The Department of Physics came into existence in June 1987. The department offers postgraduate programmes and conducts research in frontier areas of Physics. The Department has been recognized for special funding by DST under the fund for Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (FIST-Level II) and UGC-SAP DRS-I Programms. The faculty members have obtained major research grants exceeding Rs 7.0 crore from different funding agencies such as DST, AICTE, UGC, IFCPAR, DRDO, DAE, INSA and CSIR, Government of India. The research activities have resulted in publication of more than 425 research papers in peer-reviewed journals. The members of the faculty have been accorded with several national, international awards, fellowships and are members in the National Committees, referees of many national and international journals.
A large number of visitors come to interact with faculty/students and for collaborative research work with faculty members. At present, our faculty members are doing collaborative research work with leading scientists in India and Abroad and are doing International projects with Germany and Brazil Scientific agencies. The Department currently offers a five-year integrated M.Sc., a two-year M.Sc with three specializations viz., Lasers, Condensed Matter Physics and Electronics.

Powder X-ray diffractometer, Impedance analyzer, FTIR spectrometer, Laser based experiments, Computing laboratory, Ultrasonic interferometer, Microwave bench, Glove box, Battery cycle tester, Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Susceptibility meter,High temperature furnaces, Spinner magnetometer. AFM/STM, Thin film Unit Infrastructure facilities.
In addition to the above facilities, we have well equipped Central Instrumentation Facility with the following facilities for advanced research work: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Impedance Analyser, Ultrasonic Pulse Echo Interferometer, VSM (Lakeshore), UV-VIS-IR Spectrometer (Varian), Digital Nano Volt and Current Meters (Keithely), MMR, Scanning Electronic Microscope, Virtual Instrumentation System Lab, Spectroflourimeter, Nd-YAG, Titanium Saphire Laser etc.
M.Sc. Physics (2 years) programme is offered with three Specializations (Condensed Matter Physics/ Laser Physics/ Electronics)
M.Sc. Physics (5 year Integrated)
Ph.D. Physics (Full-time)
The question paper will consist of 100 objective type questions. For M.Sc.(Physics) Five Year Integrated: The objective question paper covers all the subjects equally among Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics at +2 level.. For M.Sc.(Physics) (2 years): The objective question paper covers all the subjects at U.G. degree with Physics as Main and Mathematics and Chemistry as ancillaries. For M.Phil. and Ph.D. Courses: The objective question paper covers all the subjects under P.G. course in Physics.
The students of Department were placed in leading scientific laboratories as well as in MNCs. Our students have been successful in the national level examinations viz., GATE / CSIR-UGC resulting in research placements in India and Abroad
Research seminars by eminent scientists in and abroad and also by students are periodically organized for the benefit of research scholars and P.G. students. We have also conducted several national level seminars / workshops and many DST-PAC meetings to encourage research activities.
The thrust areas of research are:
• Materials science & Nanomaterials
• Solid State Ionics & Battery Materials
• Nonlinear optics and dynamics, Solitons
• Magnetism & Magnetic Materials
• Semiconductor & Photonic Materials
• Lasers & Photonics
• Computational Physics & Biophysics
• Ion-Solid Interactions