: A possible health issues for tribal population of A & N Islands Socio-legal rights of tribal in Andaman & Nicobar Islands: Issues and challenges Andaman Law College, Port Blair National 16/03/2018 17/03/2018 2018
3 Marine eco cultural attributes among the aborigines of A & N Islands Socio-legal rights of tribal in Andaman & Nicobar Islands: Issues and challenges Andaman Law College, Port Blair National 16/03/2018 17/03/2018 2018
4 A baseline outlook on the conservation of tribal languages and culture in A & N Islands Socio-legal rights of tribal in Andaman & Nicobar Islands: Issues and challenges Andaman Law College, Port Blair National 16/03/2018 17/03/2018 2018
5 Introduction of methods of population count Green Skill Development Programme Botanical Survey of India National 12/03/2018 12/03/2018 2018
6 A study on Tintinnids (Loricate ciliates) from the mangrove proximal zone waters of Port Blair, Sout International Symposium on Ciliate Biology, ISCB University of Delhi, New Delhi International 04/04/2018 06/04/2018 2018
7 Marine Angiosperms in South Andaman Island, with special reference for its Ethnomedicinal value and National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization (NSBCS-2017) Dept. of Botany, Coimbatore, Bharathiar University National 20/03/2017 21/03/2017 2017
8 Marine Ethno-Biology of Littoral Seagrass from South Andaman Island, Perspectives and Implications f National Biodiversity Congress: Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Sustainable Development-3rd National Biodiversity Congress Kerala State Biodiversity Board, Thiruvananthapuram National 23/02/2017 24/02/2017 2017
9 A study on Mobile Meiobenthic Grazers from Littoral Seagrass Patches of Mundapahar, South Andaman Is National Seminar on Marine Ecosystem Heath, MEH, 2017-0-2 Dept. of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology National 15/03/2017 16/03/2017 2017
10 Ethno-Phycology of Intertidal Seagrass from Munda Pahar Beach, South Andamn Island, and its conserva Fourth Indian Biodiversity Congress (IBC 2017) Pondicherry University, Puducherry National 10/03/2017 12/03/2017 2017
11 Meiofaunal distribution and abundance from the intertidal seagrass patches of Chidiyatapu, Port Bla International Conference on Climate change adaptation and biodiversity, Ecological sustainability and resourece management Andaman Science Association International 08/12/2016 10/12/2016 2016
12 A Study on the Distribution of Ethno-medicinal Seagrasses in Chidiyatapu, South Andaman and its Awar National seminar on Ethno-Medicinal Practices in Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Scope, Limitation and Prospectives Regional Research Centre of Ayurveda, Ministry of Ayush, GOI Port Blair National 11/11/2016 12/11/2016 2016
13 Zooplankton diversity with special emphasis on copepods in the Indian Ocean Lesser Known Marine Animals of India Zoological Survey of India, Port Blair National 11/06/2015 13/06/2015 2015
14 Ecosystem Characterization of Indian Coastal waters National Experts Workshop CSIR- National Institute of oceanography and Bay of Bengal large marine ecosyste project in collabra National 20/10/2014 22/10/2014 2014
15 Tidal variation of phytoplankton in South Andaman and its implication on the future climate change National Seminar on recent recent trends in Marine and Estuarine sciences Department of Marine science, University of Calcutta National 21/06/2013 22/06/2013 2013
16 A suggestion to prevent the coastal zone pollution with special emphasis on zooplankton study in Cha National Conference on Marine Environmental Challenges and Coastal Zone Management Strategy Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu National 13/02/2012 14/02/2012 2012
17 Nutrients are the probable causative agent for the periodic Phytoplankton Bloom in Coastal waters of 3rd Indian Landslides Congress Andaman & Nicobar Administration, Port Blair National 04/10/2012 05/10/2012 2012
18 Developmental Biology of Pseudodiaptomus serricaudatus (Crustacea: Copepoda) reared in the laborator National Conference on recent advances in biotechnology Department of Biotechnology, Majhighariani Institute of technology and science National 06/12/2011 06/12/2011 2011
19 Biofuels and Bio energy from Marine Algae National Conference on recent advances in biotechnology Department of Biotechnology, Majhighariani Institute of technology and science National 06/12/2011 06/12/2011 2011

Conferences/Seminars Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Workshop Organized

S.No Title of the Programme Sponsors Venue & Duration Whether International / National / State / Regional / College or University Level From To Year

Administrative Responsibilities in the Government and Quasi Government Agencies

S.No Name of the Position Agency/Organisation Duration Nature of Duties

Affiliation in Academic Bodies/Societies

S.No Name of the Body/Society Nature of Affiliation Year

Participation & Extension Activities (Academic/Administraion)

S.No Name of the Position (Head, Dean, Co-ordinator, Director, etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites
1 Ladies Hostel Warden 9 years Hostel Warden

Participation & Extension Activities (Co-Curricular)

S.No Name of the Position (NSS, NCC, Warden etc.,) Duration Nature of Dutites
1 Coordinator for Annual Cultural program Port Blair Campus 3 years Coordinating the program

Collaboration with Institution/Industry

S.No Collaborator Name Designation Institution/Industry Type Nature of Collaboration Period of Collaboration Visits to Collaborating
Institution / Industry
Details of Collaborative Research/Teaching
From Date To Date From Date To Date

Faculty Development Programme Attended (Orientation, Refresher, other Short Term Course during the year)

S.No Title of the FDP Organiser Venue Duration From Date To Date Year

Details of Executive Development Prog/Management Development Prog. conducted

S.No Name of the Programme No. of Participants Venue Duration From Date To Date Year Revenue Generated

Participation in IMPESS, IMPRINT, SPARC, STARS, LEAP Programme etc and DSF Funding Programme


Enrolment under ARPIT Programme

S.No Name of the Programme Period of the Programme
From Date To Date